1989 Varsity Baseball. Front Row: Kn< Rosenow. lohn Ma Namara. Kurt War i. < roKi Clark Middle Row: Bill Shannon. Brum Mannum Ted K* *»*j»
! en. Boyd Burkę Dave [> wnoy Back Row: 'oa hlohnBurk* Ru k B-»jard, Nick Gialamaa and Amslanl Coach Miko Rodziewicz
ls*y lv>y*i V.ire»iy
HU |
Opponenls |
5 |
Chioacjo Christian |
II |
6 |
t In- oqo Chnatwtn |
8 |
Tin kry Park |
7 |
T'nil«»y Park |
3 |
$ |
Rr»*m»*n |
6 |
Bollnqbf0Ck |
4 |
Oak Forem |
7 |
4 |
Blooin TrvtU |
7 |
II |
1? |
8 |
Roavis |
14 |
1 |
Rimvib |
10 |
1 |
ArrjO |
4 |
Arry |
15 |
4 |
Stoqq |
B |
3 |
Słaqq |
1 |
6 |
Shepard |
5 |
5 |
Oak Lawn |
6 |
3 |
Br. Rk» |
4 |
Five seniors and six lumors led the 1989 Van»ty Baseball team to an oveiall record ol 14 15. The tive conlerence wina showed the leams dctermmation and pride. The wetakness oł Ihe team was the lack of players. It was the guallly and riot the guantity that senior Bill Shannon tron-*jid*-re<l as captain ol Ihe team.
The season was highlighted by a 12 0 win over Oak Lawn in the Oak Lawn Cros-stown classic. When Brian Magnan was asked to comment on that garnę, he said.
When you add good pitching. and the
Senior Boyd Burko was one oi Ihe toamsoutntand inq playera havmcj been irmted to participate m International competition
For tonie Spnna 1s oaltnq dunt. gettina sptked. and watching lho Bulkjocjr. {day baseball
Senior Dave Downoy Ali Conlerence. mnkes ihe cwjtch to pul ciul lho Eoclle player
Style ełłorl and pnw«*r play an imporlant rok* in
lho pil. h!nq t<xhniquea ol luntor Ted Koeppen.
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I31 he had applięd for that job the week before 2 to sit in theDiveraified Occupr.tions. Front Row: Kt*vm McCann, Ml Burns Enc Tomomunas. Kyle May SocondLEO Club. Front Row: lenny t-a viqne Mr Len Peareon. Heather Mil lar Back Row: Ta .a Mara.1 PreClubs Youth and Govornment. Front Row: Debbte Lipp. DanieUe Grogans. Gigi Ciał vez lamio Houhhan. VoFreshmen Banketball. Front Row: Phillip Bank. Blair Mays Clarence HłcJcs. Ourmtl Howard. William&nbGirls Track. Front Row: *i irl»TH Ch-ipnian. TawundaCausoy Latru eScott. Enca Person, Val daviaLeo Club — Back row: LeKjhann Bluhm. Derek Gar wpy, CoUeenSheehon. Jamie Schn H Front row: Mt cNovember election places new board District 2 1 8 Board Members. Front Row: James Craig. Constance DDRAMA CLUB, FRONT ROW: Fam l-arson, Dawn Rutkowski, Astrld Yurtcres si.m. lionnir Miarrcki, Helen CaTAG CLUB. FRONT ROW: Sur rhorsen. (tyle Mana. Karen Kklin. Mus telmun, Aslrtd Vartrrr*slan, Norma ShINTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCIIANCE CLUB. FRONT ROW: Advi*>r *iedi. BACK ROW: Sue INOR Tli KAST FRENCH CLUB. FRONT ROW: F.dna Siellun, Susan Markle. Klin Kerniun, Vcronfca Sdbor. (.csNORTHWEST GERMAN CLUB, FRONT ROW: Kurii Engelmui™. Jacku Mu recki, Duve IIuff. Mlkc Klich, Mlke 11ulJ CAMPUS SPANISII CI.IB. FRONT ROW: Vkiorla Hurri*. Secreury Kaihkcn Finn, Prrodenl Ceorge Bro11A KOI J) L RICIIARDS ORCHESTRA. FRONT ROW: Kcverlv Clii, Sur Shon#. Nancy Zwcek, Kaihy Scliwlcgcr.NORTHEAST CONCKRT BAND. FRONT ROW: Randy Swaiuon. Dianę Coop er. Pat (ohiiMon. Melody Tulnstra, DcbbCONCERT CHOIR, FRONT ROW: (iwni Gullk. Sharon Jono. Sharon CaUin, Martlou Macauley. linda Bulów, DebA Cappella Choir members joined voices NORTHWEST A CAPPF.IJA OIIOIR. FRONT ROW: Leslle Umer. Sur Marwięcej podobnych podstron