«.* u,


Do Tour Shopping

6*4 da w* iorfft that wa mw a v*rkd »tar—most evcnrtfel*g tha* vmM mIr a Christeis wf»m.

Wooł ud Cottm Btaakrts as cbcup n aoyoM. *A lugt uzt bUnkrt for 90 cawts.

Ftecced Goods for Tm Jadcrto and Blue aad Gcsy FUooel for Slriila aad Drrwi.    *. •

Yettstic rod Set Soug Union SułU in aU siara.

Kart Skina for ChUdrm. Misaet and W«atq.

TaMe Lioews and Napkins ia alt thr nr% and «ttracftvę

panem. ^    =•,**

We h*v* an uausuai Unr ci Holiday Goods to make your v?Ucborv5 from.

Opeo Eveniefa begiemag Mcnday. tbe llth.


Drr Gooda and Notiona.

*j ^ .*• •;    !m.    - •


Phoue 61

- *•

- i


Sacccssor to Lewe A Co.

▲    af tka mrtabm nf. tha

Epwortb Leagut of tbt W. K. rknM orni at thr paraonagt' for a _ and a aoeiai eveo-

ia« Wadatadajr

Tka C 4 I a ab o*t Wedomday on at tfca homo ot Mn Ooo. fora most mjoyablc afu> ▲ targa Christ—* w «*« wka p*taanU for thr mrm-TW mon t>rr of giriir ed a fcw serki aro aoa wm iry wruinp thr na—* of the mew* bera on tflp of paper auu %’um rot-tiug Iham out and shaking thetn up ia a bo*. Caeh nem ber had two dmwf. ehe natnoahe drew aha waa to gira that peraon a prearot. Roch ooa drrw tmo aa—*. lo tbta ner eaeb rauaired two preuenla and lik*wiar torb gave iwo.

Tha Woau«'i Club met Munday rreaiog at thr Home of Mn Rnnt Skiory. A larga numhrr of tba mrtnbmi wm prrartiL *The Pił* grima" was tałru tor tbe aobjeet of thr trening. Tha foliowiog piw gram waa gięta:

tMtmf/9 by Mrm.

•*Tha Piigrim >****.” bf. Mim Mia o ia Porter, •    ..?*.•

Tba roli ealJ waa aaawrrrd by oaKatioM frotn **Tb« Cuurtłtnp uf Milan BU*4»h Tbe Priday Aftemoon Oob waa ewtortainad n flae alfie at tba ~ ad Mr. and Mrs. C. M.




Lump Coal

fta a

$3.00 per ton Dertaf TkresUar SeasM

A good tirae to buy winter suppły.


Coal Uader Corer

mm Got im c«

su mu cittiJi

UaicoPbooe6S4-2 BełJ.93-3

that udlLfae most acceptahle an&pleas- -łng to any member of the family can always be found in the tine of footwear. Tłris te no ezceptlon ihłs yetr and I aa sana we eta show you something dat wiH please bódł tbe gł^er and the


la WM talary for ▲flar aam altana Oaablt ar ni. laad for taday aad Wara bow laprapara._____

Detroit Boslaest Uniwrtlry

61-«» Ora od Blrtr Aft. W

Vtor—Mrm. Wn UOsate. Jwior Vteo—Mra. i. MaOaa. Chapiain—Mrm. Ed. Wataoo. T—m—Mrm. C. Bahooek. Cooduetor—Mrt. C. Psgk. Uuard—Mrt. 8. Anthooy.

Per. Inatrodor— Mit. C. Jaaoba.

ooooooooooo^oooo County Manriafw

Ja—s 0.

'•OtwWy" Mayer

Major iaa. C. PM— ttartad bit oaraar aa a aowboy, aad U at praatat Major of Ornatu, acd bat SaMWwftag reosrtl. 8b*rMT of Dawaa Co.. Hsb.. throt tama; Major of Chadros, two ‘ Han “

ytart: Major of Omaha, in yoara, aad In M10 0>nM(tef| for Oarorwor of Htbraaka. Wmtng U FoUy A Co.. COlcaao. bo taya: •*! bart takoa Foley KWiory PlUa aad

tboy bar# alf aa |m a groal dtal of

rottof to X ebearfoUj

cbaarfoUy Yoon tmly. tlgnad) Jama* C. DahU&aa. by Olta T. Rajooldt.

Mn. Mary Fitzpatridc waa onited in marriage to Wm. LeBarMooday aflernoon at Owocno. They will be at borne in Owoaao aftrr Janoary lat. Mn Lr Bar ia aoqoaiDtrd in thu city.

Owoaao Cha*. A. Pattemon and Mian 'rene Ni*on. both of Owoaao, were mamrd laab Thuraday ov«n-iag. Dee. 7, at tha borna of tha bnde'a moiber. Mn. Ida Nizoa. Bar. J. S. Steinioger oAciating.


FarllamtAt of 9UtlQtoiw In Cnłctgo at WrWt Fair Tbat





Xmas OEIerings

We will h*ve a nice stock ot Xmas trees. Sjo Kissed Ortiłge5—they sre better thso the rest. New York Apples—the kład that tastc right. Wc have this year's English Walnuts. Almonds, Pecans, Btazih. Filberts and fresb roastrd Peanutf. Popcorn that pops. A ipedally selected linę of Candies juet ar-rived for the holiday Dade. For your uble. evcrything to piętn the eye and tKkle the paitte. Our lettuce and celery, in fact everythlng you will use for yoursełf and frłeods has bren selected from the vtry best ol its kind. Wc guaraoiee prompt ddirery.

Listen—Mocht and Java COFFEE. '

You havc trted the rest, now driog the best.



Tba praatat Hu»do popaMtlaa of Ca aa da atmbrr* aboat B.Ott. all tata. tor no rotfi arr alkntd to aocoot-pany ibaai o Caaada or lo foiiow (barn aflrr Uh ba«o arrlYtd aad tri-

Tbaae ara rtalC Ct roclraly ta Brtt-Ub Cofwabia aad < lady la the dtlaa of Vi»wirtr aad Vs orla aad oe tha farma la tha DHftboc; od. »bff*a thry ara IsdaaUtonaly amy .'*od la tho maay forma of maaial labor. for wbtch they appaar to har# both ape-dal adJLptattom aad daatra.

I aa tadabud to Dr Suadrr 3ta«h. tha arrreditad aernt for then« paopla la Caeada. for tha c. nceat aa to how (ba ryra of (kf Hladoa wara flraC turaod trward America acd C^zada aad tha flrft b#clQ*ta*» ot modern e mig radon froca lad la were laaptrad. Ha aaya that tha ftalt ot Miodu ra-Uglowa reformera lo tba *raat par I lar bmi of rfllgicaa wb*b waa bald la Cbkago fb coonecOoc w Uh tha wortda fair trat aroooad theaa pana te U> aa appradaUoa o• tba adraataga* of ocei-dratal ctrlltsatioa aad deoocrutic lo-atttntteaa

Tba adocatkmaj work earrUd on by Amrrtcaa miaalowarta* hi tba kich acooua a< icuia aiuo pragam tao wmy for a wmlac of good aeed la a ready aotl. tha fruttAgf °l wakb ui»d the ryaa of edoeaud Hlodua coward thia mw world. Coocomk* eoodUtooa la

I to law coiatry.—Yktorta Daily Tino#.

|E speak onr honeat c<mvictioos when wc tell you that wc do aot be-lievc that jon can do better tban to aclect a coaaiderable nuaiber of yoor Chriatmaa gifta from oor atock, which thia seaeoa offen most aatuaal opportuoities for tbe aelection of something for any mcm ber of the bonaehold, that will be both naefnl and pleasing, and at a price that will be within tbe reach of yoor pnrne. We harc tnade eitra preparation^ in order to be able to anpply yonr wanta, and we aasore you that we are afcmdantlj able to make yoor dealing here satisfactory in erery way. We want yon to come in and aee na, aoy way. The nice things yoo will aee herc will amplf pay yon for tbe little trouhle.

Watch Owr Show Windows for Christmas Saggestions

Parunna UDrfliifOro vui laiiiin urn uwhio


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