
Snehvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and injection strategy study

Doc. No.

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Rev. no. 1.0

A wat er production test (in Sto Fm) was carried out in exploration well 7121 /4-1 (    ), but an analysis

of this water has not been found. It is recommended to acquire additional water samples in case of a new well penetrating Tubaen Fm. The purpose would be to gain further confidence, in case of release to the ocean of produced formation water in the futurę.

2.3 Seismic mapping and depth-conversion 2.3. 1 Seismic datasets

The coverage of modern seismic surveys above the Snohvit reservoir is shown in Figurę 14. A 3-D survey covering the Snohvit structure with an E-W linę direction was shot in 1 997, and another morę "4D friendly” survey (with overlapping swaths and shooting straight lines instead of shooting for coverage) was shot in 2003, now oriented N-S, and covering also the Albatross field. In addition a set of 2D baselines for monitoring (with multiple streamers densely spaced) were shot 2006. A smaller (8 km x 8 km) 3-D area was shot for monitoring purpose in 2009, centred at the CO> injection well (yellow frame in Figurę 14). One of the 2D lines was also repeated during the 2009 data acquisition campaign. Results from the monitoring are described in chapter 3.3. Acquisition parameters for the various surveys are summarized in Table 2-8. Options for futurę acquisition are discussed in chapter 5.4.

Figurę 14: Coverage map of modem seismic surveys above the Snołwit reservoir.

Classification: Intemal Status: Draft Expiry datę: 2012-12-31 Page 25 of 1 32


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Statoil Doc. No. Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev
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1Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.
Doc. No. Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.
1Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study 7 955 *10 Stotoon
MStatoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.
1Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no.
Doc. No. Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no.

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