Youth and Govornment. Front Row:
Debbte Lipp. DanieUe Grogans. Gigi Ciał vez lamio Houhhan. Vora Zlitiar, 5ylvia Muru? Back Row: Doun Thies»>-n Van gie Galvoz. lim Paeolla, C?hns t><Luq<w. lenniler Frankie Kun loyct*. and Mr. An Zacharaki
Mr. Charles Shelton takes the mernbers oi the chess team to the SIC A competitions.
By staqinq numerous lund raiser, this year s class officers lowered the cost oi the admission, which is hoped to attract morę people to attend. They sold candy, pizzas. and cups emblazoned with the iootball team roster.
Ms. Jean Martin madę her debut this year as advisor.
Treasurer Maureen Mcmahon said that the oflicers this year are realJy concemed about makmg Prom 90 a very special evenmq that the students will never for-qet.“
Stock Market Club advised by Mr. Zacharski helps students pre-pare mythical portiolios lor protit.
Kelty Allen and Sophie Ktouase orga mze many fundraiaors for class otti
Stock Market. Front Row: Smy Oum
ter Gigi 1 Mlek Thr w; Back
Row: Mr Art Zncharski G<- r-j* Vamva kas Dino Takoutis. Doug Thiessen. Tom Szurgot and Vern Zltdar
Sophomorc Class Officers: Dina R i jer Retie Czerwonka. Carlynelle Chnlmef* and liii PaołolU
Junior Class Officers, Front: Mana Malleo Lawwne Smith Vangio Galvez; Back: Nancy Twtchell.
Senior Class Officers. Front: Pre idenl Sophie Kioussis. Treasurer Maureen M Mahoń Back Row: V P I**n Martyka and Secretary Kelly Allen