Reid. Cordell d.

Basketball 1; Drama Club 2.3,4 Pubhcist 3, Vice President 4; Speech 4; Traci: 1. Specułl Awards: Outstanding Contest Play performer 3: All-Regional C<ist 3. Ringberg. Sherri L. Ihri: i tl- OWI ii DECA 4; Publications 4; WECEP 2 Roache, Christopher A. '.'hi* i i Ridge; Football 1.2.3,4; Wrestling 1.2.3. Rodriguez, Elizabeth E. ( hicag Ridge; Band 3: Drama (‘lub, Sec retary 3, President 4: Show Choir 3.4. Treasurer 3 4.

Rook. Joy D.,    Bowling Ca plam 4; NHS 2.3.4; VolIeyball 1.2.3.

Rosenow. Erie R. Oak l.awn; Bas-bali 1.2,3.4; French Club 1,2.3.4; Goli Team 4; Literary Magazine 3; Mn Alpha Fheta 4; NHS 2.3.4; Speech Team 1. Spec lal Awards: MVP ol Oak Lawn Crosstown Classic Baseball Gamę 3; Illinois State Scholar.

Russell. Arthur C. Robbinr. BasketL ill    Football Captam 4; Track 2,3.4 Special Awards: 880 Relay State Charnpionships 2.34,.

Rutkowski, John J. Oak Lawn; F* ot bali I 2.3,4. Captam 4; Wrestlmg 1.2.3; Track 1 2.3.4 Special Awards: Ali Areu Team Captam 4; Player ot the Year (Oak Lawn Reporter) 4; H.L.R. leading passer willi 2186 yds.


Sawa. Ziggy S. Oak Lawn Schwer. Linda J. Oak l.awn, Che • *r 1* ul

ing 3.4; Volleyball 1.

Seidel. Rick J. Oak Lawn.

Senese. Robert V. ł 'hu u Ri Ig* Slepski. Sandra L. .'hicagc Rldcie; B ketball 2; Drama 1.2; French ( 'lub 1.2.3; l.eo Club 4; Science Club 4; Soltball 1; Volleyball

Smith. Joy L. lk 1.2 3.4; French Club l 2 3; OE 4 Presi dent 4; Show Chow 1.2.3 4. ('lass Secre tary 2; Tennts Team 1.2.3.

Smith. Sam L. < hu u i Nid-u F tb d! 1.2: VICA 4.

Smith. Sandy E. -

1.2; Cp-iss Countiy I; Girls Club 1. Track


Smith. Tammy J. Chu i i Ruiq» Ba kelball 1.2; Soltball 1.2.

Spindler. Andreas A. < )ak ! awn: 1 i Country 1; Swmiming 1; Track 1. Stanis. Roseanne. Oak l.awn: Drama Club 2,3.4; Newspaper 2; Publications 4; SADD 4; Student Aule 1.3; Tenms 3. Stephens. Gregory S. 'hi* ag Rui>u-Football 1.2.3; Baseball 1.2.3.

Stiegler. John K. 'hu ago kidq* VK A 4.

Stolarek. Jane M. C'hicagc Ridge; Gol denaires 3.

Stupay, Sandra K. Oak 1 iwn DEC A 4

Translerred łrom Molher McCauIey High


Sullivan, Marietta A. Oak Lawn; Cheerleadmg 1.2,3.4; French Club 1.2; Newspaper 2. Business Manager 2; Pep Club 3.4; PresidcntsCouncil 3,4; Publica-tions 1.2,3.4. Clubs and Orgamzations Editor 2; Editor-In-Chiel 3.4. Ouill and Scroll 3.4. Secretary 3. Treasurer 4; Stu dent Aide 3.4; Student Council 2.3,4. Ex-ecutive Board Member 3.4. President 4; NHS 2.3.4.

Svitanek. Kimberly A. Oak l.awn Cheerleadmg 1.2,3; Class Treasurer 1; DECA 4. State Ambassador 4 Treasurer 4; Student Council 1.2.


Tamosiunas. Erie C. Oak l.awn, Vl( A


Thielmann. Tina M. ('hu a i Ridge; Choir 2,3.4. Vice-President 1.4. CWT 4; Newspaper 3; Publications 4; Student Aule 3.Speciul Awards: Anon Foundation Award (Choir) 3.

Thomas, Timothy L. Robi n .

Throw. Micheal G. < 'hi ago Ridue: Avi ation Club 3.4 President 4; Baseball 1.2; Fcjotball 1 2; Stock market Club 4. Special Awards:Top 10% ol Class, Illinois State Scholar.

Timar. Monica A. Oak Lawn Bi kottull

2 Soltball 2.


Urbańczyk. Michaol D. C'hn ago Ridge; Swimming 1,2.3. Captam 1.2.3.


Valach. Kim A. Orland i irk I* idinmt >n 2 3.4. Publications 3.4 Production Mon cige: 4. Stu«lent Aide4; 1 rack l Volleyball I.

Venturini. Veronica E. Chic.ig Rui u-, Cheerleadino 2.3,4 Co-Capiain 2,3.4; NHS 3: Volleyball 1.


Wagner. Amy E. ( hu i i kidge Cl i Treasurer 1; Cheerleadmg 2.3.4. Co ('ap tam 3 4 Girls Club 1.2; Mu Alpha Thela 3.4 Newspaper 2; Ni 1S 2.3.4. Pej Club 3; Presidenłs Council 3.4; Publu ations 4, Editor 4: Ouill and Scroll 4 President 4:

Spanish Club 1.2.3, President 3; Student Council 1,2.3,4. Activities Director 4; Track 2; Volleybali I Special Awards: Top 10% ot Class; honor Roli 1,2.3.4; Illinois State Scholar; All-Star Cheerlead ing Camp First Place 3 4; ASCC Most Spinted 3.4; ASCC Grand Champions 3.4; ASCC Third Place 2; Straight *'s 1.2. Walsh. Bradley T. Oak Lawn; Goli 2 Walsh, Terry L. Chu ago Ridg« VIC A 4 Translerred Irom Shepard High Schuol. Ward. Curt G. < hicau1 Rui-u- (>E -1 Warren, Brian. Oak l.awn: VK A 4 Washington, Keisha D. Robbms; Pep Club 1.2.

Translerred irom Thorton Township. Werstler, Kris J. Oak Diwn; Cheerlead mg 2.3.4- French Club 1.2; Newspaper

3.4, Assistant Layout Editor 4; Student Aide 4

Wesner, Scott C. Chicag Ridge. Con cessions 1.4; French Club 1; Goli 3. Wheeler. Sheri L. Chu u u Ru ł-1* : < ’W1 3; DE 4; WECEP 2.


Yasin. Fayeda A. Oak l awn. Trans ierred trorn Gage Park High School.


Zajac. Chris J. Chicag* Ridge: Trans terred irom Ouigley South.


snior Summaries



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