Access 3 Progress Check 7



A Zaznacz słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych.

1 skinny / slim / thin / plump

2 wavy / round / spiky / curly

3 unpleasant / courageous / lovable / charming

4 inventor / architect / journalist / hitchhiker

5 bicycle / helicopter / scissors / aeroplane

6 beard / moustache / figure / freckles

B Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami o przeciwnym znaczeniu utworzonymi od słów podanych w nawiasach.

1 The scientist was worried that the results of his experiments were .......................... (reliable).

2 Suzy was .......................... (pleased) with the fact that the pizza arrived late.

3 These days, even a talented musician won't be successful if he is .......................... (attractive).

4 The mathematician was .......................... (certain) that the solution he had found was correct.

5 Vicky is very .......................... (honest) - don't trust a word she says.

6 The nutty inventor is disorganised and .......................... (logical) but, despite this,
his inventions are amazing!

C Uzupełnij przymiotniki w poniższych zdaniach. Liczba wolnych pól odpowiada liczbie brakujących liter.

1 The path to the beach is so n _ _ _ _ _ that you have to walk in a line.

2 She's quite _ _ m _ _ and finds it difficult to talk to people.

3 Martin is _ _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ _ . He often loses things and forgets to do things because he doesn't think in a logical way.

4 Polly always enjoys meeting people; she's so _ _ _ _ _ b _ _ .

5 Hannah is _ _ s _ _ . She never puts her things away and her room is always untidy.

6 Be careful with this plant; its leaves are really p _ _ _ _ _ _ .

7 Meredith is very _ _ k _ _ _ _ _. She has a sweet nature and charms everyone she meets.

8 I admire Stephanie because she is so b _ _ _ _ . She faces difficult situations with courage and determination.

D Dopasuj do siebie wyrazy z obu kolumn. Następnie użyj nowo powstałych wyrażeń, aby uzupełnić zdania poniżej. Pamiętaj, aby użyć czasowników we właściwym czasie.







at first

elements of

start my own


win an

get a

a business

b sight

c degree

d award

e miracles

f nature

1 The sculptor .............................. for his latest work of art.

2 Eric seems timid .............................. but actually he's very sociable.

3 In the past, people believed that all things were made from the four.............................. : earth, water, fire and air.

4 Abigail is determined to achieve her ambition of .............................. once she has finished university.

5 You have to be intelligent and hardworking to .............................. from Oxford University.

6 The hairdresser .............................. with Ed's messy hair. Now he looks very attractive.

E Wybierz właściwe odpowiedzi.

1 That's the cutest kitten I have ever seen!

A: Yes, it's very lovable, isn't it?

B: Yes, it's very honest, isn't it?

2 What's the matter?

A: It doesn't matter if you're too tired to go to the party.

B: I'm really tired. I don't think I can go to the party.

3 Anna's ambition is to go to ballet school. She loves dancing.

A: That's not a problem.

B: That may be, but she's not very graceful.

4 Is the weather warm enough to go windsurfing?

A: No, the water's still quite chilly.

B: Yes, that's right.

5 Is Pete old enough to drive?

A: He's quite a patient driver.

B: He's 17, so he's too young to have a licence.

6 Who's the most likely to be top of the class this year?

A: Not me. I only studied for a week before the exams!

B: In any case, Paula is very intelligent.


A Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami podanymi w nawiasach w stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym lub za pomocą wyrażenia (not) as ... as.

1 Joseph is growing fast and is now ............................ (tall) boy in the school.

2 I love watching Nicole Kidman's films. She's ............................ (talented) actress I know.

3 Katie is ............................ (hardworking) than the rest of the students, so she is always top of the class.

4 The thief was ............................ (cunning) a fox and nobody noticed him enter the building.

5 My sister's hair is ............................ (curly) than mine, but mine is much ............................ (long) than hers.

6 William Shakespeare is Britain's ............................ (good) known writer. Jane Austen is ............................ (not/famous) him.

7 Anne Frank is ............................ (brave) and ............................ (courageous) person I have ever heard of.

B Wybierz właściwe wyrażenie.

1 There was not too/enough sunshine to get a tan while we were on holiday.

2 Felicity was too/enough timid to approach the famous musician.

3 I am not daring too/enough to try parachuting.

4 I wouldn't like to live with Paul as he is too/enough messy.

5 Claudia wanted to buy a new headscarf but it was too/enough expensive.

6 The store manager put an advertisement in the newspaper, as he did not have too/enough deliverymen.

7 The artist had too/enough many sketches in his notebook so he had to buy a new one.

8 Paul didn't have too/enough qualifications for the job.

C Przeczytaj tekst i napisz osiem zdań dotyczących wyróżnionych fragmentów, zakończonych question tags.

e.g. Trevor Baylis was born in 1937, wasn't he?

Trevor Baylis is a British inventor, born in 1937. His best-known invention is the wind-up radio, which he designed after he saw a TV programme about AIDS in Africa. He tried to think up a way to provide radios to rural communities that don't have electricity. Using intelligence and a little wizardry, he produced a radio that works by turning a handle. The design was very successful and won lots of awards. Although he is in his late sixties, Trevor refuses to grow old gracefully and his lifestyle is anything but relaxing. In 2001, he completed
a nutty
100 mile walk across the Namib desert, wearing electric shoes that he had invented and raising money for charity. He has also started his own business to support other inventors and engineers. He's an amazing character!

1 ………………………………………

2 ………………………………………

3 ………………………………………

4 ………………………………………

5 ………………………………………

6 ………………………………………

7 ………………………………………

8 ………………………………………

D Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, zaznaczając A, B lub C.

1 Brad Pitt is a very talented actor, ..........?

A isn't he? B has he C is he?

2 There was a hitchhiker at the side of the road and Anita picked him up, ..........?

A wasn't it? B didn't it?

C didn't she?

3 The scissors weren't on the table, ..........?

A weren't they? B were they?

C did they?

4 Georgiana's hair looked really nice in

pigtails, ..........?

A wasn't it? B didn't it?

C didn't they?

5 The article was too detailed, ..........?

A wasn't it B was it? C didn't it?

6 He had paid attention to the instructions, ..........?

A isn't it? B didn't he? C hadn't he?

E Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi zaimkami zwrotnymi.

1 I started my own business all by ......................... with nobody to help me.

2 Helen injured ......................... while she was skateboarding.

3 Denise and Brian designed their house ......................... and now it is the most desirable home in the neighbourhood.

4 Paul looked at ......................... in the mirror and decided to shave off his moustache.

5 My new TV switches ......................... off if nobody is watching it.

6 Ask ......................... why you think I might be angry, Aaron!

7 We created this problem ........................., so now we have to solve it.

F Podkreśl właściwe słowo.

1 I took on/in your skirt at the waist; try it on to see if it fits.

2 Harry takes after/away his grandfather; he has the same round face and brown eyes.

3 They found a stray dog and decided to take it in/on.

4 There's too much work to be done, so everybody must take in/on more tasks.

5 After a three-hour delay, the plane finally took away/off.

6 Could you please take all the dirty clothes away/off and wash them?

7 Joseph's hard work paid off, as his career is finally taking in/off.

G Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi przyimkami z listy.

in at for of

1 Mary is afraid .......... rats and cockroaches.

2 When will you be available .......... an interview?

3 Gina is the most suitable person .......... the job.

4 I was too tired to go to the party and, .......... any case, I wasn't invited.

5 Ben and Hannah fell in love .......... first sight.

6 She collects money for children .......... need.

7 Charlotte applied .......... a new job.

8 Mike and his wife don't seem to have many things .......... common.


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