Simone Smith comulta with fnonds about the r*x:ipe she iound.
Construction o! o qarment required reseorch on medsure-ments bełorc the cuttinq eould bogm.
Home Economics Department:
Willene Buflett Betty Jo Kobierski Lois Nielsen
Choosiruj a paltem for her projoct in clolhmq had Ca Irina Mitchell researching patterns and materiał choices
Home Ec.
Elecftve programs at HLR were sludenł choices. Following their own mterests ol later career concerns. puptls could choose Irom different pro-grams.
Home Economics ollered morę Ihan |ust cooking classes. Morę and morę of fhe curriculum is given over lo łeaching liłe skills to teen-agers who would be or are tacing the pressures ol the adult world.
Mrs. Bette Kobierski back in luli time home ec. Mrs. Lois Nielsen and Mrs. Wilene Buflett also taught in the de-part men t.
Chrir. Parker waita to add the salt at Am ber Schułlz‘s instruction lor the breod douqh they were inaking