
Snehvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and injection strategy study

Doc. No.

Valid from

Rev. no. 1.0

2.3.3 Pre-injection mapping

A mapping of Tubaen Fm based on the ST0306 survey was reported in Hoyen (2006). A depth map of the greater

Snohyit / Albatross area is shown in Figurę 1 5, and a morę detailed map around the 7121 /4-F-2 H well is shown

in Figurę 16.    mapped several intra-Tubaen reflections based on increased resolution seismic. The

Top Tubaen reflection onlaps the Intra Tubaen reflector eastwards. The thickness of Tubaen Fm increases

westwards, the thickness variations are smali in the F-segment however. Total Tubaen Fm thickness in F-segment

is 45-55 ms. An amplitudę map of the base Tubaen / top Fruholmen reflection is shown in Figurę 1 7, indicating

the variation in reflectivity at Top Fruholmen. Also the Iow amplitudę areas caused by gas in the shallower

sediments east and west of Snohvit F-2 H CO/ injector are indicated by red circles.

485000    490000    495000    500000    505000    510000    515000







40^^000 ^33^0000


Figurę 15: Depth map of top Tubaen Fm, from    . Study area

outlined by red rectangle, for blow up see Figurę 16.

Classification: Intemal Status: Draft Expiry datę: 2012-12-31 Page 27 of 132


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SŁafoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and injection strategy study Doc. No. Valid
Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.0
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Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.0
Statoil Doc. No. Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev
1Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.
1Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.
Doc. No. Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.
1Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study 7 955 *10 Stotoon
MStatoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no. 1.
1Statoil Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no.
Doc. No. Snohvit C02 Tubaen Fm. storage capacity and inj«ction strategy study Valid from Rev. no.

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