access 4 progress check unit 6,7,8, Access 4 Progress Check 7

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1 Emily Brontë created many wonderful ..........

................... characters in her novels.

2 He used a very .....................................

microscope to look at the bacteria.

3 George Orwell’s 1984 is a .............................

novel which depicts life in the future.

4 Dogs are known for their .............................

to their masters.

5 Victor Hugo’s .................................. is still

admired by the reading public today.

6 These herbs are supposed to have healing ........

....................... .

7 I don’t know James’ ............................. to

his computer. Thus, I can’t access his files.

8 Being a restaurant owner is .....................

............ being unemployed.

9 Pragmatics is a(n) ............................. branch

of linguistics.

10 The government was accused of ................

..............., as far as the crisis in economy was


Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z listy.


creativity ñ loyalty ñ futuristic ñ fictional ñ a far cry from ñ emerging ñ inaction


powerful ñ password ñ properties


Wybierz właściwe wyrażenie.

1 These balloons are floating because they’re filled

in/with helium.

2 The topic of your essay must be related with/to

problems in society nowadays.

3 Jack has benefited from/by his experience as

a charity volunteer.

4 I would like to buy the shoes in/on display in your

shop window.

5 The writer has made up/out such an imaginative


6 He robbed the bank and made out/for the door

to escape.

7 Please repeat your address. I didn’t make out/

in what you said.

8 That’s not what happened! You’re making things


9 The sun came out and the tourists made from/for

the beach to swim.

10 I can’t make up/out what that figure in the

painting is supposed to be.

1 The company decided to ................................... their product in the newspapers.
2 Follow the ................................... on the back of the box to bake a tasty cake.
3 I don’t have a car because I use public ................................... to get to work.
4 There’s a .............................. film on about robots that think and act like humans.
5 Jenny was very ................................... because her pet cat had just died.
6 Mark isn’t strong enough to walk his big ................................... dog.
7 It was kind and ................................... of Frances to help you with your essay.
8 My first job was hard work but it was a ................................... experience.
9 If we ................................... the office, we’ll become more organised.

10 There were many paintings on display at the ................................... .


Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od słów podanych obok.


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1 Did he manage to commit/develop the new

software package on time?

2 Cheating when you sit an exam is unethical/


3 Can you install/connect to the Internet from your


4 She told us a very amusing/creative story about

her adventures in India. Everyone was in stitches.

5 A laptop is a very useful device/industry.

6 I’m afraid your passport is not exceptional/valid,


7 There was a force of 500 policemen at the stadium,

so as to ensure/harm the fans’ safety.

8 Hackers/Colleagues were able to break into the

government network.

9 In case of an experience/emergency you need to

dial 100.

10 Permission/Plagiarism is penalised by our school.


Wybierz właściwe słowo.


Dopasuj do siebie wyrazy z obu kolumn. Następnie użyj nowo powstałych wyrażeń, aby uzupełnić zdania
poniżej. Pamiętaj, aby użyć czasowników we właściwej formie.


a chores

b exploration

c science

d microchips

e consequences

f royalties

g in mind

h intelligence

i the instructions

j back

k procedures


1 When one enters the Parliament, one has to

follow certain ......................, which are in
place to keep everyone safe.

2 The landing on the moon brought about a new

era in ...................... .

3 Developments in ...................... will result in

robots that are able to perform tasks similar to
those human beings can.

4 There were ...................... for Simon when he

copied material from another student’s essay.

5 ‘Please ...................... and do not touch the

displays’, said the museum guide.

6 I won’t be able to go out until I finish my .........

............. at home.

7 Astrobiology is a(n) ...................... that has only

recently been accepted.

8 The publishing company needs to ......................

to the writers whose work it prints and sells.

9 When you open spam email, you need to ..........

............ that they may contain viruses.

10 In the future, ...................... could be inserted

in our body to repair injuries or fight diseases.

11 This tea pot ...................... to the 18






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W poniższym dialogu znajdź zdania, które znaczą to samo, co wyrażenia (1-5).

1 I completely agree with you.


2 They must have been planning it for a long time.


3 I’m concerned by that.


4 Did something happen that’s worth mentioning?


5 What you say is correct.


Fred: Did you see the news last night?

Becky: What happened? Was there anything interesting?

Fred: There was a story about people stealing credit

card numbers on the Internet.

Becky: My goodness! That’s scary!

Fred: You can say that again. I’m just lucky I don’t

have a credit card.

Becky: The people have to be well prepared and

organised to commit such a crime.

Fred: You have to be very careful with your private

details online.

Becky: That’s true. You can never be completely sure

about security.

Fred: Let’s just hope the police can be one step

ahead and catch them.

Becky: Yes. Let’s hope so!

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Podkreśl właściwy czasownik modalny.

Dear Tim,
I’m writing to tell you about the new Spanish course I enrolled in last week. I 1) have to/should attend
the class twice a week. I was told that by the end of this year I 2) could/will be able to speak Spanish
fluently. Of course, I 3) should/might make sure that I don’t miss any lessons to achieve that.
Yesterday, we had some simple dialogues and texts to read but most of us 4) mustn't/couldn’t
pronounce the words very well. Anyway, I’m sure that if I practice more, I 5) have to/ could become
better at it. I also think that I 6) must/might do my homework carefully in order to understand the
different language.
What 7) may/couldn’t interest you about this course is that you 8) must/can have the first two
lessons free and then, if you like it, you 9) ought to/can continue to take the whole course. So,
what do you think? I say that you 10) should/may join me and by this time next year, we may be
chatting to the locals in sunny Spain!

1 Sue isn’t at school today; she ........ be ill.

A can

B must

C would

2 Don’t touch that, it’s dangerous. You ........ hurt

A ought

B should

C might

3 The teacher told me that I ........ be more

careful during the lesson.
A should

B can

C ought

4 I ........ tidy my bedroom. It’s really messy.

A need

B must

C mustn’t

5 Betty ........ take a taxi because Nick offered to

give her a lift.
A needn’t have

B need

C didn’t need to

6 I’m afraid I ........ help you with that exercise.

It’s very difficult.
A can

B can’t

C am able to

7 ........ I help you carry these bags?

A Will

B Shall

C Ought

8 You ........ study hard to pass the exams.

A must

B can

C may

9 Melanie ........ speak French by the time she was

A can

B will

C could

10 You ........ do the ironing. I’ll do it later.

A must

B mustn’t

C needn’t


Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, zaznaczając A, B lub C.


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1 It’s better to call Tony and ask him about the party.



2 Do I have your permission to leave earlier today?



3 It’s not necessary for you to attend the meeting.



4 You are not allowed to walk across these lines.



5 It’s not necessary for you to work today since you

are ill. (don’t have to)


6 It’s very important to take this envelope to the

police. (must)



Przepisz zdania za pomocą czasowników modalnych podanych w nawiasach, zachowując znaczenie zdania

1 I advise you to go to the doctor.


2 It’s possible that James will go to the cinema



3 It isn’t necessary for you to do all the housework

by yourself.


4 We are obliged to be at work at 9 am every day.


5 We aren’t allowed to use a mobile phone during

the show.


6 It was easy for Paul to speak two foreign

languages when he was eight years old.


7 I didn’t manage to come to your wedding because

I had a terrible cold.


8 Is it possible for me to have next week off, please?


9 I advise you not to sunbathe for more than an hour.


10 It was necessary for everyone to leave the

building when the fire alarm went off.



Przepisz zdania, zastępując wyróżnione fragmenty czasownikami modalnymi.

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Uzupełnij luki w podanych zdaniach w taki sposób, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego.
Możesz użyć nie więcej niż trzech wyrazów.

1 James had the ability to solve very difficult

mathematical problems when he was ten.
James was ..............................................
very difficult mathematical problems when he
was ten.

2 You must always remember that you are not

allowed to copy other people’s work when you
write an essay.
You must always .......................................
.................................. mind that you are
not allowed to copy other people’s work when
you write an essay.

3 It’s possible that Sarah will stay out late tonight.

Sarah .....................................................
out late tonight.

4 Someone entered her house by force and stole all

her valuables.
Someone ..................................................
into her house and stole all her valuables.

5 You had better book in advance if you want a

place to stay in Corfu.
You ought ...............................................
in advance if you want a place to stay in Corfu.

6 This antique piece of furniture is 200 years old.

This antique piece of furniture dates ..............
...................................... the 19th century.

7 You don’t have permission to use my computer.

You ........................................................
my computer.

8 Let’s go to the cinema tonight.

How .....................................................
to the cinema tonight?

9 You aren’t allowed to take pictures in the

You .......................................................
pictures in the museum.

10 It isn’t necessary for you to do this exercise.

You .......................................................
to do this exercise.


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