INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCIIANCE CLUB. FRONT ROW: Advi*>r *iedi. BACK ROW: Sue Ilior»rn. Owen Cullk. Ann Smurlo. Jun Coolry, ChrU
Mis Wcuver. Wendy Nelson, Chris ihlde, Homilia Hcriucti, Claudia Sułtrskl Thomas, Kathv Crntllr. Ijnd.i S*Vmakowski, Pam llearne and Jan OrowhurM
Rarhar.1 Noplus. SECOND ROW: Sue Joiwlak. (indu Could, Mary Annę ilav lik. Janc Cuslafson. Kułby Cravcs. Martha Durkę, Andrea Sirtor. Barbara Kin
l)ue to the eflorts ol ilu* International Student Kxchange
Fordon nuhange %i mieni. Horcncla Hrnucct, was .ismmoJ hy Jan (lociiry and Kaihy Krkk_%on in (inding dimtlon*.
Club, II.L Kichards High School was able to have Florenda
Bcrtuccl. an cxchangc student front Montcvldeo, Urguay as lis guesl for the ycar. Tlirough activltics such as a Computer Danie. Ix>łlipop l)av. and the Turnabout 1 lance, sponsored by the Girls’ Club, I.S.K. was able to ralse the SI,000 nccessary for the American Field Servlce to brlng an cxchange student to the United States.
Morencla's American Tamłly* was the John Gooleys, of <>ak Uwn. F.nrolled as a senior, Morencia's courses included Career Girls* Home Kconontics, Public Speaking. Crcatlve Wrlting, and American History, IJ tera turę, and Govcrnmcnt. Much of ber free time was spent partteipating in Girls* Club, Student Coun-cll, I.S.K., and Spanish Club. The Kulldogs also receleed a great deal of active support and encouragcment front Klorencia at many of our schooPs compctitivc sporting events.
Campus Hutlding prinripal. Mr lowc. rarrfully rsplamrd Hornu la HrrturcT* scbrdulr ol acaiirmlr «our vs lo brr