Curiculum Vitae of Professor Dr. Jerzy Kosiewicz

I. Education and sports achievements

Professor Jerzy Kosiewicz was bom on 13,h October 1949 in Wrocław. A primary and a secondary school (XIX Liceum Ogólnokształcące) were graduated by him in Łódź. During his secondary school education and for some subseąuent years he practiced boxing. He won a bronze medal in the junior middleweight weight class during the Junior Polish Championships in Włocławek in 1967. He twice represented Poland in matches against Hungary and the German Democratic Republic. Fe fought over a dozen intemational duels. He belonged to the Youth Polish Team and to a lsl league team of “Gwardia” Łódź. He has the 2nd dan grade in aikido and 3rd dan grade in jujitsu.

He was a student of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw and in 1973 he got a MA title in physical education together with diplomas of 2nd class boxing coach, of a judo instructor and of a specialist in massage. In 1983 he graduated Łódź University and he became a Master of Arts in philosophy. At the same university he was also studying culture studies (specialization: Theatre Studies) at the Faculty of Philology and he got a title of MA in Theatre Studies in 1986. He graduated also the Postgraduate Religious Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Warsaw University (1984).

His PhD dissertation on “Conception of the Humań Being in the Theory of Physical Culture” (which after alterations was published with the title “Physical Culture, Personality, Education. Methodological Issues”) was defended by him at the University of Physical Education in Warsaw in 1984 and he got a title of PhD in physical culture Sciences. The supervisor was Professor Zbigniew Krawczyk. Proceedings connected with his habilitation on the basis of a dissertation “Body and Spirit as Objects of Christian Philosophical Culture” took place in the Institute of Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1992. Their prereąuisite was a book “The Humań Being and His Body in Church’s Teaching and in Early Christian Philosophy - Issues and Problems. A Monograph” (Moscow 1991). As a result he got a title of a habilitated doctor in the humanities in the field of philosophy. He decided to undergo habilitation proceedings in Russia mainly because of his research on philosophical anthropology of Russian Orthodox Christianity (it refers to the so-called prohibita, which then were available only with consent of the authorities and in their place) and because of the fact that it enabled him to discuss with and consult local experts in the issue.

In 2003 he was awarded professorship and in 2004 he was appointed an ordinary professor in Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw.

2. Publications

He is the author of over 700 publications (including over than 200 in English and some in Russian). He wrote 8 books: “Kultura fizyczna i wychowanie. Zagadnienia metodologiczne” (“Physical Culture and Education. Methodological Issues” (1986 Warszawa); “The Humań Being and His Body in Church’s Teaching and in Early Christian Philosophy - Issues and Problems. A Monograph” (Moscow 1991); “Bóg, cielesność i przemoc” (“God, Corporeality and Violence”) (Warszawa 1997); “Myśl wczesnochrześcijańska i katolicka wobec ciała” (“Attitude of Early Christian and Catholic Thought towards the Body”) (Warszawa 1998); “Bóg, cielesność i miłość” (“God, Corporeality and Love”) (Warszawa 1998); “Kultura fizyczna i sport w perspektywie filozofii” (“Physical Culture and Sport from the Viewpoint of Philosophy”) (Warszawa 2000); “Filozoficzne aspekty kultury fizycznej I sportu” (“Philosophical Aspects of Physical Culture and Sport”) (Warszawa 2004); “Philosophy and Sport: From Methodology to Ethics” (Warszawa 2010).


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