Psyched up lor their lunior year, the sopli squad was looking lorward to tryouts for the Varsity squad. The Sopho-mores attended camp this past sum mer where Ihey placed high in the competition eam-ing many nbbons and a most improved trophy.
Most ol the girls were returnmg trom their Freshman year joined by newcomers Lisa Shaffor and Rene Czerwonka.
Ms. Carol Testolin was their sponsor. Freshmen cheer leaders s.iw their football team go on toconterence tor the lirst time.
The trash cheerleader tryouts had to be held on two days be-cause ot the lack ot candklates on ttie first. Smali but powertul the girls showed their support lor the Frosh level teams.
Freshmen Cheerleader*. Bach Row: Vi ki l. w zyk Trv w Worlheim. liii Boehm Middle Row: Remie*’ Poadan. lulu? Hu-u n l.iz Lr kner. Janol Hodur Front Row: Kam Kwaśny. LaKoeta Jamison and Stian Franiu
Tli*- Bulldoj Sophomoro choerl«v»ders Bynehronizo ih**ir movos in pcriorl tim«* lor lhotr periomunce
Th*<iirls whopul iri sormich inne pr*?jMrmp lh*«u numbrr; hav»» lo L*-vory close lo on© anołher
Spccialty poses art? alwayr. a crowd phw**r n j—rlorrn«*l by luli** Hau»• n Frkia Worlhuitn. Iii! Boehm and Lu* Lacknet
Sophomoro Cheerleaders. Front Row. liii Pr*alelti Jenmłor M ran: Second Row: U*? C .»:• dl Diana Racj^r Bach Row: ( h (*ar< !• i. ln. !••!• . ■ Smilh Rem> Czerwonka and Ima Shałlor