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2/ Food/home

WtfnMt*. Apnl 10. 1090

Dear Abby C3 Allen Wilson C6

v*. T*.n Fnu-., iz.*.ho

— Briefly

Sunshine introduces healthful snack foods

WOODBKIDGK, X J. 1AP1 - Sunshine Bucuiu hit- intruducrd o ncw licu* uf -nack foods for nutrition-niinded eon* sum en*. Ali of ihe nw product* nrr frec uf irop.cul oils and da not contain any di-ctory cholesterol

The ncw producL* aro. Whrats.ji heuri-<haped snack cruckcr madę wiih w hole-w heat flour. Kri-py Whole Whrot crack-er*, a new tasle in saltincs; Shufllcs. a bilc-sizcd crockcr mudo with ICO pcrcent *kim nilk chcv*c; Sport Snaeks. a bite-5ixcd crncker in the shape of a football, baseball and basketball; O T Hcars, oat-meal cookic* in fun boar *hapes; and ChipO-Lotoenus. n ncw chocołaic chip .cookic....

Sunshine product* do not contain uny coconut oil and rr.crc than 98 pcrccm of the linc is frcc of palm oil. The company recently anr.our.ecd that ii had rcmovcd uli highly saturnted tropicul o«ls from its Hydro* Creme Filled Chocolatc Sandwich cookies. The palm oil hus becn rcplnccd .with cottnn.iećd oil, which :s a Iow nuu-rnted fat. Morę thnn a ycar ago. the company nmoved coccnul oil from the Hy-drox recipc.

Bakery follows fans west

WAYNE, X J. »,\P> - Amenj: the filcs for mail rcccivcd nt Drako Bakcr.es is a catcgory for •dt-ploccd Easicrocr** Tm? filc contain* letters from fomer Kast Coast resafents comphuning they cannot fmd their faeonte Drakę product* nt WV*t Coa.-t Stores.

Because of thc*c ietters. company offi-ciul* sny. Drakę Bakeries begnn this ycar d;stnbution cf its products to Lc- Angeles. San Fruncisco and Us Ytgas. Voas. a major grocery operntion on the West Coast. now carr.cs the product

Chns Chnstodoulou. prciidcr.t and chief executivc ofFieer of Drakc Bakenes. which produccs 14 snack cake* and pic*.

ho pcrsonaJly rcads all the letters sen: lo the company.

•It's really incrcdible.' hc says. ‘People hnvc grown up on our pmducU, and w hen they move out of our distnbution aren. they really do mis* them " A ncw catcgory hns now be%-n addtd to Drakę* filing system: ‘West Coast For.s."

Bubbte gum soda is here

NEW YOKK lAPi - From the pcaplr who gnvc the world Diet Chocolatc Fudge UiiKk* fhihhlp Gum soda. it new product the company says •will really blow you away*

Hubb.i Bubha soda. which i- dc-igned fur the 6- to 16-yearniid crowd. is the re->ult uf 18 mcnths of devclopment by A .1. Ca:ifield Co., an independent soft dnnk bottler Company oflfcials say that in the fir-t four ir.or.ths of dbtnbulion. 24 mil-Iron cans were sold.

Muffin mixcs have oat bran

CINCINNATI lAP) New from Duo-can llines: Oat Bran & Iloijcy and Oat Uran Dluebcrry mutTin mixcs. Kach muf* fm cuntams as much diclary filier as a break fas! bowl of fmit br.in cereal. ac-ci^rding tn company offiaals

The nuiffin* cofitain no pnłH*rvatives, no artificial fla\urs and n«> palm ml. To help ri duce intake of dii-tar>- cholesterol. con*un»ers can cIkkkc to make the muffin with 2 egg wbite* ir.stcad uf i egg.

Frozen meals are healthy

NKW YORK «AI* • - Uwiłby Chow » a ncw lun- of 10 fn»zcn prepared meals. all «if whidt are k»w m fat. sodium and cholesterol.

TIu-m- ne%r pnAiucts. from (!ongra. one of the nations largise fut>d companit*. nrc consistent witb tik- recommendation* of iht* Notional Chulesterol Kducatmn Pn»-grarn esluldishcd In* the National ln*t:-tule< tlf llrolth.

The Healthy Choice linę includcs MSifuud. puultn and meat dislies.

Mrs. Paul's ligbtens coating

PKILA0EI.P1HA lAPi - Mn. PaulV

ha- retornułl.itid ;:ie bread coairngTorTls-entin* lmc of Cri>py Cruncbir Fwh Filku and Fi.*h Stick*. wiih less breading and moce fi*h.

In addiliun. Iwo iu-w seafuod eoriiic* have bt en added to the company'* laght Fr.tree Iini- N-aTouil LiNag:7a“ii3“Sc3fuwtr Kolini

Spice firm sponsors contest

BALTIMORE <AH*—THt* Oldllay 5^.. soninc rrcipe conte-l in\ilw anulcur cliefs tu submM recipcs using Old Bay sea-HMiing^ Old Buy scasotiing o.H-d for seafix»d. puultn; salud* and irn-AU.

The top S0 entni-s will fcpprar in a spe-ciał mniicmr)' cookbook scheduled fer publication Inter thi* fnH. acccrdmg to a>mp.»ny nflkials.

S«-nd entrie* to Ikiltimure Spice,\ Itecipe («nte.*l IK-pt. Hut 5KSH, Haiti-iiwire. MD2I20S

cc^mt f** i»r

Chicken brcasts with caullllou^r rkc and shrimp wlth chlckcn and chcese rlsotto

Country inns inspire culinary creation

Frequtftt long weekend getaways tu intrigumg place* not 3u"' SiTr .i^“nndTCd^pportnrawcrfjeree along-nb

too fnr from homo ctre today\ \acalwn trend Inns fn-qucnt!y are the perfect destination. a.- they add a rn-w di-mension to travel and dining. Cuests delighl in the churm. uruque ambiance and friendly hwspitality uf country inn-, but most of nil. they relish the jniqce regioiul foods lik-inns feature.

Inspircd by great food inns acruss Anu-nea. lln-se <pwck and casy recipc* make *aii*f>ing mcaU that an- ready iii just mmotes. Try one or morę of these dclicious recipes tu-dov.


I-2"J cups water

4 uibłe*p<>©ns butler or margar.r.i-

1 package «4.fi ounces> Chicken and Clhivse Ki-ctto fui-vorcd ncc

1 pound medium or large shnmp. shcllcd and devtmed

• cup medium picanfrtauce 1

l tablcspoon Dijon style mustard

1    tablrspoun limę juicf

2    talrlespoofts chopped cilantni l smali ripc avocad<»

cupdiccd beli |K-pcr*

Cumfcme water. 2 tablespoons of the butler and conients of rkc and bt-a-ur.ing packet- in saurepan. Brin*; to a lani. Covcr f.ghtly ur.d simmer 10 minutes Whilc rice Mmnn-r.-. k-at remaintng 2 tablespoons butler nj IB-inch skiltet over medium beat Sautc shnmp about 4 minutę- Add picadte saocc. mustard and limę juice. Cbntinue to saote 2 minutes or unul shrimp are cookcd through Spnnklo with cilamm Hemove ncc from heat. Ix-t stand eoerred S minotes. or un-til dcftircd cimsi.-tency Perl. >tt*d and coarscly chop aenra-

shrimp. Make>4 screing*.


4 chicken bn-a.*t halle*, skinned and bnncd flour

1 cup fresk bread crumb-1 -• cup cru-hed pecans or nlmond*

1 tra.-p4M»n -all 1 * tea*pooa red pepper

l cgg

1-2/3 cups plus 1 tableapoon water I tahlespoon- butler or marganiu*

1 packnge 14.7 ouncc.*> Catdiflower Au Gratin flaeured rice

I tablespoon eegctablc oil l1: cups coarscly chopped spinach leavex Pound chicken Urea*t hnlves to ^ inch thickncis Dust willi flour. Cumbiite bread crombs. pecan*. salt aml n-d pepper; set aside. Heat egg with 1 tablespoon water. Dip chicken inlo egg muture then coat with bread crumb mi.v turę; set aside. ('omlnnc rrmaining 1 23 cup- water, 2 tu-hlespoon* uf the butler and conter.t* of rice and seusoning pcickels in ^auccpan. Hring tu a boil Cou-r tightly and sini-mer ri minutes, .-tirring occasiomilly. While nce rimmers. heat remaininjf 2 tablespoons butter and oil in large skillet uver medium-luw heat Snute chicken umil bruwned and ciHiked thrmigh, abmrt 1 tu 5 minutę* per side. Kemove rice frum heat lx*t Stand coicred S minuto, or until doi red c<UL*i-ttncy. Sur spinach into rice. Sem- ałongside diick-en Pour browned butler from dtiUot over cluckcn. if de-sired. Make* 4 semngs.



l packnge M.6ounces) Broccoli Almondinc fimored rice lł,i cup< water

l tablespoon butter or marganne IQ cup *hrcddcd carruts 3 tablespoons pcanut uil

1 -inull rod beli pepper, cul into short. thin strips 1 .smali yełłow or green łn-ll peper. cut into short, thin


2ck>vr* prlic. mineed 1 -• traspoon red pepper fiakes l pound bay or sea scaHop*. patted dry 1 tablespoon soy sauce

1    tu 2 lca*pooas fincly shrcddcd pnger

2    teaspoons Oricntal M-amo oil

Rrmoie packet of nlm.onds frnm packnge; set aside. Combinr water. butter iiml conlent* of nce and scusorung pac ket 5 in saucepon. Hring tu n boil. Cover tightly and simmer 10 nnr.utcs. Winie ncc simmer*, heat 1 UibJcspoon of the oil in 10-inch skillet ovcr medium beat. Sautc red and yeHow beli peppers ur.til tender, about 4 minutes. Kc:novc tu w.inn -ening platter. Add reoiaining 2 tablespoon* pi-anut oil to *kilk'L Add garlic and red pepper flakc* to oil. IIe.it ou-r medium heat until hot. Add Kallups; snute until cookcd througłi. hIkiuI fi minutę* for sen scallops and 4 minutes for bay scallops. Pour off any excess bquid. Stir in soy sauce. ginger and seasanu- nil; heat lhrough Pknir over pepper*. Rcmoie rice from heat. Let sUnd cmered until uli water is nbsurbed, abuut fi minuto*. Stir carmts into nce. Spnnklc nce with rontents of almoud packet; «nc nlongv.de scaDop*. Make* 4 scriings.

FDA informs processors of seafood contamination

Im Angeles Times

OAKLAND. Ćalif. — Śeafood prucessur.-. galhered herc fur a rcccnl confcrcna-. heard fedcrul offinala wam that contaminutiop ratę* (bund in numerous cookcd. or ready-to-cat. fishery product* are un.icceptnbly high

monocytngenc* ucćtirred duri^g random tc*ts cnndtictcd by the U S. \\M and Drug. Adminislration test ycar.

Unsanitao1 pnAtices amoro; thon- Who handle, cuuk and packnge fish ar.d shrilfish apparcntly causc much of the problem. Also discusM-d was a similnr threat pcsc-d by nat-umlty occuring nnero-orgunism* and tiwin* increas:ngl> found in raw seafood.

TV« particular rcsulis were canoe for eon-cern. The agency found bactcrial conuimi* nant* in 28 pcrccnt of the domestically caughl ond cooked crab it wuneycd And a test of 210 mer snlmon found that 209 eon-Uiined aniuki* wonns. parasite* that can causc iOnc*s :f consumed

Tik* mccting, entitlcd "Safety uf Processc-d

Seafoiid Product*.* was the fiflh in a serie* % lu-ki in nvent manih* thruughuut the country that the FIlA *|xmiorcd.

"The bboratory findmg^ havc bet-n a *ur-pnsc. Wedidntexpcct them." sani Joc Mad-den, deputy iii rretor of the FDA* Mkmhiokh g>* Divi*nn. *Hut tlioe are reul, not imag-incd. problem*.*

c<HHMli-rc<h l In^erisK-ofuan-.

mars n necessary educationul program for induKtry n pre.scnlatii es in light of the data. Tłn-y also hastened U> add that consumcra could protect them*elvt* by olway* reheat-injf prrcnnkcd senfond nr.d thnmjghly cook-ing raw fi.*h and shellfish.

Federal and State repreM*ntativc5, who spoke to the grmip. warned that compu-mc* rc*ponsib!e for contamination out-beaks faced mtcn*c regulatory senitiny and o resuiting Financial hardship that could k-ad to bankruptcy.

"If we find a puthpgen in >uur plant, then >ou haYt n acrious potential problem. And if we discou-r it in one of >nur produets. then ► you bit r»n evcn moro scverc problem.* • Ser SEAFOOD on Pngc C2

Local cook makes hobby of baking


Tiw* XfU i a/rrr^xjndtnt

TOIN KAU-S — Fleanor Hi*rg> rfin-ner gueat.* ofien have the opportunity to ratę ber prcwusly untned recipc-;. Slw Uu ;r huiu.,vl opiniai^. and wclcomes buth po*itive and nega-livc commcnts.

Sometimes *br in the one whu di cide* a ,di*h is^ not a* goud as she lhoeght it woufcTbe. So. in tKircaA"Befg inigM «iy. "Weil so much far thls one. lt\ rwl going in my file."

Bul. Iiccau-tc individunl Listo vary. homcone clse might say. *1 really thought :t was good."

Whcn Berg i> prepanng a mtal for company, she tries to fix as much abcod posbiMc. She sny* she docsnt Hke ta h;i\T n lot of laa-minule preparation*. •bccauNe I tend to talk, and forget soine-


In the bsl few mnnths. jihr says she ha* bera krnng a lot of fun trying bread recipc*.

"Fm doing it becausc I want lo rat whole whc.it bread, and thi- U-5t.way.lo


my bread is tq do it my.H-lf,* she says.

Iterg say* she uscd to bakę bread a lot whi-n U*r children were at hume, but sińce tU-y left U»mc *hc has hakcd it u Wlfss But now it haslK-comc homc-thing of a hobby for hcr. and shes bera having cxccllent rcsult*.

Here hcr recipc for:


Makes iwo lnaves

The mixing and knending of ths bread is done the night Ufna- baking.

I cup bran — oat or wiwat cup lukcwarm Water

• Sec COOK on Page C2




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