Access 3 Progress Check 8

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Zaznacz słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych.


Uzupełnij słowa w poniższych zdaniach. Liczba wolnych pól odpowiada liczbie brakujących liter.

1 reserve / habitat / wetland / landscapes
2 stream / field / lake / river

3 environmentally friendly / toxic fumes / acid rain /

global warming

4 brick / tyre / waste / steel

1 We try to recycle our household ....................

but it’s not always possible.

2 She was lying on the grass reading a book when

she saw a cat run after a .................... mouse.

3 The .................... in the Scottish Highlands are


4 If you are concerned about global warming and

pollution, you had better use products that are
.................... .

1 If you have some extra money, you can make

a d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to a charity.

2 _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ is the destruction of

forests by humans.

3 A species is e_ _ _ _ _ _ when it no longer exists.

4 A female god is called a g _ _ _ _ _ _.
5 The Acropolis is also known as “the s _ _ _ _ _

rock”, as people worshipped gods there.

6 All ancient Greek temples are made of a stone

called m _ _ _ _ _.


Uzupełnij luki w poniższych zdaniach słowami zaznaczonymi w ćw. B.

1 Car exhausts ................ toxic fumes that are

extremely harmful to the environment.

2 Throwing litter on the street is ................ the


3 We sat at the bank of the river looking at a

............... of geese that were swimming nearby.

4 Some animal species are unable to ................

when they are kept in captivity.

5 She ................ the Academy award she won to

her family.

6 Most people prefer to pay their rent by direct

................ .

7 In India and other Asian countries, there are large

areas of ................ during the monsoon period.

8 Several endangered species find refuge in nature

................ .


Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z listy.


dedicated ñ breed ñ against ñ reserves ñ marsh ñ flock ñ debit ñ emit

1 In the Mediterranean countries, most small

streams and rivers dry ....... during the summer.
A out

B in

C up

2 She forgot to turn ....... the oven and the kitchen

got on fire.
A off

B on

C in

3 Whether or not we go to Thailand on holiday

depends ....... the cost.
A at

B on

C in

4 Could you fill this mug ....... coffee, please?

A with

B up

C in

5 Calcium doesn’t react ....... water as violently as

sodium or potassium.
A against

B to

C with


Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź, zaznaczając A, B lub C.

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1 A: Hello, what can I do for you?

B: I would like to make a donation.


2 A: May I use your bathroom, please?

B: Of course. It’s at the end of the corridor.


3 A: I’ll buy this dress and that pair of shoes. Can

I give you some cash or do I have to pay by
credit card?

B: No, cash will be fine.


4 A: Can you give me your details, a full name and

a mailing address, please?

B: Sure. My name is John Lawton and I live at 45,

Baldwin St., Bristol.


Zastąp podkreślone fragmenty w zdaniach właściwymi wyrażeniami z listy.


certainly ñ how can I help you ñ your full name and address ñ pay in cash


Dopasuj do siebie wyrazy z obu kolumn. Następnie użyj nowo powstałych wyrażeń, aby uzupełnić zdania
obok. Pamiętaj, aby użyć czasowników we właściwym czasie.

1 The temperatures on the planet are expected to rise due to

................ .

2 The factories that generate electricity ................ and pollute

the atmosphere.

3 He wants to buy a hybrid car because it ................ than an

average car.

4 The oil spill caused ................ in the area and many types

of fish and seabirds died.

5 Trout are fish that breed in ................ .
6 The Colosseum has suffered substantial damage due to

................ .







a warming

b lakes

c less petrol

d toxic fumes

e rains

f pollution







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Przepisz podane zdania w stronie biernej.

1 People protect the golden eagle in many countries.


2 We should help animals to survive in their natural



3 William the Conqueror founded the Tower of

London in 1078.


4 He will water the plants tomorrow.


5 Marcus is writing a report at the moment.



Przepisz podane zdania w stronie czynnej.

1 Her new novel was dedicated to the memory of

her husband.


2 A flock of swans has been photographed by Andy.


3 The earth is heated by the sun.


4 A new sports centre will be built next year.


5 Historical buildings are protected from pollution

by the authorities.



Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami we właściwej formie strony biernej.

1 The Glastonbury festival ................. (hold) in

England every summer.

2 The new terminal in Heathrow airport .................

(open) next week.

3 The elephant ................. (examine) by a vet

as soon as they realised it was ill.

4 The dishes ................. (not wash) yet.
5 Buckingham Palace ................. (complete) in

the 19th century.


Wstaw a/an lub the tam, gdzie to konieczne.

1 ..... Pacific Ocean is ..... largest ocean on earth.
2 There is ..... cockroach in the kitchen!
3 We are going on a day-trip to ..... Lake Ontario.
4 Several factories are reported to throw toxic

waste into ..... Amazon.

5 ..... Paris is ..... capital city of ..... France.
6 ..... Acropolis is visited by millions of tourists

every year.

7 Bones of ..... extinct species, called the Tasmanian

tiger, have been found in ..... Willandra Lakes

8 ..... cheetah can run faster than any other animal.
9 They went shopping on ..... Oxford St. when they

were in ..... London.

10 Jason and his friends are planning to go on

holiday to ..... Mexico this year.

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Zastąp podkreślone wyrażenia w zdaniach właściwymi czasownikami złożonymi o tym samym znaczeniu.
Pamiętaj, aby użyć czasowników we właściwym czasie.


Wybierz właściwe wyrażenie.

1 Toxic gas and car exhaust fumes are extremely

harmful for/to the environment.

2 I’ll take all the skirts apart for/from this one.
3 The Parthenon is located in/at Athens.
4 I’d like to pay in/on cash, please.
5 Those jeans cost me close to/at nothing.

6 Green homes are made on/from recycled items.
7 There are several advantages to/in keeping

animals in zoos.

8 Her house is under/in repair, so she’s staying at

a hotel at the moment.

1 Amy donates large sums of money to charities

every year. ......................

2 Andy borrowed a book from me last year and

never returned it to me. ......................

3 It’s about time you abandoned the habit of biting

your fingernails. ......................

4 Brian revealed our plan to throw a surprise party

for John’s birthday. ......................

5 The players’ changing rooms emitted a horrible

smell. ......................


Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami podanymi w nawiasach, używając konstrukcji have something done.

e.g. Mark had his hair cut (his hair/cut) yesterday.

1 Jane ..................... (her portrait/paint) by a

friend of hers at the moment.

2 My aunt ..................... (her wallet/steal) on

the subway.

3 Claire ..................... (her arm/X-ray) tomorrow.
4 ..................... Tom ..................... (the

TV/repair) yet?

5 Sarah ..................... (her new cooker/deliver)

next week.


Przepisz zdania, używając konstrukcji have something done.

e.g. Simon’s leg was broken two days ago.
Simon had his leg broken two days ago.

1 The grass in our garden hasn’t been cut yet.


2 Daren’s kitchen floor will be retiled next week.


3 Chloe’s hair is dyed once a month.


4 Ann’s wedding dress was made one month before

the wedding.


5 Our windows are being cleaned at the moment.



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