

Contlruied from Dl

rliiutl inchide the Imll trmit. whicłi is on lite U.S. Hsh and Wildlife Sondce* list «f tlire.it-enetl specics. Kokancc s-ilmon Itsn/cdisuppcarcd from ilu* lukę.

Netting conducted as pan of a lakę nssessmetit foimil an av-cr.ige of iłuee lakc whitefish per net in IUH1 -Hit. In (Ik- av-muge mpped 15. The lakę whitefish of ealcliahle size numltcr in iłic ntimlrcds of thnusands. said H;tiry Mansen. a fisheries hlologist fnrtheCon-federated Salislt and Knmcnai Tribes. which co-manage ilu* lakę with,stau,.nffici;tls.

Conecrits abntit- the popula-tion explosion inrhtdc the ealing hahils o! whitefish and wiicthcr thry will take ino miidi of the foo't1 needed hv lialiw lisi).

Tłtccnitiim-rdal c.itcltoflukc wliitelisli lias nut detited ilieir nnmhers significantly. nor bas 1'isli. Wildlife aml 1‘itrk.s vicwed the lianest as a way to limit the population. said Ddaray. The stateagency mattagesresources lor a wiricty of cynstintemies. mrludiug ihc many sport lislt-er men who enjny rutching Hatltead Lakę wliitelisli and want iliat to eontinue.

It is agaiust (his Itarkdrnp ol Intge wliitelisli iminhers (lut Mountaln Like hslieńes docs business umlcr a liingstanding Montana law lltat alltiws exrep-lions ui a generał han on sulesof Karne fisli.

Moim wholcsafes tlu* fiffiis for a poimd and nllers a disdiunt for laiKe(|uamiiiev I le relails the ca\iir al S20 lor a -l-onuce jar.

Moim pays his nmiractor lishormon r<mdliły SI a fisli and has oihers on Imani asemploy-eesTSomeiiines an experient'ed fisliennan eaieltes the daily limit ot KIO. lie said. tlthers catch hartllyany.

lliere have heen limes that Moim sigmil up liii lisiicnner. Hut HI or so catch most of the lislt.

"We have guys wlio s|gn up and think tlieyregoing«« make a killing on tliis." Mnhn saitL

Hien they fiml tliese lislt are aem.iily hard to catch. and they Kive up."

l)oingvwll takes exiicrience.

"'llieres a degree of expertiv in catchittK tliem consistently.” said Wilson, who retired as a professor of immtiitithlology at l’cnnsylvaiiia State llnivershy and moved h.ick to Montana, where lie gjew* up. 'Hieyre hot • tom feeders and sometimes they‘11 jtist sil down lliere and say. ‘Whats tliis noosen.se?"' as lishermcn wait for hites.

Tlić fishiiiK is primarily from early Oeloher umil Lite Decem-her. willi anglets reeling in ttn to 20.1X10 |K)iuids of whitefish (lor-mg lite aitnual spawttiug run «tp tlte Mathead Hiver. Hegulaii(ms prohihit useof uetsor traps.

Uke Wilson. Moim inoved Itoitie to Montana after a tarcer as a physirktn assistaitt in Alaska. Ile sjn-iii simie linie as a freclance writet ol miidoorarti-des for ntaga/ines.

On Mathead Like one day. Mohn said. lic passcdlłoatscar-rylng fishermen who were "iiauting in fisli altrr lislt." Ile imestigated. for a possHtłe iiiaga/jnc artide. Liter lie con-sideretl the htLsiness poiettlial uf all those wiiitellsh. and ew-n-utaiły recelwd n Montana Depariniem ol Agriculnire grant asaspringlMiard.

■'Wlien 1 started. I duł tliis be-c.uisc I lou-d to lisli." Moim said. Ninv lie s|tem|s less linie willi a md in lus łiand. and morę on admirtistratht; work

and the ojłcration of his fisli Processing plam a few milcs souiłiofKalispełl.

I le iiniichmles a lift tliis year ns ca dar pnees mcrea.se ovcnill foHowing the United .Status' han on imports of roe from ihreat-


ened neługa sturgeon. cavłar that sonie internet retailers tliis nionth listed al SI50 an mince. Ucforc (lic suspension imposcd Sept. TO. Iieluga caviar cottld enter tliis country from nations in the C-isniun Sea basin.

Ali aniele in the May isstie of the United Airlines in-flight nutgaodńc "Hemisplteres" listed Molms whitefish me aml Ute produets of four otlter compa-nieś as “America s hest domestic caviar."

Hic whitefish fdleLs semil in Montana lestatirants have lieett on Clacier hirk Inc. menus for years. with the restatiranis at jmrk lodgeseach nsiug different recines. Diners fmd Continental cooklng at tnie linlge. whitefish prepated as comfon fiuul al nn-(iihcr and top|)e<l willi berry Milce at still another.

"We foctis (łti Montana ilems first.” viid Chris McOty. foutl and łtemage direetnr lor the concessiotiaire. “Tltose ilems sell OieniseKes."

Moim figures that with tlte httge sttpply of whitefish in Mathead lakę. his business lias a promising luiure. V\1ten lie Ls icady to retire. lie sitid. he miglit sell Motmtain Like Hishcrics and then liecome one of its contr.icłors, retiing in fisli. .

Sunday. Octoter 16. 2005 TlmaWtawe. Twtn FaJb. Idaho D-7

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ContlnuBd from 01

as hm-siurs uorriis ahuut in-llatton were stirted hy a sharp rise in import pnees.'telleciiiiK snrKitiK gloh.il cnergy priers.

l.conoinist.s saidjhls years trade dcficii emild esceeti S7txi hillion. lar abovc last years hu-halanceof Stil7.t> hillion.

Ihe ll.S. dcficii willi CJiilta hit a inonthly ternrd of SIH.5 hillion in August. lni|Młrts from Cliina to the ll.S. set a rcconl. too. reflcethiK a funher rise in shipnieiits of Chincse cloilting and teMiles. The ileficit willi Cltliut is 2il penem ahead ol l%st years pace wlien il liii Slti2 hillion. lite hiKhesl lewi ever willi any country.

1’olitica) pressurc is incrcas-inK on the Hush aditiinistratioti loact. In Congrcss. lliere Kwide support for leKislation that wmild hnpose 27.5 perceni penalty larilfs on all Cl iinc.se produets nnless Hcijing allows its currcncy to rise furtIter in valuo agaiust the American dni-lar.

Cliina allowed a 2.1 perceni revaltiaiion ol thcCliinescytiaii on Inly 21. hut anaJystssaid that was far too smali (o liaw any Impact an the ll.S. trade dcficii.

Trcnsury Secretary John Snów visited the iiidustrial city of CłiciigdiinnThiir.sdiiy&spafiof a wecklong lour ofChlna. Snów Ls urging tiie Cltiitcsc to imder-take faster changcs in iłieir ciincney system. Imiosi donieś-lic dcmand and aDmv fotelu compelition in fmancKil sersie-es.

Snów will lie jniued l«y Hitler-al lleserve Chairaiati Alan CireeiLspan for discussions with the Chine.se on Smiday and Monday.

'lite Al:l.-CI(>‘s secretary-treastirer said the adininistralions la test elfort at economic diplomacy was "morę rhetoric from ImhIi gov-ernments. with linie'actioo.” Richard lYnmka said the ad-mlnistration slmtild cite Cliioa as a cnrrency manipulator in an upcominK report to Gm-gress. a step that emild lead to U.S. trade peiialties aKainsi (*.hina.

U.S. and Cltiitcsc trade nego-tlaiors ended a founlt round of talks in Hcijing on TJmrsday wi/hout any reponed progres* on ncgoiialiitK a de.d to limit imports of Cłtinese dothiiiK and tcxtile produets. niosę Koods have fltMidetl the U.S. market sińce tlte liftinn of ^loh-al (piotason łan. I.

U.S. textile mnnttfuciurcrs announced Uuy were filinR a pblition with the admitilstra-lion thut secks Hmits on import* of towels from Cltliut.
















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CKUkage an3 889U>    sca-ccis) l.m: one tond c ocr s:cour.* Owtfl Otok*" UnUmttod: Requ<cs 0wvst Kc*    fc«wpt m MTJ Cawi ^ ty ba*css w łrtcmci aaess    moy t* rxm*e<i

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ofóbcnS rr*nu!es jnd toyrsy. po*mess5gc c^aiTr: Kor Two Way tort    and S?O0 ptt-pnene    teirwutofi te«    biod tfm cor4ixis Całs rou^HJcd up to nert 1u>    u^j-^d mmutoSiartrAfd Add-»-

Une Foiturt: Ad8cnil któ ccmiktir^ iia> zw, hm Carta Batwton Qwn\ WUstea and Home Phonae: Nat cinoat^e «n6 >1 traves d poor« iystc^.s    '    '

CopyngAt o 2005 Onrst AJt Rigms Hescrwo


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