1 Biochcmical Engineering Research and Pilot Plant Dewlopment unit. BIOTEC.2 Bioresource and technolog}' Department. KMUTT. 'Pilot Plant Development and Trainning Jnstitute,KMUlT
There aro many reports showed the benefits of using BaciUus suhtilis ( BS ) as supplement and livestock feed . However, the application of this bacteria in Thailand ani mai farm is still Iow. There are few possible reasons, such as, the awareness of the farmer is still Iow and the standard of this kind of products in the market is still in doubt. This study were conducted to promote the production of this bacteria and utilization in animal farm in Thailand. The product can casily be produced from defatted soy bean meal which is a Iow cost agricultural raw materiał. Normally aseptic filling can not be donc in practice, the spoi lagę can occur duc to somc left-over of nutrients in the liquid product. The result showed that addition of the prcservative such as sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate in smali amount (0.05 % and 0.1 % respectively) is necessary, Too high level of preservative was not recommended because it can affect BS celi itself. The product with preservative can be kept over 6 months. Duc to the stability of the spore, it had tendency to be kept over a year. The product was mixed with feed and introduced to farm chickens. The addition of BS significantly improved the percent of cgg production and decreased the number of broken and defective eggs.
Keywords: BaciUus suhtilis. Feed Supplement. Chicken Egg Production. Product life, Product ejjiciency *corresponding aut hor: Wairuj Dechmahitkul (H-mail: wairujw pdti.kmutl.ac.lh)
The used of BaciUus sp. for feed supplement have gained morę and morę attentions in feed industry. BaciUus is a spore forming bacteria that can grow in animal intestinal track (1). Moreover, The robust characteristic of spore makes il perfect for production due to product life and distribution. Many reports showed that addition of BS in feed was beneficial. The benefits included inereasing in weight gain, feed efficiency and etc.. There were many possible mechanisms involved. I he high number of bacteria would suppress growth of other malicious microorganism (2). Kubo found that BaciUus suhtilis (DB90I1) inhibited occurrence and growth of fungi and suppressed abnormal fermentalion in digestive traci tluis promoted growth. In addition, this bacteria can employed to combat chicken diseases caused by allatoxin and inereased egg laying ratę (3). There were also evidences showed the benefit on intestinal histories, such as \ il li height and celi area. Samanya and Yamauchi suggested that BaciUus suhtillis nadto depressed ammonia concentration in blood which activated intestinal function ( 4).
BaciUus suhtillis (TISTR00I) was cultured by media contained 20 g/L defatted soy bean meal , 0.1 g/L urea and 0.5 g/L K2HPO4 in pilot scalę fermenter. The culture broili was adjusted to pH 4 or preservative was added before filling in bottle. 1 he preservatives used were sodium benzoate at 0.05 and 0.1 % or potassium sorbate at 0.1 and 0.3 %. The product samples were kept at room temperaturę and were checked total count and spore count each week for 6 months. Spore count was donc by kil ling vegetative cel ls at 80 C for 20 min before corwentional piąte count was done. The liquid product was mixed in chicken feed to a finał concentration of 2 x I08 (TU kg feed. I his feed mixed was used in chicken farm. Lach chicken received the microorganism at ratę 2.5 x 107 CFU/day continuously for 4 months. Sam ple size for the experiment wasal three thousand chickens for each group. I hree sets of experiment were conducted. Iwo set of chickens (Babcock