Wc^NKdi)*. Apt, 10 I0&0 Times N-iw. T*>n F.t»ł '-U^O B 5
Cood morning. It'* Wcdncfulay, April 19.
Tuesday‘s scores
National League
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Ex-CSI cagcr Peterson leaves Bengal program
POCATELl.O - Former CoIIcrc of Southern Idaho basketball player Todd Petcrson. who just eompctcd his junior ycnr nt Idaho State. has left the Bcngals
basketball program-—— ------
ISU coach Jim Boutin said Peterson. a S-foot. 7-inch Kigby High School gniduate who sondwichcd Iwo senson* at CSI uround an LDS misskm. wnuki return to ISU ncxt fali hut would not play basketball.
Todd is going tu eoiKrntratc on hm Mudii**.”said Uuulin.
Pcterwn. who was 1SU > sceenth man tost senson. avcraged 4 3 point* and 3.2 rebounda.
Jerome golfer's double-eagle leads the Tigers to victory
TWIN FALLS — Jerome non both sides of a Distnct 4 CLiss II high school golf match and providcd the highlight, log, w hen U rade Whtfo. a member of the Tiger jayvcc unit. ccirdod a rafę double eaglc
White. who had a 78. uccomplishcd the rarcMhc-holc-in-one font on the Par & No 7 hole ot Oonyon Spring* Golf Courw
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Magie Valley Church League to organize softball season
TWIK FAI.LS - The Magie Vall«-y Church Leaguivwill mcct al 7 p m. Thursday to organize for the coming roflbull season.
Paul DoWitt. league presidcr4. said the mertmg will bo at the- First United Mcthodmt Church cnnfefence rmim Ali churchc* inlerestcd in participating in the league this season should plan to be rcpreićnted al the mectsng.
Wąsko wins local amateur bowling elimination tourney
TWIN FALLS — Ted Wąsko Jr. provrd the "top gun* in the walking wounded elimination toumament of the National Amateur Bowlcrs Sur.day at the Bowiudrnmc.
Wąsko took the top prize of $235. foliowi hy Sun Nunc* in second. Kuger Graefc in third. Vcrdir Reynolds in fourth. Jack Walker Hfth in n two-frame rolloff with Kcith Kcllcy The NABI will next min thu Sunday at Amcńcnn FalU. Information may U-obuiinrd hy collir.g Tklma Tucker at 73MK7..
BySTEVKCKUMP TYmea-Aews sporL< cditor
TWIN FAI.LS — As Coitch Jim Wulker remember* it. Tom Chetk had to do a tiule snlosmsinahip to earn a *pot on the College of Southern Idaho baseball club n ycar ugo
*1 j*jid. Tommy. youre not very big. Hc sa;d. Skip. my niże madę me a pitchcr/ "
Chcek began the 19SS season. qmtc litcrally, as the lOth pitchcr on the CSI staff. Ten victories and a half dozen saveK later, the S-foot. 9-inch. 162-pound .nophomore right-hander from San Diego in the Eagl4*5‘ ace.
“HF* one of the pitchers 1 nevcr worry about.* said Wulker. whosc IS-13 Eagles begin their northem division Region 18 Schedule Thursday oftcrnoon ogainst North Idaho College in Cocur d AIcne. TIc*s iruipiratiutuil. bul he's donc it on the field. Ile ś backcd it up.
Tommy.* Walker udded. ‘is our wakfHipcall.*
In U gamrs — ninc of them as starter — Chi*ek is 6-2 with n 2.0G carned run avcragc. Through 47 2/3 innings. he*s givcn up 14 earocd runs, nllowed 37 hils. struck out .Tl and walkcd 16
That's in the wukc of a season in which hc worked strictly as a rrlirvcr — or morc accurately. as CSI s doscr. He was 4-4 In thal role with five saves and a 3.93 ERA.
"Ile WHOtcd to be a starter," smd CSl s pitching coach. Jim Dawson. “With his ability to thruw striki-s. 1 knew lir Could do it. Hc ju^-t r.ccdctl to ch.mr.cl it." *
Cheek cacne out of the CSI bullpcn with an 85-mile-an*liour fnsthttll, n cureeball and a paintball — a pilch whose efTect m the oppositc of n scrcwbnll. The palmball. which Cheek will thiuw as readily on 3*1 as hr d«»es on Ck2. hns bccome his "out" pitch.
*I'm not a power pitchcr." said Cheek. "If I try to get batters out with o fnstball. I m going to get hit bard. To get peoplc out. I m going to hnvc to get them to hiHrand rely on my mficld and out field. ’ "His paintball is his setup pitch.* Walker expbincd. TIe*s one of the
guy* wha calU a lot of his uwn pilclws*
But Dnwson Kiiid Cheek'u effectivencss has parallrlcd the deve1opmer.t of his curvcball.
To mc thnt s his beat pitch,* Siiid Dawson. ’Hc has groat cor.trol and bc i nblc to throw it for stnkcs in any situation."
Both Walker and Dowson say one of Check*s hest traits is his wiliingr.c*tf to challenge hitters, something Cheek atlnbutes to hi5 buHpencxpcncr.ce.
“Whcn >ou'rc a cIoslt. you han* to throw stnkcs — thul s the on!y thing they expccl you to do." be said. When I mado the transition to o sturter. I think thal expericncc helped mc focus morc."
Dawson says he had no doubt thal Chcek had the Mumina to bccome a starter.
"Uc h a good. compctitive kid who wants to bc out on the mound." Dawson said. “He camc out of the chute und in his third outing threw a completc gamę He nlways had urm strength nnd he**i woli conditioncd. *
Cheek. who nttcndcd tłw* >nmc high Khool os former CSI .Mars Shell Scott and Kevin lx>fthu«. was an infielder nnd n pur(-time piCcSter bnck honic,
When I fir»t came up herc. Skip told mc to pul my inficldeFs glovc nwny. thal I d ncvcr nced it herc* Miid Chcek.
lt.h;mn't quile worked out th:it way. Chcek has fillcd tn at M*cond und third h.*i<e for the Eagles and m hilting .GOO in five at*hats, includirig a homc run
“CSI has bren the hest thing thnt Could havc hiippened to nic,* said Chcek. "I nerdcd to comc Mimepluce likc this und do *omr gruwing up.
Walker and Dawson prcdicl Cheek will grow lato un NCAA l)ivision I bu>4*h.ill progrnm. hut as a n*lief >prciali>t
‘Ile * a climcr all the way" s.ud Walkrr. Hm corzml s too gmid not to U* a clovc*r
"I m niH ?ure where Tommy in going to go. but I m going to save -him*“for • the * hen." Walker continued "When the hest tfour-yearl program I kr.ow cnlls me. 1'm going to %ny herc you go.* ’
AIthough hc Is only 5'9", Tom Chcek has bccomc the big man on the mound for Ihc College of Southern Idaho Goldcn Eagles’ baseball team thls season
Declo girls dust off competition
By BRAI) BRF.LAND Trmes-iWw* unfer
MURTAUGII - In a w^ird. the bo>V competition was dosc, the girls' wint a mmmntch. A big mismatch.
Declo came into the wcekly Magie Valley Confercnce track mcct and immediiUcSy shfiuk up ihc scoring. if not the competition
The Declo girls’ team racked up 214 point*, its highc^t output this year to casily outdihtancc the competition. Tlić victory camc with ovcr a 130*point mnrgin.
Mcanwhilc. the Red Dcvil b*i)s’ Mjuad had n hard timc *haking off the llornet^ before pulling out u 20-poinl victory. thnnks in much part to their dnmnmnce m the weight cveMs. .
Evan Nchcker M>;ired to 6*3 in the high jump and Shanoon Widmicr won the shot pul as the Red l)evi|* took the fir>t two pbccs in each of those cvcnU.
Murtaugh took the firsl two places in the Iow hurdlcs and two out of the top three ploces in the high hurdles picking up kcy poinu enrly in the mcct.
For the llornct girls’ team. ii was quantity ond ąuality.
In many of the even?s. Declo almost sci-med tu 1h» nicing against thrmscKes
Decki 'W»*pt tłu* fir>t thrcc places in the Wjit- .uwl l.fjOO-metcr runs plu% they tco>k three of the top fuur places in the 3.200 metrrs.
Fre^hman Rena Miller captured threc fir>i place finisłies in tłu- 400* . h£D and l.lWkmeter runs. whiłc Melanie Jenkms to«ik fioł in the 3200 meter run whilc her >ister. Mrlissu. took honors in the king jump.
Another freshmnn. Angela ilodcn of Haft Rivcr, won both the 100 meter • Scc TKACK on Pnge B7
IHSAA puts Buhl into Class A-l
L.A. Clipper Tex Schramm quits in Dallas
• *
suspended for to lead International League
not playing
The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES - Rcggic Williams, frastrated by h\> lack of ptaying time. ha> bcciLsiupcnded for the rest of thg NBA M-nwn by the Los Angeles Clippors.
The 6-foot. 7-inch Williams, the fourth plnyrr sdccled in the IStfi NBA draft, was suspended lale Mondny night after the Clipper* 108-102 loss tn the Utnh Jazz after lwice refusing to enter the gamc. said Coach DonCuscy.
‘They might as wcll suspend mc. they dont piny me,‘ Williams said, uflcr bcing told of his fiuipension by Clippcrs generał manager Elpn Ba>1or. Tm tired of this. If they c;m'l give me an opfartunily to play. the heli with them.
"When 1 do woik bard, they ntill donl
By I)AVE GOI.DBERG The Associated Psrss
NEW YORK - Tcx Schramm..who crented "America*s Teom.' touk on the >)b of transplantmg "Amcricn‘s League* ovcrscas Tucsday when he rosigncd as president of the Dallas Cowboy* to head the expcrimenlal Interoationa) Football League.
The rcy.gnalion by the man who ra the Cowboys for nil of their first 29 ycnrs came on the day NFL owners unonimously upproved the sale of the CowBoys to ArkonKis oilman Jerry Jones.
And whilc it was an nmicable parting — "Wre flying hack to Dallas together,"
Schramm <aid — there was really no .ilternutive hecausc Jom•^ has takeo compiele operatiuiul cuntrol of the team
"This i* a new era, an era of inicraatnin.il growthr said Schramm, who will be in charge of erratiog a league-of ICM2 teams cąually xp!it belween Europę and Nnrth Amenca'.
'We want to :ake American football across the wnter and make it into an intcnutional >połt."
The NFL has Wen ocrou the water qu:ie n bil in the pa?t half-d<*c:ifk* — this ^umrr.er the Clcvoland Brown$ and Philadelphu Eagles will play iLh fourth American Bowl nt Isindoo s Wemhlcy Stadium and anothrr cxliihitioninTokyiK
Boxing may lead to Alzheimers'
By HERBERTG. McCANN The As+ocińtcd Press
givc mc any justiccTT..! uook all thnt aba^e •
from tformur ckachl Gcnc Shuc und now- CHICAGO —‘-łlćiearch indicatrs thnt
Don Cusey. Fm not takir.g any morc of this. !>oxiog injuries- may lead to Alzheimer’.** I know' I can ploy.* tWase. an uilment thal afflicted former
Williams said hc plans to speak with hir-^5xcr Sugar Ruy Robinson, n univcnity agent. Duvid Falk. within the nexl few ncurołogist saidiŁiturday^
wceks befora decidmg whether to demand a trade.
"When I told him to go ir.to the gamę. he refused," Cascy said. “It did cotch me by nurpriM.*. If* the first time l’vc ever hnd a player rrfu<c to go into the gamc."
Dr. Potricio Reyes. an nssociutc professor of neurokigy nt Thomas Jefferson Univimity in Philadelphui, said he Mudk^d eight former amateur and Professional boxers nged 65 through ffl and all satisfied the climcal critcnu for Alzheimer* disrasc.
Threc were diagmised :is haviiig Parkinson s discasc and hydruccpluila< — accumulation of fluid’ on the Wam, accompomed by enlargement of Ihc head
“It is importjr.t to notc tluit lhe.se lMixers heki respunsible jobs after boxing," Revcs said. *A1I werc rrfrrrcd to u« bcc.iu.Vof mentol loss. cunfusion and personality chnngcs." symptom-of Alzheimer* a.
Reycs .ind his rolleaguc^ presettted the findings of their. sludy at the annual mecting of the American Acndemy uf Neurolog) al u dow nlown hutel.
Timcs-Neus n nter
BUHL — After iwo ycur.% of ntU nding the siatę Class A-2 high school baseball playoffs. the Buhl Indiana hnve bccn somewhai Mirprised to find thcmseWes in the (Tiss A-l diviMion this time around.
Bi*cause the Indians havc hcen takmg playera from Filer and Castleford high icheob nnd. this ycar for the first timc. Hugcrtnun, the Idnho High School Activilies Assurintion informed Buhl the combined enrollmcnt of the threc schooU put them abovr the A-2 limit.
Th.it mctint they wnuld fuli into the Regum HI Class A-l pluyofTs with Highhtnd, Pocalcllo. Uurlcy, Minico nnd Twin Fnlls. which will start ix*xt month.
Buhl coach Joc Shepard said his school immrdiately petitioncd the sLile to rcmjin A-2 IHSAA Kxecutive Sec re tary Bill Young, noting baseball is not u stule-sanclioned >pnrt. said it madę little diffcrcnce to his group if Buhl remumed A-2 hut addrd it pmbably would rcquire appcpv.il from Snake River. South Fremonl, Shelley and other eastern Idaho ochooU thnt conipetcd with Buhl in District 4-S6. Thoia' schoolsall votcd no.
J gues- wc ll be going into the Class A playoff* as the sixth-sccded tcum hecausc we h;»ven ! played nny of the varsity team-other thun Burley." Shepard ?aid.
Ile neted "we hove two ptayers from Filer i\iA they re \xtlh semors su il isn t likc we an- drnwing from the totul student body. This is the fir?4 year we’ve lmd a player from lUgcrman nnd he“aa sophomorc."
Shepanl said if no new faccs appear out of Filer ncxt ycnr. the Indians would autornatically revt*rt to A-2 liecuuic "wc’re ja-t barely uver the limit now-.*
The A-2 tournamcnt is M-cdcd according to regular season rccords among the competiog tcumH, lraving only the siith spot for the Indians ___
Buhl, 4-2 so far this year, won lust ycur’s stale A-2 tournotnent consolution chainpiiHHhip.