Ann Therese Hohn

Juhł 16, lQ4Q-Jla>. 12, 1989

The Harold L. Riehards community was saddened łhis past November when teach er Ann Hohn passed away atter a long illness.

Miss Hohn began teaching at Riehards Northeast in the lali o! 1971. She spon-sored the Pep Club and the Wrestling cheerleaders. In 1973 the Girls Interscho lastic sports was bom and Miss Hohn be cumę thecoach oi the Girls Bowling team. She coached the bowling team tor 16 years and during this tnne led her girls to the stałe meet three times. twice placing her girls in the nurnber łour spot at the State meet. In i 974 Miss Hohn became the assistant track coach and helped build this program tor the next 12 years. Miss Hohn worked hard to reach her students in the Business classrooms where she taught typ mg and word processing. Most recently she was co ordinator ot the Ottice Educa tion work program.

Miss Hohn was a true Bulldog tan and could otten been seen at the garnes and events.

Miss Hohn was a graduate ot Northern Uli nois Umversity with a degree In Business education and completed her Masters iri Education at the National College ot Edu calion.

On the personal side Miss Hohn enjoyed her trip5 to Las Vegasf was an avid bowler. raised dogs and went camping. One ot her !avonte trips was a camping ex{)edition to Alaska.

She will be rnissed by many ot her tnends here at Richard:;.




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