Irakijczyk (Kurd) brutalnie zamordował 19 letnią Polkę (11 11 2008)

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Irakijczyk brutalnie zamordował 19-letnią

Iracki Kurd Abobakir Jabari brutalnie zabił w Leeds 19-letnią Polkę Lidię M., ponieważ nie
aprobował jej bliskiego związku z przyjacielem, Ajeenem Jabarem - podała lokalna
popołudniówka "Yorkshire Evening Post" w relacji z procesu.

Sąd koronny w Sheffield skazał mężczyznę na karę dożywotniego pozbawienia wolności z
zaleceniem, iż musi odsiedzieć co najmniej 18 lat i 6 miesięcy.

39-letni Jabari, który przed sądem w Sheffield przyznał się do zabójstwa Polki 23
października 2007 r., mieszkał razem z 23- letnim Ajeenem, również Kurdem z Iraku. Nie
akceptował bliskiego związku przyjaciela muzułmanina z katoliczką z Polski. Zabójstwa
dokonał w wąskiej uliczce w centrum Leeds, dokąd zwabił ofiarę. Dusił kobietę sznurem, a
następnie rozciął jej szyję i zadał jeszcze dwa ciosy nożem.

M. przyjechała do Yorkshire w styczniu ub.r. do matki. Ajeena poznała w pracy.

Jabari powiedział przed sądem, że stracił panowanie nad sobą, ale zaprzeczył, jakoby
motywem zabójstwa miało być to, że nie aprobował związku Polki z przyjacielem.

Gdy policja poinformowała o zabójstwie M., Jabari złożył kondolencje jej matce. Policja
aresztowała go z powodu fałszywego alibi. W tym czasie miał już wykupiony bilet lotniczy
do Jordanii, gdzie mieszka jego ojciec. Jego tożsamość ustalono na podstawie DNA i
billingów telefonicznych.


dostęp: 11.11.2008 / 20:52:08

Tuesday, 11th November 2008

Life for Leeds killer who garrotted teenager

Abobakir Jabari

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Published Date:
11 November 2008

Jo Francisco

An Iraqi Kurd who butchered his flatmate's girlfriend in a city centre alleyway, nearly
severing her head, has been jailed for life.

Abobakir Jabari, 39, garrotted Polish teenager Lidia Motylska before slicing her neck open
from ear to ear.

He then stabbed her in the chest and slashed her stomach - after she had died.

The 19-year-old was found slumped in the alley off Dolly Lane, Lincoln Green, by police
who had been called to reports of a woman being attacked.

The court heard Jabari had disapproved of Lidia, a Polish Catholic, having a relationship
with his flatmate Ajeen Jabar, an Iraqi Kurd.

Jabari admitted murdering Lidia when he appeared at Sheffield Crown Court. He was jailed
for a minimum of 18 and a half years.

Sentencing him, Justice Stuart McKinnon said: "There is the gravest suspicion you lured
this young woman to her death and made your disapproval of her and her relationship by
gratuitous violence upon her.

"This murder involved an exceptional degree of violence. The extreme cutting of the
deceased's neck is grotesque.

The court heard Lidia had moved over to the UK in January 2007 to live with her mother
Renata Motylska in Beeston.

She got a job in a kitchen manufacturer's in South Leeds where she met boyfriend Ajeen, 23.

Ajeen shared a flat in Oatland Heights, Little London, with Jabari who also worked at the
same place. Ajeen and Lidia later went on to work at a sandwich bar in Harehills.

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In the weeks before her death, Lidia thought she was pregnant and wanted to keep the baby.

For the prosecution Simon Myerson, QC, said: "One consequence of her death is I am able
to say she was not (pregnant)."

He went on: "The defendant did not approve of the relationship. He did not approve of Lidia
sleeping in his flat. He did not approve of his friend going with a Catholic Polish girl."

The judge said once theory of the slash wounds to the stomach could be that they were "an
expression of disapproval to her pregnancy and her relationship."

Jabari admitted the murder saying he lost his temper but denies he disapproved of the
relationship and says he cannot remember inflicting the wounds.

It was 6.40pm on October 23 last year when Lidia left her bus on Sheepscar and walked to
meet Jabari who had lured her there.

Using a cord from his tracksuit bottoms, Jabari garrotted Lidia from behind at a blind bend
in the alley which runs between Dolly Lane and Lincoln Road. He then cut her neck open
leaving a wound so keep leaving a wound so deep it went through to her spine.

Two witnesses walking down the alley saw a man on top of a woman. He was holding her
by the neck and as they passed by the man looked up and said "It's OK."

The witnesses phoned police who got there minutes later.

After the murder, Jabari went back to his flat where he watched a football match with Ajeen.
But Ajeen became increasingly worried about Lidia's whereabouts. He went with her mother
to report her missing the next day.

In a sick twist, Jabari even visited Lidia's mother to give her flowers after the murder.
He was arrested days later when he gave false alibis to where he was at the time of the
murder. He had also just booked a return flight to Jordan to visit his father.

DNA and mobile phone records linked him to the murder and he admitted it, weeks before
he was due to go on trial.

Speaking after the case, Det Supt Bill Shackleton told the YEP: "This was a brutal and
calculating murder. The motive that drove Jabari to murder Lidia is never going to be
absolutely clear burt all the indications are he was obviously jealous of Lidia's relationship
with his friend."


dostęp: 11.11.2008 / 20:57:49

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