NOR Tli KAST FRENCH CLUB. FRONT ROW: F.dna Siellun, Susan Markle. Klin Kerniun, Vcronfca Sdbor. (.csllc Il.i^luml. Claudia Crandall SECONI) ROW: AdvUor Mr Gerard Lunche, Tom Gordon, Janie r Bragałonr, Barbara Bagdun, Kaihy l*aul, Ciary Churan, l'am Rraawłi TIIIRO ROW: Daryl Swan-
.ton, Barbara G'roth. Marllyn Burt, Cayle BiuanU,Sharon Jexl. Barn Rlddir, Bill Mamba MrKrtin, (uaimr (,'oat. RACK ROW: Joannę IlarpMrrtth, April Ca*e, Darlrnr Orcntbc. Kaihy Flnzenbachcr, Diana Dub.tky, Janiec Miller, Mark Angel, Julia lluff, JoAnn Kuchen, Kaihy Duggan, and Gaił llunnicutl.
NORTHWEST FRENCH GU B. FRONT ROW: Sue Bretnar, Ronndl /ubaty, Maurem Malone, Bani Fen Warner. Marllyn Bender, Nancy Baleczny, KrUllne Krlarl*, Dianę Doody, Advlsor Miss Bleeker SECONI) ROW: Bal Manders.
Bonnie lloldcrofl. Sue Mardjetko. lealie lesner, Karcn Bawić, iJnda Oiiwcll, Mary Fretl, Karen, Tony Yltkauskac, Kokainie Babiarz, Genitalne Krugman RAGK ROW: Wally Swan and Bob Slas.
Languagc dul>s were an iinportant parł In the schoors actlvł-Ues. In each of ilu* three buildings werc French, German, Latln. Russlan, and Spanish clubs. Imcrcsi was siiinulatcd by numer-ous aclivilics and projccts. Kach had ilielr own special plans: Spanish Club had its spring party and took a field trlp; Frcnch Club bad its Mardi Cras; Latin Club had its bawjuct; tłu* German Club planncd a special [>ariy; Russian Club held its annual
dmner complete with autbentic Russian foods and costume. Ilomccoming was a period of intense activlty for the language clubs. Kach raced againsi limę to create a float to capture the prl/.e. 'Filia ycar the Northeast Spanish ('lub took first prizc, with tlić Campus Spanish Club taking second place from tłiat buIIding. Kor the first linie, all of the languagc clubs joined cf-forts to hołd a Chrlstmas Dance.
CAMPUS FRENCH CLUB, FRONT ROW: ChrU Muller, (ierrle Knoll SECOND ROW: Joyce Mulone, Bar bar.» Noplos, Claudia Sulceskl. RACK ROW: Tlierrsn Ruwert, Lord Jaruow, Michele /.urick, Rotemary Mahoncy, Sue Oxwald, and lx>is Ed ling.