


Succcaaor to A. W. Cortia & Co. »»Aig»gh »+•«»••+••• •»?•»•+»••♦$>«

A Furniture




draws intkrest ouart














10, 1996. Bcgan Business,

1. 1908_________

1, 1900 __

I. 1902 I, 1904 1, 1906 1. 1908 I, 1910 1, 1811 I, 1911

t 5,390.09 72,341.30 144.272.77 221,155.65 302.337 SSS5.330.27 580.769.23 738.8^5.96 822.079.54 $876,573.85

Dudky E. Wiłm Gtłbeń L. Taylor Rupołph J. Cc)by


jillłus Prksrkc wath E. Hall .\Mhur T. Slaght

Jas. W. Sicnmcns Albe/t Todd Wm. H. Bigelow

Thert ts teldom a bort so mdl furotahed that anothcf aŃF* pieca of somelhiog In the faratbim Mor would cumę amiaa, Just now I have orany fiat pkcc* that wouW dHight either the lady oc th€ nu o ul t Ne house. I can głve you soroe-tfe*ng nice at toy price you wfth. and will be very giad to have you cali.    Kemembcr/3ptyfmag *■ tMs lar|e stock

canno: be scen on the pouod foor. On account ol the lark ol roocn I have a considcrable guantlty ol the beat hwnitui* oo the sccood Aoor. In addttiou I can sssurc you that thefe is no place you/ money will bu^ mocethan here.



As I took ber buk haod ^

”L*'a go to tba park aad fi oda aaai

And Dat to the eigar baad.fi

I beld the band, tmu a good one.


Sbe gmve a iittk blnab.

At that I iooked at tbe band again— It waa a royai Anab.

I Mid, "I tbink I d tik* to bet,"

Bot, t!aa. it waa not poker;

Joat tben abe called my bloff, yon aea,

Sbe waa aoeb a iittle joker.

OlAdetone. of 8t. Jokna. _ relatima in the


Mra. J. Conoaki, ia miting at the h

of 8Ł CWi~ ne of Oma Nor-

Premier Lani. 1004 cle’ market.




♦    o O ♦    #J>


♦ ♦*♦♦♦    >*♦'’* ♦ * *

wtetoly frott. Wbeeke.^w/n ber o# the fourtb grad i    --

laaae Gilaon haa entarnd the fourtb g?adc. •• •

The third grade U pmpartng ertendars for atom ffifta and are aiao poinung aome sery peetty Mttoa.

Eadi metnSer of the fourtb grad* ta makio* tbree Cbnaunaa card* wbieb are Mag deeomted witb very elaborat* designs.

The Cicero okat haa bagnu the atndy of the tbird orution.

TbeJfoortb year Eogkah oUaa will. aooo bogiń thrtratody oT Hamlet " | # German proee frotn tbe German , oompoaibcn book waa iutrodneed: for tbe Am tiae thia year laat Fri-

i*Ł • ■*    y

The Senior cl aa* ia prepariag a musical a ud literary P*ogram wbieb ' will be gięta sosnetime tbe laat of | January.

S "ChriaŁjnae at Finnegin’* Fiat*’

; ii the titie of the two aet eooed J wbieb will be prwwafid te tbe b



on Der.

0. Hoerner et. al. to W. Eagea.

lot oo sec. 18. Owoseo.luOO.    ,    oi WWW hos

JtsT3&& assr*-Und OD!    ,be ^

P Cook to J. Kronlik and wife, I

foed rauta*

Edward Heebrook ia aaaieting at We!ob'a grocery donng tbe boliday trade.

Miaa Haseł Uemek bas aooepted a poaitśoo at Otbarn'a atom m


An oyster eopper wat givco tbe Woodmen at their hall Thumdey eTeaiag.

Mina Minnie Lowmy, of Ann Ar-bor. apent a few day» hem the Ant of the week.

Bariea* Frankfntia and Bole witb eereai at Nieketo' markeC

dnperrinor Chaa. GodfNw, of Ban-waa a milor at tbe oooaty

owned by Jurtice Peaoock.

Amoug tbe rui tors to Detroit laat week wrrt C. W. Shipman, Clark Smith. Geo. Beeraer and E. Sandera

Misa Clsra Allington bas retumed to ber borne in Shepardarilie, a fur a sbort visit witb fnends in tbe city. i yfomee _ Ern. 3Uc dor. Make your hensiWro.. a lay by feediog meat acrapa and groood bonę. Nickela’ market. 49-tf

Mr. and Mm. Fred Frisbee bave retumed to their borne in Mapie Rsp;ds after a visit witb relaUtcs herc.

Ali mens bers of tbe L. 0. T. M. M. are re^neated to be preaent for drul ^ractioe on Wedoeaday eretuag,

Fmd    who Keen stek

!oi tbe part two weeka. reiorned to bia work at Kay A Mills’ gnwery Monday.

erb as. McNsmara aad fam iły, east of C*e city, speat Sooday at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Con-



by Probate Jadfo The roong mon at ochoci and ia bad cbararter


H. P.-H. E.

JC ,~3»km T:

Ł-C. Ł Wriek.

Traaa—W. A. Boaeakrana.

8ee.—CbaHea M Prweoek.

C. H.-O. J. Cole.

F. 8.—Oeo. Ctutterboek.

Ł A. C.—L. Sbeardy.

M. of Tbird V.—CUrenee Cm.

M. of Seeond V.-Johe Ya^ de

ILof Firn y^Phil Monia.

SeoU.-H. Eldridge.

J. X. Parker, STU No. lbtn IM., FL Bmłth. Ark., mapa tbat ba had iaken nuy kiada af kladay madl-akia. bas dfld aot gat. better aatll ba OMb FaMy Kidaay ruta. Na mai-

"*• ^ r°wr

of alaep wbkb U bad for •tary ona. 7ol«y>* Hooey aad Tar Oaoaponad etap* tba (Mib at osce. raUaree tba ttekllag aad tba tbroat aad b#aJt ewnbraaaa. Praraata a aaloplag lato broachltk or r_„ maala. Knap alwmy* la tba boa ta.

Tbe Are department wa* caiied to the Korne of Mra Bert Gilaon lale Tbonday aftereooo and after a venr atreoaooa half boor^a work eooceed-ed in pntting the fliora ooder ooo-troi. Mi«. Gilaon waa away freen borne at the Ume and hefore Uk alarm waa aent in tbe im bad gain-od qoite a beadway and bat for tbe aniek work of tbe Are* department the dwelliog m>bld have bnrnod to thegrouiKi

The bonae wai a one atory aflair bot in good rapair aad wa* tioailr deatroyed. Mra Gilaon Matei that tbe booeebold were ako a loaa bot Ybat tbe anee woold eorer fvetyibiag. No theory for the origin of the Am ia adranced other tbao it waa raU or mice wbkb carried matebed to tbe attk and tben ignited Łbem.



tąra wkkh baw* heen eeiwrfedgfrf tbe ertry day comMians of tbe oL The parpoae of tbe play ia to deftray a few eigensm wbkb will be mooemmrify iwami danag tbe af tbe year. and *Uo to tbe eteaa far tbe

tbe rano tany ia


A. Bnmaa to B. Martenie and wifc, land on am. 9, Borna, 1730.

A. Frita to B. Aagna and wife, lot 21. blk. 18. Woodlawn park. Owoo-•o.koe.

8. Fuller to B. Angua and wife, lot 22 h>k. 18. Woodlawn park. Owoaao. |60.

G. Selfto E. Bollard and wife. land on mc. 3, Yenk*. 12.100.

W. Perkina to E. l^nning, loU 13 and 14. blk. ?\, Ląingibnrg, $100.

A. Adams to J. HoiMack. land on sec. 5. Oazeiton, $2.400/

L. Kiooe tc E. Norton, lot 20, blk. 3, WcolUwn ja*k, Owoeao. $400.

land oa sec. 27, Rosb, $1.000.

L.    Peiterly to M Rourke and wite. loU 46 to 47. blk. 18. Wood-lawn park. Oaotso. $1.000.

F. Borne to J. lCedson and wife. k>u 5 and 6. blk. 13, Coruona, $7U0.

J. Kcdson to C. Harder and wife. land oo aec.Yerooo. $2.400.

T. Coe to L. Donn and wife, land on aec. 12. Sciota, $103.

S. Donn to T. Coe and wife, land oo am. It Scota. $2,100.

J. ScoAc!d to li. 8cofield. laud on sec. 7, Ruth. 12.000.

E. Jodd to F. Bovee. lots 7 and 8. blk. 15, Coruona, $370.

A. Analni to J. Terry, aouth Y% of lot 1, blk. 15. Lalngiburg, $S53.

W. Smith to N. Tocktr, land od ■rr 27. Sciota. $500

M.    Pnrre!l to 8 Btley, land ou •ee. 4, Sbiawsr^ce. $1.000

C. Leaią to A. Buck nr.u vife. ou cec. 19. Burna. $1.9fii>.

Mra. L. Daria ia UJ.

SeeBryooUa’ Xma*lint.

Dr. Enggiea. of Durand, waa here Tneeday.

Bort pork aanaage. Niekela' 4C-tf

jtuunt JirTnea. of Detroit, ««• bera Snnday.

root card album*. Reyoolda.

Wm. Dean, of Yeraoo. apeol Moaday bere.

Wnr SicuaoB hae mtoroed frotn a

trip to Chicago.

Xtnta taga, armia, paper at Reynolds'.

Joatiee 8eamaD, of Byron, waa in the city Tueoday.

Beat linę ever, Xmaa carda. book* Uta at Keynrtda'.

A. L. Baird, of Monice, apeat Moaday in tbe city.

.. Fred Payae, of Pomad,

• Hugk Ntebrt* haa reoorered troa an atuck of

boeeif K. J. Hrmck wi naw Mooday on busineas

John Holleran.of Dorand, riaitod (modi betw over Sonday.

EftH Kąy. of Baaeroft, apewt San* day witb bu parenta beta.


Howard Pkttibooe retnrned Sun-day from Dttrott where be had becn epending a werk.

Claode Martin, wbo was confiaed to bis borne Laat week on aceoont of illncm, ta able to be oni.

Mr. Wbittam, tbe State inhrrit-aoee man. of Lamaing. waa at tbe probate oSee Wedneaday.

Fm*h Home-grown Liver atyle sanaage witb cereal. Niekela* market.    49-tf

_ tbree-horas

rafM »6

May be

at Jooraal odtee

bas mtcrredCta hw b of BaneroT.    hav-

ed oo bia ei*ter'i farm near tbia city fur tbe past year.

Firn, amoke and water! $23.00$ atodc of Darta Dey Gooda will be cloaed oot. e Satnrday.

ł Fip*_ !»mok» *Dd witer! tó.flBO 4am«*CJfliLvk of Dam l>ry Gooda Co.. Owoaao. will be eioaea out. Sak coiameacea Sadirday.

J On aceoan* of tb« rwwut raina and wartn weather tbe roada bart baeoroe ao buksoy tnar the larmera wre not able to baol sogar UeU

• The aarings baukst tbe poetcIBoe cootiaoetf to proaper. Al preeeot them ia $230 on depoett in email mas. - Thia ia aniocwmae of'Mm Łbaa $100 in the past Are weeka.

A two headed ralf waa bum oa tbe fann of F. H. 8trawalne. Moaday morwtng. Tbe animal waa aiirt Twsdsy and was altracting a larg* number of euriooa paople.

Mn. Frank Miliard, for a ^oarier nf a eeatnry a nwdaot of thia eitr, haa gooe to Ana Arbor to re»u*. EKaraew $—saJUltei » atteod-mg tbe U of M.

Haas Halik Lmabory haa heca ia the Uaion tekphooe tbe abaaneaof MmąJ wko haa been jag eaat of lim city.

bali ocalanagn««atthe C. Fen?. ft«t amtes aa* of


■ łtae M. K. 8. 8.Mńl 1 jmit Imm of Mr

aad Mra.

Joba Pieror, of V bmriy of the 8boeb-

StTtfml yoang man of Corwnna are pUaniag to start a dab Tbgf bave not decidsd joat their rooms will be bot tbey wiM probably bsre all their uUaa pletcd by tbe Ant of theyaar.

Cart Nelson, aged 15, of Owoaao. waa laat week tent to the Indnatnal school at L^omnr Matthew Bush. bas beeo a tmant •^aoeded as being a ia publie.

Ftenk DeHart. J EaH Fttfgarano, Mr. aad Ma Jąy Mclmic+l. Day BrooU Ouy Dawids. and Mr. and Mn Fred WertTof Ysmou. wem in th* city Toeoda* and attanded the Shoek-Cooliag mm wkieb waa being hemrd ia the ewuti

Dr. L W Norria net witb a bad o4d aigkt tort week aa be afightiai fmmtho O. A C. B. ...    . It was terk and the hoH

of bu shor faaght on the stop, throwrog hira forward and on to the groond. He suatained a bndly rtramed wnst.

Depoty SbenF M. Hourbtoo. of Durand, brought to tbe eitr Wed-noęday W«tt Wilaoo. agrd 29. a laborre of that eiUage, who plead gniltyon tba charge of obtaioing moory nader fklas prateocea and rampiDg bis board bill. He will

— tbe gnwt of

Sbenff Hemck.

Waated: —Salmmeu to aell on a com miesi on haais only. goods of a larrr wbolesaJe supply boase to the ccnanmer. Houae to boute solleit-ing. Ctcod par. Er ery man most ba rigbt Refemoces moatred. Thia is voor opportaaity. Write to F. A. Stoekwell. 162 W. Nagbten ; Sk. rolom Kos. Ohio.    49-w3

Misa France* Sharick. a nnrse ot ebo weot to Cbeyenne. few weeaa ago to risit fnends and rert. bad bcen them but a few dar* when a wreck oeeorred oo tbe Uaion Pacific in whieb eigh-tero peraont were aealded Miss 5^arick mepondcd to tbe cali frotn tbe Knap i tal for morę oursc* and •ioce tben haa beru in coortant dc-oaod.

The Satoirdar Erening Port and Lf diea* Home Jooruti havc adraoc-ed their 'drertgsug ratas aa foliowi: ww"»’ Iluuar Juuruai $7 per iine. $5.000 for inside psgt. innid* baek eow page. A3J00 and $7.00 for tbe hąckcorlr. Satnrday Erening Port $3 M per lir r 12.000 per inside page oisidc corer, tr X0. And at Lbeo^ r »ees tbt admruaiiu awtiona are

J. H. HIbbardL the Bewoj aa kDOwa tbmagkoat the nu •tatra aa a bceadsr of Łiacy k waa n Csraaaa oa boaincas Mi day. Mr. mSterd bae trmvakd »n mika dariag the past fet htfintbt esbibkiog a ac^*rr o Aoeei aoimsls ia fire big fairs Okso. loduna. Idirois, and Mi gaa Thia boa bero a fairlr jc*qd year. dropsie tbe fart that Hibbs* W $l,000 wortb of bogs by eholerf One exeep6ooalhr Ane animal w4d for $4C0. for whieh tbe cheek hatf been recetred. dwd beforr 11 co© Id U dcLTtmd.

Pocllry t^serr aJI or»T lb« sta to ano ulu be uitmitod in tbe big show to be girm Jaa. 25 'o 31 in Detroit u i. Jer tbe a;: spiec* of tbe Michigan State Pooltry Aaeocaatioo. of wbieb W. E. BUnAeld. of HUtodale. is preeident. and J. A. Tomer. of IAnsing. is fteerrtary. Tbe exhib$ will be at the Light Guard Armory and free. Uniform eonping will b* fumiabed. Entriee ckwc Jan. IA "We wUl havc orer 2.000 blrda ia the show and ii will be bv far U* bert e&bltit ever beld in this part of tbe country," statrd Soeretary Turner ia rommentinr on tbe Outlook for suoocm. "The prise Ust will not oolv be ezeeUent tn a way. bat there will be morr and otber tpeeial priam tba u erpe ofemr ktww hrg«tp wbtwt."

Leatit Aootbwełl. SbaftahBrg .. »

Aanabeil SedeU. HbafUborg___1$

Wm. Lr Bar. Owoaao .    - €f

Owemm,    .27



Tle Spot Cisi Croccr

We are ready ' J to

furnJsh •' you with all the dainties in the way of Table Supplies for the Chrlstmas Dinner and Candles for the Kids.


Phone 15-2


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