Fnwhman Kelly !>aw tnes to determine the typa plant aho has by ite characienstic# in order lo com ploto hor biology exponmont bełore clasa u over.
Science classes dt Richards worked to acquaint studenta with the natural world.
Various curriculums could be studied depending on level and interest. With the dechne ot American scores in the area ot science and math is focusing new interest on the way schools teach the subjects.
Richards otters courses in generał science to Anatomy and Physiology. Mrs. Wehr takes her advanced students to the autopsy room ot a teachmg hospital to view an autopsy in progress.
In physics one ot the most popular projects is the egg drop. Students design the ditferent coverings that they think will protect the uncooked egg en-closed. It makes tor an interest-ing success or tailure story.
The importance ot science is becoming morę and morę ap-pa rent with each new report ot medical breakthroughs.
Froshmen Philip Coucher and Dometns Collins chock their projects boloro class
O aerili ir.ihi lawrile bear buddy Ohad Rand; k r**k*a;>- his '*a<i drop proi«-*.t Science Department: Mikę Cleary. Mikę Rodziewicz. Barb Ro-^ mam. Larry Layne. Ken Kudła. Kay llulsell. Jean Wehr. Carol
Testolin. Bob Underwood.