Bowling Intramurala. Front Row:
Miko DorKjy. Slev«* Santay. Deron Bis biki< Dan Konrath; Back Row: lim Smith, Mark Atkins. Scott Raws. Bob Nelson. Tom Hasano and Ms Carol Garding
The Santay brothers Tom and Steve head up the 16 member
Aviation Club. Front Row: Mick Throw, DinoTooukatoa. Mr hm Baker: Back Row: iorn Faladiri. Scott Brown Tony Opita
Guard Club. Front Row: Liz McMahon, Maurenn McMahon. laimo Houlihan. Abby Hornand-z, Back Row: Nicole Sarna. Andrea McLeverty. Jenny Kantor Eart Bonovtch and Coach Tom Koberekt.
Otf and away into the wild blue yonder was the philos-ophy ol the Avjation Club spon-sored by James Baker.
The newest activjty ol the club was the assessment ol Computer pro-grams connected with llying. Mark Kozeluh s programs were all tned out on the new IBMs m lab settings.
Keeptng the briny depths ol the pool sale tor students at all limes was the Guard Club. President Maureen McMahon. V P Liz McMahon and Secretary Jairne Houlihan were advised by swim coach Tom Kobierski. He said of the group All co-operated and each in some way is outstandmg."
The group »s |ust as supportive outside the water. They held their annual dnve to gather clothing for the Salvation Army dnve. They also held a swim-a lhon lor money to buy new suits.
HLR Bulldog bowlers had a great season placing lirst in their com-petitions within the Southwest Suburban Bowling Conł.
Coach Carol Cardmg feels that the team s strongest members are Scott Flaws. with 184 average; and Tom Santay wjth the most im-proved high series scratch ol 584.