LEO Club. Front Row: lenny t-a viqne Mr Len Peareon. Heather Mil lar Back Row: Ta .a Mara.1 Presi. leni Karen Lash. Solidy Ślepaki, V P Tncia Guzmski. Nikki Gleieh and Se< Cmdy Law Not Picturod: rp*a; Kn . Healy
Karin Lash sinqs a Beat h Boya ae-lectton ai Ihe Chnstmaa banąuet.
Goldcn Images. Front Row: lulio Gumster. Gicji Galvez Amina An<k*r son Pam Duelcher, 5am Colłman; Middl© Row: Kann l a li Michnik* Smith Sunę Ouinlero. Pani KoleberJc. lenny Michau. Dawn Conslanline. loy mit! Back Row: k' in |Uez
Vangie Galve? Donna Krrtka Lisa Dantjkts Therese Ludwig Kelly An derseon and Lavt»rtw Smith.
Photo Club: C athy Tnnira Auln-y Denima, Colleen Murphy. Ia< k Hus iieri Middl© Row: Sarah Ra> zyn ki Kns Freund, Robyn McDoye. Wilhe Wii Back Row: M ton. Rachel Beck. Sally Schoonwld and Tracie Mitchell.
Charles Palta direcled łhe 20 rnember lemale com-plemenl of the Golden Irnages, HLR s show choir. They per-łorm at Chamber of Com meree iunctions, the Christmas banquet. and sung the riational anthem at home football games. They competed in Kan-kakee. The girls earned money lor their dresses.
LEO Club is a semce organi-zation which is an ofl shoot oł the Lions. Mr. Len Pearson is advisor.
Students interested in photog-raphy participate in Mr. Shel-ton’s Photo Club.
eo/Photo/Golden Images
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