Access 3 Progress Check 6



A Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami z listy.

sprained twisted hurt broke

1 A: Why are you limping? Is something wrong with your leg?

B: Yes, I ..................... my ankle yesterday.

A: Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear that!

2 A: Are you alright?

B: No, my wrist is very sore and I can't move it.

A: Don't panic! You probably just ..................... it; I'm sure you'll be fine in a few days.

3 A: Ouch! My leg hurts so much!

B: I think you ..................... it; I'll call an ambulance.

4 A: What's wrong with you?

B: I ..................... my back last night at basketball practice.

A: Oh I'm so sorry! What did the doctor say?

B: I'm seeing him this afternoon. I'll let you know.

B Zastąp fragmenty podkreślone w ćw. A wyrażeniami o tym samym znaczeniu.

1 Calm down: ................................................

2 is killing me: ................................................

3 I'll be in touch: ................................................

4 You poor thing!: ................................................

C Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z listy.

ignores adult occurred precaution residents

remain oncoming patrol lethal dusk

1 In World War II, several people used to stockpile food as a .......................... against starvation.

2 You're not allowed to wear headphones when you drive because you might not hear the

.......................... traffic.

3 The .......................... of the area protested against having a new tourist resort built there.

4 I have warned him to cut down on his expenses several times, but he always ...................... me.

5 Mounted police .......................... this area twice a day.

6 Unfortunately, the witness to the murder won't testify in court, as he wishes to ......................... anonymous.

7 After the police searched his house, they found several .......................... weapons, among which there was also a shotgun.

8 You have to be a(n) .......................... to watch this film.

9 No thefts had ever .......................... in the building where I work until today.

10 Shark feeding time is at .......................... or at dawn.

D Dopasuj sprawców do popełnionych przez nich przestępstw, wpisując odpowiednie litery w kratki.







A shoplifter

A burglar

A mugger

A robber

A pickpocket

A vandal

a broke into Martha's house and stole money and jewellery.

b took an expensive watch from Harrods.

c smashed windows and set a car on fire.

d went into a bank with a gun and stole 5,000 pounds.

e attacked an old lady in broad daylight and stole her handbag.

f stole Mrs Jennings' wallet on the subway.

E Dopasuj do siebie wyrazy z obu kolumn. Następnie użyj nowo powstałych wyrażeń, aby uzupełnić zdania poniżej. Pamiętaj, aby użyć czasowników we właściwym czasie.












put on

a my head

b house

c an exam

d weight

e schools

f bullied

1 I ................................ on the cupboard as I turned around.

2 Dennis ................................ by a group of older boys at school but he decided to ignore them.

3 Albert and his parents ................................ a month ago and they like their new neighbourhood very much.

4 She has to ................................ next week, so she will spend the weekend studying.

5 Ever since Jason ................................ , he lost touch with his friends.

6 She ................................ , so she has decided to go on a diet.


A Podkreśl w zdaniach właściwy czasownik modalny. Następnie napisz, co wyraża każde zdanie.

e.g. You might/should always be careful when swimming near a reef. Rada

1 You don't have to/mustn't go out with us if you'd rather stay at home. ...........................

2 If you go sunbathing in mid-afternoon, you can/should wear sunscreen. ...........................

3 It is dangerous to swim at some beaches in Australia, as you may/must be attacked by sharks.


4 You mustn't/don't have to touch cone shells because they can give you a toxic and painful sting.


5 You might/must always drive carefully to avoid accidents.


B Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi czasownikami modalnymi.

could/couldn't was/wasn't able to might

may not should don't have to

1 When you are in the subway, you .................... always beware of pickpockets.

2 Will you be home later? I .................... give you a call.

3 Students .................... leave the classroom when sitting an exam.

4 When he told me he .................... swim at the age of four, I couldn't believe it.

5 Children under the age of six .................... pay for a bus ticket; they can get on the bus for free.

6 His parents moved to the United States when he was very young, so he .................... speak Greek at all until he had lessons.

7 Mark .................... give me a lift home, because he was going to meet his friends after work.

8 I found the grammar exercises very difficult, but in the end I .................... do them.

C Dopasuj czasowniki modalne do ich znaczeń, wpisując odpowiednie litery w kratki. Następnie uzupełnij właściwymi czasownikami luki w poniższych zdaniach. Które dwa czasowniki mają to samo znaczenie?









have to

wasn't able to


was able to

had to




a possibility

b ability in the past, repeated action

c ability in the past, single action

d recommendation, advice

e obligation in the present

f obligation in the past

g no ability in the past

1 His mother is French and his father is English, so he ................... speak both languages from
a very young age.

2 We ................... leave now, otherwise we'll miss the bus.

3 Stonefish ................... sting you if you accidentally touch them.

4 You ................... not drive to the city centre at peak hour; it's better to take the subway.

5 He ................... fix the fridge himself, so he called a technician.

6 Although he doesn't speak any English, he .............. show a group of tourists which way to go.

7 When we were at school, we ................... follow the rules closely so as not to get expelled.

8 I did my best but I just ................... talk him out of it.

D Przepisz podane zdania tak, aby zachować ich znaczenie, używając podanych czasowników modalnych.

1 It is possible that Susan is at home. (may)



2 It isn't permitted to have your mobile phone on during the play. (mustn't)



3 Helen had the ability to speak three languages at the age of 10. (could)



4 I advise you to study as much as possible because it's a very difficult exam. (should)



5 Dennis found it hard but, in the end, he managed to pass his driving test. (be able to)



6 It is possible for dolphins to kill a shark. (can)



7 It is necessary for you to wear your seatbelt. (have to)



8 It's possible that we go swimming tomorrow. (might)



E Przepisz podane zdania w mowie zależnej.

1 “Don't make so much noise, please,” said the teacher to the students.


2 “Susan is having a shower now,” she said.


3 “What did you think of the movie?” Sue asked her friend.


4 “Have you ever been to Sweden?” she asked Sarah.


5 “I'll help you with your luggage,” he said.


6 “Don't throw litter on the ground,” the policeman said to us.


F Przepisz dialog w mowie zależnej.

Fred: Well, are you excited about going to Paris tomorrow, Emily?

Emily: Oh yes, I just can't wait.

Fred: How long will you stay there for?

Emily: I'll stay there for a week; I wish I could stay longer!

Fred: What will you do while you are there?

Emily: I'll go sightseeing, shopping and I will also try to get some rest.

Fred: Well, make sure you try some of the local cuisine as well.

Emily: Oh, I definitely will because I love French cuisine.

Fred asked Emily if she was excited about going to Paris the next day and she answered that she was and that she just couldn't wait ..................................................................................................







G Zastąp podkreślone wyrażenia w zdaniach właściwymi czasownikami złożonymi o tym samym znaczeniu. Pamiętaj, aby użyć czasowników we właściwym czasie.

1 The washing machine stopped working. Could you call a technician? ......................

2 She ended her relationship with her boyfriend after being with him for three years. ......................

3 Burglars entered my flat by force when I was on holiday and they stole money and jewellery. ......................

4 She lost control of her feelings when she was told she hadn't passed her exams. ...................... 5 She escaped from his grasp and started calling for help. ......................

H Zaznacz właściwą odpowiedź, zaznaczając A, B lub C.

1 Could you please let me know ......... advance how long you'll be staying here for?

A in B on C from

2 Straight after she had the cast removed from her leg, she was out and ......... again.

A away B about C in

3 Try to stick ......... the directions you are given.

A in B on C to

4 She was very proud ......... her son's performance in sports.

A of B on C to

5 Australia is home ......... several aquatic animals.

A to B of C for

6 She managed to get such a good job because she didn't leave anything ......... chance.

A by B on C to

7 We were ......... doubt about how to proceed, so we asked a lawyer for some advice.

A on B in C at

8 She came face ......... face with me and asked for an explanation.

A by B in C to


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