
Could gOYcrnmcnt and magie be closcly rclatcd?

Matthews asks for open-mindedness among students

“Same old issue” of rape descrves quick ^ttention

I m «ntmg m regard to tlw "same old iwup" of rapr |f Hou.d swm co me. when S4>methjr»g as rape keeps happening »ime and time again. the sensible response is to tr\ and precenl it (>ne surb rape prev*ntioo program i* the Women s Transit

Authority. which is run out of the WomeV« ( enter. and it‘s on the verge nf ,iosing Whv? Because the t mvemity won t support it Not only won i rhcy support. they don l provid- one cent toward rape P* eventmn program*. The> woni evrn !ight the campus in areas wh«cli bace been repeated site* of rape

The l mv»rsity of llltnnis pronde* a transpnrtation M*mce lor rape prevention nhich the campus pnlice hełped organize Sil' K.dwar:L»ville pro-.ides money for an ei:tire Hape Cnunseang Semce

We pay luition. and *• should liave some deciscon where our money goes. Therrs no excuse why a unicersity this sue doesnt assist in rape prevention program* Therrs also no *xcuse why »e stand for it * The Women j. ('enter. the Graduate Student Counril. and Student * Ailiance ot Social Workers are sponsonng a ' Speak Out.” especialiy so we can voice

our opmion It ia schenuled for Thursday. Decem ber 7.

8 00 p m in Student Center Ba Urnom A This is pcesenOy nur last chance efore the WTA will stop running because of lack of Lmversity fundmg. buf let s not stop Jłere The mcreasing number of rape*

have shown it a not *afe for women to walk alone a* mght. and that includr* on our om* campus. Whv? Because sotne of us have caught ''.-Md of the same atitude o*' the l'niversity adminrlation That is to ignoce the brnie Rapes happen Let * wock toward presenting as many as we can

Dehbie Cudworth Senior. Social Welfare

In lonfcir*; nver ofd and nrn lcxtb**nk' in a ( arhoril.tif si ire i« imt the Sil" slore I carne acros» an »r*łcresiing hjle 'Exorvism i ivrnnuip Black Magie with While Magie S|«*p B.id l-uck Altraet Large Sums of Money ”

But Hhat nas really Idsrinat ng nas I Iw fact thal

The letter bv Ted Matthews *n.i relation from EdwardsviUe sparked a rare urge in me to write a letter to the editor I d like tocoiT.ment on the Daily Egyptian s cnverage of my s.npeachment and the issues that the D K has failed to cm er

By now it should he cum mon knowledge that the D E has failed to cover the entire spectrum of mv tmpeachmmr w*ih the objecfjvtfy that i* rerjured of a newspaper Kor esampłe. when reporting on my symposium they decided tn do the article •yerhatim Yerbatim u in qnotes because verv important comments were mystenousiy drleted from the frr-nscript. The nios* notable commrnl being editor m ^hief Bruce Kodmans He madę an emotional. heart-wren* hing speech and ended by saying that when he first met me. he respreted me. !xjt now he no lociger respecta me This outburst was followed by much apptause. cheera. etc That'* fine. a person has a right to fee! one way about annthcr person, but wh-n you re editor in chief of a newspaper. łtwi here is where the troub'e hegins Hodman has dcfimtely abused his pnwer b> allowmg ternbly hiavd stnr:o to pace fhe page* of the |) E The front p-jge and the eciitonal page ha\e hoth hewr. used by Rodman and hi* mob to influence słudeni« agamst me. The editoriai cartoons also *erve to further ridicule

One very important issue that the L> K failed to cover was how »iary Haynes obtamed my student informatior We know what she has said but did Sfty:ne chck Admrasions and Kecords’’ I did. ar.d they empłutiK-ally claim that the-y didn t release the informauon And. when a Molation of ihis naturę

the Unik H.ł> nexi to    U!)    and in»al


Noh I know uhdi make* SpringMeUl aork łhe »jy it Aorks

(• < Wiegand l’r<»fł'svir Kmcritus E eonom ic

iKTurs. shouldn t the president of the Umversit\ b**

guestinned” Student* ar*' his business and his ronimcois on a Molation of student* right* w.sild Iw musi va)uable

Annther important *sw rot rovemJ by th»- DE w.is that twonew senator* we.*e se»i«ed ihe mght of m> impeachinent W hen a senator is seated. he-she enjm* a)l the rights of .< senatiH- which inciude* yoi.ng pmileges When voting on violations of ’he v onstitution. i e (i F A and class hours thi- oufcon.e a a* IS-3- J Had lh«* vote been Ib ', i, the bill woułd hu\e been defeated In * »her w ord* the two new >enators' yo^e* were sigm f u ant \ot«*s I emphasize new because. as far as I knm*. they had no previous contact with the senate ind its pruceeding* They most understandably owldn t have known whar they were doing

I ha\e ask-d DE reporter* wh% tu > go after pohtician* with such fervor They always reply thaf the\ are taugbt to he a che< k on government‘s power anc like machinę like creatures. they attack Th**' I have to ask. “Who is the check on the media s p^wer-’” thie could sa% that the .'ustice I>epartment serves this funchon but malinou* ir.tent is often difficult. if not impiK»*ible to proye

In conclusion I d like to say that I am a student first ar.d Student Body President second I ask that you. the student*, keep an open mind ahuut anythmg that the D K prints comermng ar.ything especialiy Student (łmemment

(ijmek CT-ntor Matthews Studeni Body President

Social workers ailiance announccs support for WTA Coverageon saleof

Attendance adcocated for Thursday WTA hearir.g

J0tVie*VMAM .. p ^ you Z i HAY

HTu** SA -A* I rce*o»- t£Au '*łoJM <U 5-4*><a

uh6    r cas

rau-'    a r

TheStuu*nł Ailiance of Socu.1 Workers support* the Women * Center * actions tn preventmg rape in the Carhondałe area We believe the l;niverMły has an obhgation to provide a safe environment for the fen lale studenta and facułty enem bers of Sd*herf» I,.mm* l:niveraity We believe that the L’mvera»'.y should help fund the Women * Transit Authority sińce it is the only (orm of mght transpor*auon at 'abfe for l'niversity* women, The l ruversity should also improce the lighting on campus as a rape prevention mea>ure

The Student Ailiance of Social W orkers endorses the Stop Rape petitions which were circiilated on campus The adnurustrV.ion ignored theie peations

The occuerence of rape on iamp;s and in the community must be eliminated through a city wide. adequately fum>d. system of tr-insportation. In th-winter. it’ lurns dark as ear!y as S p.m.. and is *uhp*tpłenU> dangei«j« U> walk anywhere a Jonę Wilhoul a car or fuH-Ume escort. my *afety ts threatened when I am o»jt at mght.

The WTA is the only ireans of public transportaticn in Carhondałe which offera the essential means cl preyentmg assaul* If I need a nde somewhere x'ter dark. the van procides this service. and I am prołected Wrhout set iire fundmg. WTA operaticns will end Decen.ber 15 Since .March. theCmyersity and citv each prosided equai fundmg for the WTA project on a tnal basis Now. they refuse to continue their support Do thev heliece rape is not a problem here’’ I am aware of 15 reported rape* which occurred in a month

I address mv pira *.o the dectsion makers and law makers o/ our communily — l'niver*ity administrator* and elected city offic:.«b What altemative do you propose to procide nrcessary protection for md*-"duałs ihrea*-med by attack’ Yoti are respnnsih!v lor the w**fire of thr utuens you goeem by yetomg funda for i iw W.’A. >o»; a:e


« nr AfU    J


Ahar-w^-.iHT Z PC HA KA * 5*0*'IN-

evm fhough 4.000 peopłe sigm-d the petlUon* asking for better lighting ano support of the WTA Tc roponse of the admin^stration to the rr<}uest* of the studenta ta a char indicauan that the aort Inutratko forta no re*ponaitolity for the nmieiy oi l.nr-ersity women Our AUtanre is helping (os^ionsor a sp.^ak-out on the WTA . Decem ter 7. at a <» p wi . m dallroom A of the Student Center. We urge alt student* and facuity to ałteryJ this mreiing We must work together to eony mcc the ddmmistration of it* responsibility in U*Iping to prevenł rape on our campus

Kathicc •. Mullaghy Jr . iai WtTfare

tgnonng the fact that rape is a senous and prevaihng issue in this community I challenge any of you to uphołd the rła»m it i> sale to walk aione h<*re. after dark

It is a provincial bureaucracy which refir.es u> act an an issue of this naturę The I niversity msists there is t certain palb on which the lighls are brighter Suel. this doesn t encompar%s the entire community Thf o.*y refuses to suppor* any form of public tr insporWion because one attc.^.pt. five years ago. fiiled The pojgtl»tion of Carhondałe. stuomts and nsidents comh«oed. now re^chea nearly jo.wo The a-ea «s exp»ridmg uikI v»e need rhangę* m attitudes and połu*»es toconfront the dangers which are known

The WTA i> holding * >*jblic hearing Thursday e\enmgat8pm a Bailnwm A This is a n opport unity to collectiyely uiscuss idea* for $olving the repeated mcidence of sexual .assault. If you >jppott the opera'.”*) of the WTA or can v^gest a *iable altematiw. ! urge ;«u to atiend This issue of person il safety can no longer be ignored

Cathy Baet-ler Junior, i reative wnting

ty Garry Trudęau

M -JM MU *.

jr\ <*£ z rtuUAs now Z CTUPS,lf£JZ<L * VOAL£ f

basketball tickets lacketl

Thi> letter i* tn the person or prr^oo* who v*er in

ehmnte at publklamg oa<t cryorrt,na rłrrjr Che »mta ai spasoi- hasfcetbaU Uckerw for students I read tl^e Dai*> Egyptian evrrvday from frrwif to baefc f did nr?: sec anv anmHincements as (o wi^ a ^rson h»s io ge.* * number ta stand tn linę Pi>ase correct me if I am wrorg • The only item I did about ticket*. was the one in Mooday s Dai*y Egyptian. stating tha: -umb*rs pasśed out the Thursday prior to tm- ^ale

• e f. ke. and that tickets vould go on sale Monday mommg at 7 :® a m I 1 nu- p-opk- • ho receised number* on Thursday they happrned to walk by the Arena at the time number* «ere being handed out • and they now havr good basketball seat* for the whole seasnn

I know it i* too late to do ar.ything nhout this ma** t now I bel eve in the futurę th>r» should be an announcemml a* to when person* tan p*ck nom bers to get m Ime for tickels. or the present system shoukJ be improced to accomodate the students wishing to purchase season tickets. such a* the pubłic. i e. mail order form on a fir*«-come-fir*t-serve basis

Karen J l'sher Sophocnore.rourt Reporting

Irresponsible bicyclists need their own >aths


In a recent issue of the DE iNov. 8) a young man qu<*' toned the need for i^parate bicycle paths. The au J-oc cited the lack of senous accidenłs u e. L-ofcen S as reasno enough not to sępa ratę cyc list* from othv"r pedcstń.»,

Weil. l*r.ieiredirectopł>Teri»:-. Ai mesubject of this letter Sever«t w-^ek* a«o Jrhile. » wheełeKair n# rhę mourued type. v as rMtr.mng to Thompeor. Point via Tłiornpson Wonds. I v*s strućk by an tncoming cvcbsL Tłu* person bid an entire pai* of i • path. sine* T was on the far nghthand *ide. io hrs n* 'K and he went to the left and direetły «nto my nght irm.

After a rtsill- the health service. I discoverec t »I oow have a bacDy bruised shoulder. w nulled mus*. <e. and poeeible slight dislocabon also.

Does an accident have to be senous’ And who will be tne one to judge what is senous and what is not?

! believe that if the people w io nde bikes csumot łook out for theother guy according to the nile* of the road like they*re tuppoaed to. then by ali means put • ‘hem on their owo pa tKsmtbe na me of safety!

My apoiogies to those cyclisu who do drive with care.

Sheryl SungaU Freshrr»an. Speech Palhology

Doiły f oyption Cecember 7 1978    5


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