Senior Dacia Franks said, "We had a fun year and the team is better than last years.”

Girls Bowling
Lady Bulldog bowlers had a very good season. Although the team didn ł place in the conference ranking, the girls still enjoyed the thrill of the gamę. Sopho-morę Karen Fergusen went down to Peoria where she competed against bowlers irom many ot her schoołs and placed 24th out ol 55 players in a very competi-tive conference.
Maybe next year will be even better.
1990 Girl. Soph/Froah
Opponent* |
1080 |
HlUcrwt |
1320 |
1179 |
Evergreen Park |
1176 |
1129 |
Bremen |
1094 |
1276 |
1055 |
684 |
Shepard |
1055 |
662 |
Reavu |
1271 |
1483 |
Lemont |
1268 |
877 |
1143 |
1011 |
Shepard |
1085 |
880 |
Koavls |
142 |
3644 |
Rtch Cen lnv |
799 |
TF Norlh |
833 |
Freshman lulier Giltmeir wmu lo be hav-ing a gcod gamo.
Janue Houhhan' slnk«*s" a poae lor the camera nurt seconcb belore mowirm down the
Joy Rook seledf her bali whife gett mg payched lor her n«*xt stnke
Karen Ferguson waits pationtly lor the automattc pin •ełter to elear the alU-y
Conoantratmg stoadiiy on this Iranie, lenny Papla tuki bowb her high gamę at a home meet.
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