DRAMA CLUB, FRONT ROW: Fam l-arson, Dawn Rutkowski, Astrld Yurtcres si.m. lionnir Miarrcki, Helen Cardeakos, Cheryl Camboney, Bonnlr Dllltkanlch lJnd.i Rurdkk SF.COND ROW: Lols Krych, Kllren McMahon, Ann Smurlo. Bcv Carr, Clndy Nagy. Jan Bruhach, (.aurie llardtlrr, Maurera Dunn. Sandy Grella (Jnda llolm, Lynn Staniał, Helen Schwdkle, Dcbbk Dumals, Advlsor Mrs. Mur ray THIRD ROW: Cralg Schulze. Dutch Kcrkstra. Tom Halloran, Chris Thirlr Karrn McGurtaln, Janc Custafłon, Jlll Grrvcs, Kllen Voegelc. Sue Du Cios, Mlke Sallas, (icrrtc Yartunas, Chris Reinecke, Stcvc Kupc/ak, Davld Ktrk, Waync
Kirk, Alkc F.ngrlmann, Ororgr Brown. BACK ROW: Melanie Mcrsovillo, Collrcn Ciarkę. John Ktnstrdl. Ja net Johnson, Koberia Folfus, Jean Albrecht, Sue Miller, Steven Kaar, Chris Thomas, Karm Richard, Derena Klich, Jcnnle Hoover, Drb-b»e McCallum, Unda Granice, Cheryl McGrccbln. Andrea Sotor, Lorel Janzow, lerry Burnett NOT PICTURF.I): lairry Hrlgman, Craig Browncll, Mary Dcllor-to. Fal Fischer, Linda Górski, l)ave Kaar, iJnda Fuyanlc, (lerry Scully. and Mielicie Zurtck
The Thcspian Socłcty, troop number 2815, was compriscd of a smali numl>er of drama cluh members. Iii order to be eligible for thls morę select group, one needed to carn a certa In number of points by acting, produclng, or hel ping In the business aspect of putting on the two yearly school plays. Each mcm ber contriłmtcd an ample amount of talent and imagination to the production, while improvlng under the skilled supervision.
Drama Glub, sponsored, inspired, and also dlrccted by Mrs.
THF.SPIAN SOCIETY, FRONT ROW: Linda Górski, Midtclc Zurick. Gerry Scully, Dutch Kcrkstra, Lorel Jau/ow, Cheryl Camboney, F.d Fischer. BACK ROW:
Murray, had a turn-out of over scventy members (his ycar. The ofTlcers Included Helen Cardcakos, Cheryl Gamboney, and Bon-uie Mlarcckl. Members actlvely participated Iii the main evcnts of the cluh, which included two thrcc-act plays, entitled Harvey and The Night of January 16th. Members also gave a one-act bcneflt performance for the disabled during the holidays. The 1967-1968 "season" proved to be a great success for the cluh,
Dave Kaar, Helen Cardrakos, Bonnlr Miarrcki, Mary Dcllorto. Davr Klrk, Cralg Schulze, and l.arry Hrlgman