Exam Test 2

Upbeat 4.
Przykładowy test egzaminacyjny. Poziom rozszerzony. Zestaw 2.



Track 15

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie nagranie. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T),
a które nie (F).

1 The speaker's desk is the first on the left. _____

2 There are three desks in the room. _____

3 The name of the plant in the room is unknown. _____

4 The shelves with the files are behind the desks. _____



Track 16

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwa nagrania. Z podanych odpowiedzi (a, b i c) wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zdania 1-3 odnoszą się do pierwszego nagrania, natomiast zdania 4-6 - do drugiego.

1 Timmy is happy because

a) he got a good mark.

b) he has no problems.

c) he has found his glasses.

2 Jack asks Timmy to

a) help him with a school project.

b) give him his mobile phone.

c) pass on a message.

3 The boys

a) are good friends.

b) are brothers.

c) hardly know each other.

4 The plane departs at

a) 6.30.

b) 7.00.

c) 10.30.

5 The meeting point is

a) at the customs desk.

b) inside the Wondertours Ltd. office.

c) outside the Wondertours Ltd. office.

6 Hand luggage can weigh

a) up to 20 kilograms.

b) up to 10 kilograms.

c) more than 10 kilograms.




Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Przyporządkuj jego poszczególnym fragmentom (1-3) odpowiednie nagłówki (a-d). Jeden nagłówek nie pasuje do żadnego fragmentu.

Jumper, thief and vegetarian


Acacia trees from Central America and the ants living on their branches are a classic example of symbiosis. Aggressive ants protect the tree against unwanted thieves and attack any animal that tries to harm it. The tree in turn produces nectar and special `nubbins' rich in proteins and fat for the ants to eat. This way, both sides benefit.


There are many creatures that want to feed on the acacias so the ants really have to guard their trees against potential thieves. Among them is one clever enough to steal the ants' nutritious food and get away alive. It jumps onto a branch, gets a tasty bit and jumps away before an ant patrol catches it. This animal is a small spider called Bagheera kiplingi.


There's nothing extraordinary about a jumping spider - there are a few thousand species of them living all around the world. However, they normally jump to catch insects like flies. Bagheera kiplingi is unusual because it uses its skills to get plant food. Acacia nectar and nubbins constitute 90% of its diet, making it the only mostly vegetarian spider species known. The remaining 10% of the food is made up by stolen ant larvae. Bagheera kiplingi seems to be the cleverest thief in the spider world.

a) Working together - plant and animals.

b) Spiders that jump to hunt.

c) Exceptional among its cousins.

d) A thief that escapes.



Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, które
z podanych zdań są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T), a które nie (F).

Introducing unusual sports: UW Rugby

Here's something for everyone who likes team sports and ... diving. It has little to do with regular rugby - save the name. In underwater rugby two teams of six players each swim in a deep pool and try to put the ball in the other team's goal (which is actually a large bucket at the bottom of the pool). The game is fast and physically demanding so the whole match takes only 30 minutes. There are two underwater referees and one out of the pool.

The secret of the discipline is that the ball is not filled with air but with saltwater so that it doesn't rise to the surface all the time.

Underwater rugby was invented only in the 1960s as a warm-up in German diving clubs, but was soon developed into a discipline. Later on, many tournaments appeared, including the World Championships.

1 In underwater rugby there are more than 12 people in the pool at the same time. ______

2 The ball often floats up to the surface of the pool. ______

3 The aim of the text is to compare underwater rugby and regular rugby. ______



Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wstaw zdania (a-e) w luki (1-4), tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

Men's hairstyles through the ages

Men have short hair unless they are rebels, artists or death metal fans. This may seem true today but things used to be different. 1____ In the 17th century, for example, it was fashionable for men to have shoulder-length hair that was worn loose. It had to be curly or wavy. 2____ And if he was going bald, he would get himself a splendid-looking wig. With curls, of course. Later on, in the 18th century wigs became the norm. Hair was still long, typically white and powdered, but tied at the back with a black ribbon. 3____ Around 1800 short hair became fashionable among young men. It was quite rebellious then! But not for long. 4____ The `traditional' opposition of women's long and men's short hair was established. However, you can have different lengths of short hair. The super short `crew cut' (still associated with military units) would have been much too short in the 1800s.

a) A radical change came at the end of the century.

b) In history there have been many periods when men commonly had long hair.

c) Short hair became popular with both men and women.

d) If a fashionable man had naturally straight hair, he had to use hair rollers to get the appropriate look.

e) Very quickly this hairstyle became the standard for men.


Środki językowe


Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij luki (1-4), używając podanych wyrazów w odpowiedniej formie, tak aby otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.

beach good coast spend visit

Hi Andy,

I'm on a school trip at the seaside and I'm enjoying my stay here. We are staying in a very small village with two sandy 1________. Yesterday we 2________ the whole day playing volleyball there. The weather was actually bad at first, but it got 3________ after the first day. We also went sightseeing the other day. We 4________ a thousand-year-old town that is nearby. It's fantastic! I'll write more when I come home.

Best wishes,




Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w nawiasach fragmenty, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

1 (Czy masz ochotę) ______________________________ going to the theatre?

2 (Nie jestem przyzwyczajona) ______________________________to cycling to school.

3 My brother can be (naprawdę denerwujący) ______________________________ .



Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wyrazami z nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie. Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów i dodaj wszystkie niezbędne elementy, tak aby otrzymać poprawne zdania.
W każdym zdaniu brakuje maksymalnie czterech elementów.

1 If you want my opinion, you (should / not / ask) John for help, he's so unreliable. It wasn't a good idea.

If you want my opinion, you ______________________________ John for help, he's so unreliable. It wasn't a good idea.

2 She (already / see) this film. Let's choose a different one.

She ______________________________ this film. Let's choose a different one.

3 I wish (he / be) as rich as the Queen! Now he is as poor as a church mouse.

I wish ______________________________ as rich as the Queen! Now he is as poor as a church mouse.




Grasz na instrumencie muzycznym i musisz ćwiczyć wiele godzin dziennie. Trochę cię to męczy,
bo chciałbyś / chciałabyś spędzać więcej czasu z przyjaciółmi.

Napisz email do koleżanki z Irlandii, w którym:

- opiszesz, jak wygląda twój dzień,

- napiszesz na jakim instrumencie grasz,

- poprosisz o radę, jak przekonać rodziców, żebyś mógł/mogła częściej spotkać się z przyjaciółmi.

Długość emaila 50-100 słów.

Podpisz się jako XYZ. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów. Długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji, spójność, bogactwo językowe oraz poprawność językowa.



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Środki językowe

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