Engelsk pabyggnad engelsk ovningsbok

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Advanced Course


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Wo r k b o o k


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English Workbook

Advanced Course


Published by Univerb

© Univerb

First published:


This edition


Recording studio:

Jinglebeat Tal & Musikproduktion

Printed by Apec Tryck & Förlag

Typsnitt: Optima 9 pt

All rights reserved Univerb

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1. Welcome to this language course from Univerb ............ 7

2. Checking–in at the airport ............................................. 8

3. In the departure lounge ............................................... 10

4. On board ..................................................................... 12

5. Passport control ........................................................... 13

6. Problems with the luggage .......................................... 14

7. Customs ....................................................................... 16

8. Information .................................................................. 17

9. Hiring a car ................................................................. 18

10. Finding somewhere to stay .......................................... 20

11. Checking -in at the hotel ............................................. 20

12. Making complaints at a hotel ...................................... 22

13. A meeting .................................................................... 23

14. Welcoming guests ....................................................... 25

15. Meeting a friend .......................................................... 27

16. Accidents will happen ................................................. 29

17. At the police station ..................................................... 29

18. Asking for directions .................................................... 30

19. At the bank .................................................................. 32

20. Plans for the evening ................................................... 33

21. At he restaurant ........................................................... 34

22. A car ride ......................................... ......................... 37

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23. A trip to the castle ...................................................... 38

-on the road ............................................................ 38

-at the castle ........................................................... 39

-on the road again .................................................. 39

24. At the chemist’s .......................................................... 40

25. Bad luck ..................................................................... 40

26. At the shoemaker’s ...................................................... 41

27. Sickness ...................................................................... 42

28. Medical advice ........................................................... 42

29. Emergency rescue ....................................................... 43

30. Looking for accommodation ...................................... 46

31. The employment agency ............................................. 47

32. A job interview ........................................................... 49

33. Recreation .................................................................. 50

34. Telephoning ................................................................ 51

35. Spelling ...................................................................... 53

36. Making an appointment ............................................. 54

37. Going to the dentist .................................................... 55

38. Shopping .................................................................... 56

39. Greeting and introducing ........................................... 58

40. Making friends ............................................................ 59

41. Computers and internet .............................................. 61

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1. Welcome to this language course from Univerb.

Learn the most vital expressions in English!

Say them with a smile and they will get you a long way.

Excuse me



After you

Thank you

Not at all

You are welcome

I am awfully sorry

I am afraid


Listen to the dialogue.

Dialogue. Listen and repeat.

Phrases. Listen and repeat.

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–Excuse me do you know where l can check in for SAS?

–Over there.

–Thank you.


–Could l see your tickets and passport please?

–Yes, certainly.

–These are one-way tickets. When are you planning to return?

–I am not sure yet. You see, I am starting a job in London.

–Are all your papers and permits in order?

–Yes, here you are.


–Is this all your luggage?

–That is what we are checking in. We have got some hand

luggage too.

–Could I see it please?

–Yes, here you are – I have got this briefcase, my wife’s got a

hand bag and a shoulder bag.

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–Did you pack your luggage yourself?


–Have you left it unattended at any time?


–Are you carrying any parcels or anything for anyone else?

–I have got a few presents for friends we’re going to visit.

Swedish glass, some gifts and things like that.

–That is all right. Could you look at this list please and check

that you do not have any of these items.

–No, we have not got anything like that.

–That is fine, then.


–Do you want to sit in the smoking or non-smoking area?

–Non-smoking please.

–Here are your boarding cards for Copenhagen.

–Do we have to collect our luggage when we change planes?

–No, it is checked all the way through to London.

–Thank you very much. Where do we go now?

–Go through passport control on the first floor and into the

departure lounge.

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–They will be calling your flight in about half an hour.

–Thank you.


–I am sorry, I do not understand.

–I am sorry, I did not quite catch that?

–I am sorry, could you repeat that, please?

–Would you mind saying that again please?

–I did not quite understand.

–Would you please say that again?

–Could you say that again, please?


British Airways regret to announce the delay of flight BA 784 to

London due to technical problems. Please go to the

information desk for further details.


–Excuse me, I see that our flight is delayed. Could you tell me

what the problem is?

–Yes, the flight was late leaving Stockholm because of

technical problems and then had to wait on the runway, so it

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has not arrived yet.

–Do you know when it will be departing?

–No, I am afraid not. Keep checking the information screens.


–Excuse me again. Our flight is still delayed and there is no new

departure time given yet. What is going on?

–I am sorry, there is still a problem. But we are doing our

best to fix it. In the meantime, perhaps you would like

something to eat? No charge of course.

–Yes please, that would be very nice.

–May I see your tickets please? Here are two food vouchers, just

leave them in the cafeteria. We are very sorry for all the

trouble the delay has caused you.


–Where is there an air-line office?

–When is there a plane leaving for London?

–Once a day.

–How long does the flight to London take?

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–Would you like a newspaper?

–Yes please, have you got a Swedish one?

–I am sorry, we have only got English or Danish.

–I won’t (will not) bother then.


–I am sorry I can’t (cannot) sit here, l feel closed in by the

window. Could I change to an aisle seat?

–Could you wait a moment and I will try to get someone to

change with you.


–Excuse me, I have got a dreadful headache. Is it possible to

get an aspirin?

–Certainly, I will get you one.


–I am sorry sir, you will have to put that cigarette out. You

cannot smoke here.

–Oh, could l move to another part of the plane?

–No, I am sorry, we do not allow smoking on any of our flights.

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–Excuse me, do I have to fill in a landing card for arrival in

Great Britain?

–No, not now that Sweden is a member of the European Union.

Only if you have a non-European passport.


–Could l see your passport, please?

–Here you are.

–How long are you planning to stay?

–Just a couple of weeks.

–What is the purpose of your visit?

–We are on holiday.

–Where will you be staying?

–We do not know yet. We are going to travel around,

staying at bed and breakfasts and youth hostels.

–How much money do you have with you?

–About £400 and a credit card.

–Thank you very much and have a nice stay in Britain!

–Thank you.


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–I am trying to get a job in London. Here is a letter from the

employment agency in my country.

–I am sorry, l cannot allow you to enter the country. Your passport

is not valid.Your papers are not in order. Your visa is out of date.

–Could you please help me to contact my embassy or my

consulate? Could you please allow me a phone call to try to

find someone who can help me?


–What nationality are you?

–Which country do you come from?

–I come from Sweden, Poland, Denmark, France.

–I am a student.


–I have just arrived from Stockholm via Copenhagen, but my

luggage does not seem to be here. I have been waiting by the

conveyor belt for ten minutes now and they have not put any

more cases on it. There is just the black one over there going

round and round, and that is nothing like mine.

–Just a moment.

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–I will phone through and check to see if they have unloaded

everything from that flight……. I am sorry, they seem to have

brought in everything. Have you got your luggage check? l can

check on the computer ... Well, it has not turned up anywhere

else, but it is early yet. If you can leave us an address and phone

number where we can reach you, we will get in touch and

deliver it as soon as we have traced it.

–But what are we supposed to do tonight, everything is in it, our

night clothes, my toilet bag. We have nothing.

–You can go and buy necessary items to a value of £100.

Send us the receipts and we will reimburse you.... Excuse me,

my telephone is ringing... It seems that your suitcase is found.

It had been put on the wrong conveyor belt by mistake.

–What a relief! Oh, could you tell me what BLUE EXIT means?

–Certainly. If you started your journey from a European Union

Country, you may use the BLUE EXIT from the baggage hall.

Your baggage will have a green-edged tag. But if you started

your journey outside the European Union, you should go

through Customs as normal.

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–Excuse me, could l ask you to step over here for a moment,


–Me? Oh, yes, of course.

–Have you got anything to declare?

–No, I have got my duty-free allowance of alcohol and tobacco,

but that is all.

–Would you mind opening this case, please?

–This one?.. Here you are.

–Could you tell me what this is?

–Oh, that is a present for a friend of mine.

–What is in the box?

–It is only an ornament, a Dalecarlian horse. It is made of

wood and is a very popular gift from Sweden.

–l see. You may go now.


–Excuse me, sir. Come this way, please? What is all this?

–Business samples.

–Have you got an import licence?

–No, I did not think I needed one.

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–Well, I am sorry, you cannot bring all this in without a licence.

Go back and go through the RED EXIT “Something to declare”

and they will help you sort this out.


–Where is your luggage?

–Open your suitcase, please.

–Have you anything to declare?


–Excuse me, I am going to Manchester. Where do I go?

–You have to collect your luggage and go through passport

and customs first. Then you follow the signs to Terminal 5.


–Excuse me, how do I get to central London from here?

–You can either take the underground or you can take a bus.

Buses depart every twenty minutes and trains depart every

five minutes.

–How much does it cost?

–The bus fare is £6 and the train fare is £3.50.

–Where can I buy bus tickets?

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–On the bus.

–Where does the bus stop?

–Just outside Victoria Station.

–Where is the bus stop?

–The bus stop is just outside here.

–Where can I hire a car?

–There is a car rental agency down stairs.


–Excuse me, I would like to talk to someone about...

–What should I ask .... ?

–Where do I find out about ... ?

–How do I get to ... ?

–I wonder if you could explain...

–Could you please tell me ... ?

–Would you mind ... ?

–To go back to what you were saying before...


–Hello, I would like to hire a car, please.

–Would you like to look in our brochure first?

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–Yes, please.

–The prices vary a lot. It depends what category you take, how long

you want the car for, and where you want to leave it and so on.

–I see. Is everything included in the price?

–No, there is an extra charge if there is going to be more than one

driver, and there is another charge if you want an extra insurance.

–Okay then. l would like a small car for three days and I would

like to leave it in Dover.

–Fine. Could l see your driving licence, please?

–Here you are.

–Just sign here, please. Here are your keys. The car is in a

parking slot, number 42.

–What about petrol?

–The car is got a full tank now and you should fill it up

beforeyou return it. Do not forget we drive on the left here!

–Oh, good thing you told me!


–What a traffic jam!

–Could you show me the way to the nearest garage, please?

–Wash and polish my car, please.

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–I am booked into an airport hotel. How do I get there?

–Just go outside the main entrance, the hotel is own minibuses

pass every ten minutes or so and they take you to the hotel.


–Hello, I need somewhere to stay in central London?

–Yes, do you want a hotel or guesthouse?

–Are there any cheap hostels?

–Yes, I have got a list of budget-price accommodation but I

am afraid it is of a fairly simple standard.

–That does not bother me. As long as its central.


–Excuse me, l wonder if you could ... ?

–What would you suggest ... ?

–Could you recommend ... ?


–Good evening.

–Good evening. My name is Peter Karlsson and this is my

wife Emma. I believe you have a room reserved for us.

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–Just a moment, Mr Karlsson. Yes, that is right. A double

room. Would you fill in this form, please?

–Have you got a pen?

–Certainly. Here you are. How long do you and your wife

intend to stay, Mr Karlsson?

–We are not sure. It all depends. We are looking for a place

to stay because I have got a job here. But we are probably

going to stay until Friday.

–I see. Would you tell us as soon as you know?

–Yes, of course. Where shall I put the number of my passport?

–Just at the bottom. That is right. Thank you. Here is your key.

It is on the third floor.

–Do you serve dinner here at the hotel?

–Certainly. Dinner is served at 7 every evening, in the dining


–Oh, could you wake us up early tomorrow morning, please.

–Yes, at what time?

–At 6 o’clock. Is it possible to have breakfast in our room?

–Yes of course. What would you like for breakfast?

–Bacon and eggs, tea and orange juice please.

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–That is fine.

–Thank you… Oh, I forgot… May we order a bottle of wine

and two glasses to be taken up to our room?

–Yes, of course but it would be better if you called room

service from your room. Just dial 438.


–Excuse me?

–May I help you?

–Yes, I would like to make a complaint.

–What is the matter sir?

–I have got room 345 but l cannot stay in this room a minute

longer. It smells of smoke. I am allergic to smoke.

–What room is it did you say?

–My room number is 345.

–Just a minute, I will look at your reservation. I am sorry

but I cannot see anything about your allergy here.

–Oh, I must have forgot to mention it. I cannot understand

how it happened. Is it possible to change rooms?

–Let me see what I can do for you. I am sorry, we have not got any

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rooms available.

–But I do not think I can sleep in this room.

–If you want me to I can call another hotel and ask.

–Thank you. It would be of great help.


–I am afraid it is awfully cold in our room. Could we have

som extra heating?

–We are not satisfied. We want our money back. Were not

paying for this. It is just not good enough.

–The quality is not at all what I thought it would be. This is

really not up to standard.


–Hello there!


–Are you in town?

–Yes, we came yesterday.

–We? Who is with you?

–My wife, Sarah.

–So you are married! I did not know.

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–Yes, we got married 6 months ago.

–How nice! Where is your wife now?

–At the hotel. I am on my way to the bank to change some

money. Where are you staying?

–At a hotel close to the central station.

–How long are you staying?

–I have got a job here. We are looking for a house.

–I must meet your wife. What are you doing tonight?

–Nothing special, as a matter of fact.

–Would you like to have dinner at my place?

–I would love to, but I need to ask Sarah. How do I get in

touch with you?

–Here is my phone number, you can call me later.

–Okay, we will be in touch then. See you!



–Perhaps we could meet later?

–That would be very nice.

–How about…?

–That will be fine.

–Shall we say…?

–That is all right with me.

–I suggest we meet at...

–Yes, I would like that.

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–Hello! Come in! I am glad you could make it. It is good to see you!

–It is good to see you too. This is Emma.

–Nice to meet you Emma. My name is Mike. Let me take

your coats. You brought wine and flowers! Lovely! Thank you

very much. This way.

–Oh, what a lovely room!

–I am glad to hear that. I have just finished redecorating the

house so it is new to me too. Please, sit down.

–What an unusual painting!

–Yes. I bought it when l was on holiday in Bali last summer.

–Oh, now I see… the colour in the painting goes well with

your sofa.

–Yes, that is right but the sofa was here first. Would you care

for a drink?

–Yes, please.

–What can I get you? Sherry? Gin and tonic? Whisky?

–I would like a soft drink, please. I am driving.

–Did you bring your car with you?

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–No, we are renting one.

–You could leave the car here if you like and take a taxi to your hotel.

–Thanks but we cannot. We have to return the car tomorrow

morning. And Emma does not have a driving licence.

–Oh, I see. What a pity! Emma, how about you?

–I will have some wine, please.

–Certainly, white or red?

–White, please.


–Dinner is ready. Shall we go over to the table.

–Thank you. It looks delicious.

–I will pour some wine for Emma and some mineral water for you.


–Please, help yourselves.

–I am awfully sorry but I do not eat meat. I am a vegetarian.

–I had no idea.

–No, how could you. We should have told you. Really it

does not matter. There are plenty of vegetables I can eat.

Besides I am watching my figure and I will not eat much.

–Peter, have some more, please.

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–Thank you, but I have had enough. I could not eat another thing.


–Thank you for a very pleasant evening!

–Thank you! It was very nice to have you here.

–I hope to see you again soon.

–Me too. Drive carefully now! Bye! Bye!


–Would you like to sit here?

–Would you like to try some of this?

–What are you having?

–Please help yourself to some more when you want it.

–Some more .…?

–I am so glad you like...


–So how is David doing nowadays?

–All right, l think.

–Still married to Anne?

–No, they are divorced.

–Really, was it recently?

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–A couple of months ago.

–How is he taking it?

–Not very well, I am afraid.

–Did not they have children?

–Yes, they have a boy of two.

–Is he staying with his mother?

–They have shared custody. He stays 2 weeks with David and

2 weeks with Anne.

–What a mess! Give him my best when you see him!

–I will.


–Is that so?

–Oh, you are/have/can/will/do?

–Aha! I see.

–What a good idea!

–Yes, I can well understand that.

–You do not say.

–How interesting!

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–Look out! There is a car coming!

–Are you okay?

–I think so.

–Are you in pain?

–I feel something in my right leg. It does not seem serious.

–Can you walk?

–Oh yes. It only hurts a bit.

–The car did not even stop. But I have taken the number.

–Good. l think we should report it to the police.


–Could you call a police car?

–Let us go to the Police Station.

–It was not my fault.

–Can you be a witness, please?


–Hello! My name is Emma Karlsson. I would like to report an


–Yes, what has happened?

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–When my husband and I were about to cross the street, I

was hit by a car.

–Were you injured?

–Only a little on my right leg. Luckily I managed to jump out

of the way.

–Where did it happen?

–In the City.

–Did you talk to the driver?

–No, she did not stop. But here is the registration number.

–Do you wish to make a formal statement?


–Come this way then.


–Do you remember the colour of the car?

–Yes, l do.

–No, I am afraid I do not.


–Excuse me, do you know where the nearest bank is?

–There is a bank in Regent Street.

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–How do I get there?

–Well, go straight on as far as the church. Then turn left into

Regent Street. The bank is on the right opposite a tobacconist.

–Is it far from here?

–No, not very. Just a few hundred meters.

–Thank you very much. You are welcome.


–Go straight on/ahead until you come to

–Walk along this street.

–Turn right/left at

–Go down/along this street.

–Take the first turning to the left/right.

–Walk across the bridge.

–Go by boat/bus/train/tram/underground to

–Take the underground to

–Get off the boat/bus/train/tram/underground at

–It is on your left/right.

–Go up those stairs to the first floor. Take the corridor on the


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–Turn round and go back to the roundabout. Take the second exit...


–What can l do for you?

–I would like to change some money, Swedish crowns to pounds.

–How much do you want to change?

–I was thinking of about 2200 crowns. What is the rate of

exchange, please?

–Let us see. You will get 200 pounds for 2215 Swedish crowns.

–That sounds all right.

–How would you like the money?

–It does not matter. I will take both notes and coins.


–Hello, I would like to apply to open an account.

–Are you one of our customers?

–No, I am about to start a new job here.

–I see. Then I will have to ask you for some documents for

identification requirements. You will have to show me a

driver’s licence, credit card, electricity or gas bill.

–I do not think l can provide you with all this at the moment.

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–Only two of these documents are required if you also bring

a birth certificate or passport.

–That is better. I have a driver’s licence, credit card and my

passport with me.

–Then you can have your account right away.


–I would like to cash this cheque, please.

–You have not signed it yet, madam.

–Do you take traveller’s cheques?


–Hello, I am back.

–Hello, did you manage to find a bank?

–Yes, I did. What do you think we could do tonight?

–lsaw in the paper that they are showing a good film at the Grand.

–What is it?

The White Shadow. It is supposed to be good, or so I have

heard. Do you feel like going?

–l do not know. We did go to the cinema the day before

yesterday. Cannot we do something else?

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–Like what?

–l do not know. We can go out and eat and decide later?

–That is okay with me.



–Let us agree on that.

–That is exactly my opinion.

–I think you are right.

–You are absolutely right.

–l totally agree.

–I could not agree more.


–I am sorry, but l do not really agree with you.

–You are completely mistaken.

–That is not really true.

–Well, I cannot agree with you on that.

–I am sorry, but that is really out of the question.


–Good evening. Have you booked a table?

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–Unfortunately not. Are you fully booked?

–Is it only the two of you?


–Just a minute, I will check… Yes, I have a table for two. This

way, please.

–We would like to order, please.

–I will get you the menu.

–I think I will take the entrecôte with bearnaise sauce.

–Me too.

–And what would you like to drink?

–A bottle of red wine, please.

–Two entrecote with bearnaise sauce. Bon apetite!

–Thank you.


–It is delicious!

–Do you think so? My meat is a bit leathery.

–Mine is just perfect. Tender and juicy. And how do you like

the wine?

–It is all right.

–You do not sound very happy.

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–To be honest, I have tasted better food and better wine.

–Do you want to go?

–Yes, could we? .... Waiter! Can we have the bill, please?

–Just a minute, sir ... Here you are.


–That is not very cheap!

–How much is it?


–Wine included?

–Yes, I think so…Yes, it is. Thank goodness for that. l hope

they take credit cards… Excuse me, do you take credit cards?

–Yes, of course… Sorry, but your card has expired.

–Oh, dear! It will have to be cash then. I am afraid we will have

to walk back to our hotel. We will not be able to afford a taxi.

–Waiter! Do you know if we can take a bus to the Astoria Hotel?

–Certainly, madam. Take number 58. The bus stop is across

the street.

–Do the buses go often?

–Not this late, I am afraid. But I think they have got a time

table in the cloak room. I will fetch it for you if you like.

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–I would be of great help, thank you.

–Actually, there is a bus in five minutes. You can catch it if

you hurry!

–All right. Thank you very much indeed.

–Do not mention it. Good bye!


–Do you fancy a starter?

–Are you ready to order yet?

–What do you recommend?

–What would you like with the veal?

–May I suggest something?


–Excuse me. We would like to go to Hargrove Court and

look at the castle. Do you know how to get there?

–You can go there by bus. But its easier to get there by car.

You can rent one.

–How far is it?

–About 50 kilometers.

–Where can I rent a car?

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–There is a rental firm just down the road. Or perhaps I can

help you?

–Could you. That is great!

–When do you need the car?

–Let us see. Today is Wednesday, Friday I think is okay.

–Would you like a special make?

–Oh, It does not matter, but it need not be a big one. It is just

for the two of us.

–What time do you want it?

–9 o’clock and we will be back some time in the afternoon.

–Shall we say from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ?

–Sounds good to me. Then you will take care of it?

–You can trust me!


On the road

–You do drive fast! What is the speed limit here?

–Oh, come on. I have only gone over the speed limit a little bit.

–What if the police are somewhere here. I do not fancy

paying a fine!

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–We will be all right. I know what I am doing. Besides, are

you hungry?

–Actually, I am.

–Shall we stop and have a bite somewhere?

–Sure. Shout if you see a restaurant.

At the castle

–How much are the tickets?

–£2 for an adult.

–Are there any guided tours?

–Yes, twice an hour. There is one in ten minutes.

–How much do you charge for it?

–We do not. It is included.

On the road again

–That was very exciting.

–Yes, I think it was interesting but I got such a backache.

–Your back is always aching in museums and department stores.

–Yes, I know. Have you got any painkillers?

–No, I forgot them. We will have to stop at the chemists and

buy some.

–I think we must do it soon. It does ache and I do need a rest.

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–Good afternoon.

–Good afternoon. Can I help you?

–Yes. I have got this terrible backache.

–How long have you had it?

–Since noon.

–I see. Have you been lifting heavy things?

–Oh no, you see I always get backache when I walk around

a lot and today I was at a museum all day.

–Well, try these tablets. Take one with water every four hours.

–Thank you very much.


–Can you make up this prescription?

–Would you like to wait?

–How long will it take?

–When will it be ready?

–You can collect it at seven p. m.


–Oh no! Look! That is typical!

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–What is it?

–I have lost the heel of my shoe.

–So what?

–l cannot walk around with just one heel.

–Then you will have to buy a new pair of shoes.

–Of course I can but I am very fond of these ones.

–Cannot it be mended?

–Yes, I hope so. Well have to find a shoemaker.

–Well, it is too late today. Besides I am tired, hungry and my

back is aching.


–Good morning!

–Good morning! I lost the heel of my shoe.

–I can see that. If you wait a moment I will mend it for you.

–Will it take long?

–No, not at all. Just a few minutes.

–I will wait then.

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–Hello, I am back!


–You do not sound very cheerful.

–I am not feeling very well.

–Are you ill?

–I do not know. I am tired and my stomach is aching.

–How is your back?

–It is better now, I think. Oh, I do not know.

–Have you had breakfast?

–No, I am not hungry.

–Maybe it is best for you to stay in bed today.

–Yes, it seems so.

–Do you want me to call a doctor?

–Maybe later.


–St. John’s Hospital. How can I help?

–Hello. We are on holiday here in London and my husband

became ill yesterday. He is got a stomachache, headache and a

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high fever.

–Has he been in pain long?

–Since yesterday morning.

–Has he had anything to eat?

–No, he has not eaten anything.

–Has he had anything to drink?

–Just a little water.

–Has he vomited or had diarrhorea?

–Yes, both.

–Where exactly is he in pain?

–I do not know.

–Has he got a high temperature?

–l do not know exactly but it feels high.

–I will advise you to see a doctor. You can come here or you

can call an ambulance.

–Thank you.


–Hello. My husband is very ill. I phoned earlier.

–Oh yes. This way please. Your husband can lie down on the bed

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here. Fill in this form, please.

–Could you help me with that, I am so upset?

–Yes, of course. Your husband’s name?

–Peter Karlsson.


–Here or in Sweden?

–Both please.

–We are staying at the Astoria Hotel at 224 Regent Street

here in London. I do not know the exact postcode.

–That is all right. I will look it up.

–Our address in Sweden is on this insurance policy.

–Good. I will need that. You will have to pay me for the visit and

then you will get your money back from the insurance company.

–I see.

–I will leave you now. Doctor will be with you in a minute.

–Thank you.


–Hello. I’m Doctor Peterson.

–Hello. I am Emma Karlsson and this is my husband Peter.

–Is he awake?

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–Yes, l think so but he is in great pain.

–How are you feeling, Mr Karlsson?

–I do not feel very well.

–When did you start to feel sick?

–The day before yesterday.

–Where is the pain?

–I have a headache and a stomachache.

–Well we will have to run some tests but I want to check on

you first. Right, you have a temperature of 39,9. That is very

high. Please take a deep breath. Now, cough. Open your

mouth now please, say aaaa. I am going to touch your

stomach. Could you tell me where it hurts the most?

–My stomach feels better now. l feel a little nauseous. That is

all. But my head really hurts.

–I see. That sounds like flu. Have you been to Asia recently?

–No, we have just arrived from Sweden.

–Look here is a number of a specialist. You can call them at

any time. Especially if you do not get better by tomorrow or if

you get worse. In any case I would advise you to stay in bed

for at least a week.

–Thank you.

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–We would like to rent a flat or a house in the city centre, please.

–How big?

–Not so big. A 100 square metres would be enough.

–It will be rather expensive.

–We could consider something in the suburbs if there are

good commuting possibilities.

–I will see what I can find.

–Could you just recommend a good estate agent?

–Just a minute, here is something that might be suitable. A

small semi –detached suburban house just outside the city

with very good commuting possibilities.

–What does it look like?

–There are 3 bedrooms -the master bedroom has an en-suite

shower and toilet, two reception rooms, an upstairs bathroom

and a separate downstairs cloakroom. There is a fully fitted

kitchen, including dishwasher, and a utility room with

washing machine and tumble drier. A heated double garage

and landscape garden. The house has gas central heating.

–Oh, is it that dangerous?

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–It is very convenient. But you can change it to electric

heating if you prefer it.

–Is the price negotiable?

–Yes, they want £ 80,000 or a near offer. Would you like me

to make an appointment to see it?

–Yes, I think this will suit us fine.


–Hello, I am looking for a job.

–What is your educational background ?

–We will have some papers from Sweden.

–You will have to translate them.

–I have already done so. Here they are.

–They look fine. What language do you speak?

–I speak Swedish of course and English and a little French.

–What have you done lately?

–I worked in Sweden as an engineer. I moved here a few

months ago with my family but the company I was in contact

with is in financial difficulties.

–I will see what I can do for you. I am sorry but at the moment we

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just have unqualified positions like cleaning, packaging and

so on.

–I will take anything as long as it pays. We need the money.

–With your education and qualification it should not be

difficult to find something more suitable in no time.

–I hope so.


–I have been at home looking after the children for a few

years. But I am a trained, qualified nurse. I trained as a nurse

in my country. What chances do I have of getting a nursing

job in England?

–Well, you have to apply to get your qualifications approved.

–Will this take long?

–At the moment you can get this done in just a few months

–And then what happens ?

–Then you can look for vacancies in the medical and nursing

press. The easiest and quickest way is to read ads in daily

newspapers. You can also apply to your local hospital to see

what openings they have.

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–Come in. Please sit down. It is Miss Brown?

–Yes, that is right. Good morning.

–Good morning. Well, I have got your application here. l just

want to check the information if that is all right.

–Yes, of course.

–Now, you’re 23…

–Yes, I am.

–You are not married?

–No, I am not but I am staying with my boyfriend.

–And you speak German, French and Swedish?

–Yes, I do and a little Italian.

–That is good. When can you start?


–Fill in this application form, please.

–It is only temporary work.

–I have been working here as an au pair.

–I have decided to stay here permanently and want

something that pays a bit better.

–You might be better off working for a temping agency.

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–Let us see what situations are vacant: secretary, assistant

nurse, dentist, doctor, clerk, teacher, computer programmer,

economist, hairdresser, butcher, carpenter, mechanic, artist,

electrician, photographer, florist, barber, salesman,

policeman, driver, owner of a business, shop assistant, child

minder, plumber, painter,technician, engineer, programme

engineer, stores manager, storeman...


–What recreation facilities are there/here?

–It depends. Young people can do plenty of things –in school

and after school. They can swim, play tennis and football,

play some instrument, go roller-skating and so on.

–Is there a Golf Club here?

Yes, there is but its very hard to get a membership. You have

to be recommended by another member and the waiting list

is long. Is there a cinema here nearby?

–Yes, it is called The Picture Palace and there are actually 10

different cinemas there.

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–Are there any good restaurants here?

–Yes, there are a number and a very nice pub if you want to

have a beer.

–l like that. Especially after work.


–What is your hobby?

–I would like to go to the theatre/to the circus/to the cinema/

to a concert/to the opera/ to the cabaret this evening.

–Is there anything interesting on at the theatre?

–What good films are on at the cinema?

–Did you enjoy the concert?


–Directory Enquiries. Which town, please?


–What name, please?

–Palladium Theatre.

–Can you spell that, please ?

–P -A -L -L -A –D-I-U-M T-H-E-A-T-R-E

–Do you know the address?

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–Unfortunately not.

–…and where are you calling from?


–Right. Hold the line, please. Yes, there is only one Palla-

dium Theatre. The number is 01 459 779.

01 459 779. Thank you very much. Good bye.



–Is this the Palladium Theatre?

–No, it is not. You have got the wrong number.

–Is not this 459 779.

–No, this is 459 799.

–Oh, I am so sorry. l must have dialed the wrong number.

–That is all right!




–Palladium Theatre, good afternoon.

–Hello, We would like two seats for tonight’s show.

–And where would you like to sit?

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–I am not sure. Somewhere in the middle would be fine.

–Just a minute… Yes, I have seats in the 20th row.

–That is fine.

–May I have your name please?


–Can you spell that please?

–K -A-R-L-S-S-O -N.

–Okay, you can collect your tickets half an hour before the

show starts at the latest.

–Do you accept credit cards?

–Yes, but the card’s expiry date has to be at least 6 months

from now.

–I see. Thank you and goodbye.

–Goodbye and enjoy the show.


A – Alfred

H – Harry

O – Oliver

V – Victor

B – Benjamin I – Isaac

P – Peter

W‘– William

C – Charles

J – Jack

Q – Queen

X – X-ray

D – David

K – King

R – Robert

Y – Yellow

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E – Edward

L – London

S – Samuel Z – Zebra

F– Fredrick

M – Mer

T – Tommy

G – George


U – Uncle


–Good morning. Mr. Grant’s office.

–Good morning. I would like to make an appointment,


–Are you Mr. Grant’s patient?

–No. I am not but a friend of mine is and he recommended

Mr.Grant to me.

–I see. Could you come tomorrow at 3 o’clock?

–Just a moment, I will check my diary. Yes, I can.

May l have your name, please?


–Could I speak to ... ?

–Could I leave a message?

–Perhaps you could come later?

–I am afraid he is not in tomorrow.

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–Hello! I have an appointment with Mr. Grant at 3 o’clock.

–What is your name?


–Is this your first time here?

–Yes, it is.

–You need to fill in these forms for us. We would like to

know your medical history and insurance information.

–Yes, of course.


–Here are the forms. Do you need anything else?

–No, this looks fine. Are you here for a special problem? Do

you have a hole or tooth ache?

–No, Just a regular check up, please. I hope I do not have

any cavities. I recently moved here from Sweden and some

friends recommended Mr. Grant to me.

–Wonderful! I am glad to see you. If you will have a seat I will

let Mr. Grant know you are here. He will be with you shortly.

–Thank you.

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–How much do you charge for the filling?

–You have to have your tooth x rayed.

–This tooth will have to be removed.

–Today I am going to put a temporary filling in your tooth.

–Please come back in one week.


–Excuse me? Do you sell sunglasses?

–Yes, they are on display round the corner.

–Here is a pair I like. How much do these cost?

–£ 34.

–Are all the sunglasses the same price? I am looking for

something cheaper.

–I see. We have a wide range of sunglasses at different prices.

You can see for yourself if you look at the label attached to the

sunglasses. Different colours mean different prices.

–I see. I will take these.

–Anything else?

–I would like a film with 36 exposures.

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–That comes to £ 27,50 please.

–Here is £ 50.

–So that is 23,50 in change and your receipt. Would you like a bag?

–Yes, please.


–Can I help you?

–Yes, I bought this microphone yesterday but I would like to

return it.

–Did you have a problem with it?

–No, l bought it as a gift for my brother but he bought a

microphone himself the day before.

–Do you have the receipt?

–Yes, here it is.

–Here is your refund.

–Thanks. Where can I buy CDs?

–In the music department. You will find it on the third floor.


–Could I try these on, please?

–Of course. How many items do you have?

–5 pairs of trousers and 4 blouses.

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–Oh, I am afraid you can only take 4 items into the changing


–I do not know what size I take so I have to try on everything.

–You look like you might be a 12. You should try that size first.

–All right.


–I bought this yesterday and when I got home I found there

was a piece missing. It doesn’t work.

–I bought this sweater here, but the first time I washed it, it

shrank. I followed the instructions on the label.

–It is damaged.


–Good morning, Emma. How are you this morning?

–I am very well, thank you Mr. Brown.

–This is Emma Karlsson, Mr. Gray.

–How do you do, Mrs. Karlsson?

–How do you do.

–Mr Gray is our new head of department, Emma.

–How long have you worked here, Mrs. Karlsson?

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–Nearly six months, but not all the time on this ward. I was in

ward 10 for 2 months.

–Do you like it here?

–Yes, very much. Sometimes the patients are rather difficult,

but you get used to them.

–I am afraid you have to. Well, I am glad to have met you,

Mrs. Karlsson.

–Nice to have met you, too.


–Hello, how are you? –Very well, thank you.

–Hello, how is it going? –Pretty well thanks.

–Pleased to meet you. I am… from…

–I am… Pleased to meet you.

–I have been looking forward to meeting you.


–Hello! Welcome to the neighbourhood.

–Hello! Nice to meet you.

–We are having a few friends over for a party on Saturday and

we wondered if you and your husband would like to come?

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–We would love to but I am afraid we have promised to visit

a friend in London this weekend. You see, he is going back to

Sweden and we feel that we have to say goodbye before he

leaves. Some other time perhaps.

–Oh, that is a pity. Are you busy the following weekend?

How about Sunday instead?


–Hello! We have children in the same class, have not we?

–Oh yes. That is right. You are new in this neighbourhood,

are not you?

–My name is Emma Karlsson

–I am Steven Hennessy.

–I think it is about time you popped round for a cup of coffee.

–Have you got time now?

–No, I am afraid I have got an appointment at the dentist.

–How about tomorrow then?

–I am free then.

–Perfect. Lovely. About 3? You know where I live -just down

the street from you, at number 59.


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–I am sorry, are you speaking to me?

–Yes, I have been calling you for ages. Do not you recognize me.

–I am Patrick from your class.

–Nice to meet you, Patrick. Sorry, but I am so bad with faces.

Now, l remember you. You are from Sweden are not you?

–Yes. l was wondering if you want to have some coffee with me?

–I would love to but I have to photo copy these papers first.

Do you want to come with me or do you want to wait here

in the coffee shop?

–I will come with you if you do not mind. It is nice to speak

to you.

–You too. By the way my name is not Sue, it is Susan. It

looks like we complement each other – I am bad with faces

and you with names.


–What do you think about our new computer?

Oh, is it new?

–Yes, we bought it yesterday.

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–What does it do?

–Well, I do not know yet. I am still learning all the new


–I have heard it takes a lot of time.

–Yes but its well used time. You cannot do without computer

skills these days.

–Have you got Internet?

–Of course. The best part of it is e-mail. For example I surfed to

the newest hot tourist spot-the Sunny Planet site. I asked them

to mail me some more information and they did it at once.

–Have you decided where to go on holiday?

–Oh, it was impossible. The site is packed with pictures and

“mystery tours” to hundred of places “you’ve always wanted

to visit”

–I see what you mean. That is exciting!

–Do you want to try and surf?

–Yes, it would be interesting. I have never done it before.

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Advanced Course



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