TAG CLUB. FRONT ROW: Sur rhorsen. (tyle Mana. Karen Kklin. Mus telmun, Aslrtd Vartrrr*slan, Norma Shw.iy. Konnie M turecki, Sharon Gnlvin SF.COND ROW: Rłll Krtcham. Advi»or Mr. Buc, lutdlne Hechlcr. Słnf Kaar. Carol Christian, Kon Vanwcrmcskcrken, 1'cin Duvldovltch TIIIRD ROW: Nina Dina. Sandy Greli*, I)avr Fbfsbcrg, Rus* Anderson. Alice Kn^rlmann, Chris
Krinrtkr, Chris Thlde. Davld Kaar. Storm Oakland, («rry Knoll. Sue Dalii, Kaihy Krickson, l’ai Kratę. Bill (*t)(lt» BACK ROW: Rob Dres. Chad Culver, Boh linie. Charles Schulz. Bruce Suffern. John Wlnilow, Don Alm. Davłd Smith and Ko#er Koral.
TAG Club was origlnated to stimulatc an interrst In hlghcr mathematłes among ii s metnbers. "TAG" sta mis for Trigonom-etry-Algcbra-Geumetry. The thlrty-scvcn members were required to havc complcted algebra and geometry or have been enrollcd In geometry that ycar. Mcmbcrsbip was bascd on their point system. TAG Club enjoycd a Christ mas party. vlslts from college rcpre5cntatlves, and the annual pienie in May. The electlon of next year s president was held at this tlmc.
Sieno Club was another dub whlch rcstricted its membershlp. In order to belong, the students were required to be in their sec-ond year ol stenography and typiug- The main objecltvc ol this dub was to take one step further in preparing members for their secrctarial futures. Rcprcscntallvcs from sonie business and płaceniem agencies yisited the girls during their regular monthly meet-Ings. Mrs. Webster sponscred the elub.
STKNO CLUB. FRONT ROW: Marllou Macauley. Unda Iłradrick. Sur Joswlak, Kuskr. Gali Han BACK ROW: Klim Foyłe, Marcella Kovach, Cathy llayc*.
Kaihy Krickson. SKCOND ROW: Advlsor Mrs Webster. Sharon Jones, Sharon Cerry Scully, and Jan Meyer.