gramatyka 3 id 195053 Nieznany

background image

ZASADA: wish

Do wyrażenia żalu, lub życzenie dotyczącego teraźniejszości i przyszłości należy używać
czasu Past Simple lub Past Conitnuous

I wish you were here = I regret that you are not here.

He wishes he had a car = he regrets that he doesn't have a car.

They wish they were going together = they regret that they are not going together.

Do wyrażenia żalu, lub życzenie dotyczącego przeszłości należy używać czasu Past Perfect.

She wishes she had studied at school = she regrets that she didn't study at school.

He wishes he had seen Pink Floyd = he regrets that he didn't see Pink Floyd.

I wish I had been with you = I regret that i wasn't with you.

W konstrukcji "wish" można także użyć "would" .

I wish you would see this - teraz lub w przyszłości

I wish you would have seen this - w przeszłości.

First Conditional



Forma podstawowa


WILL + bezokolicznik

Second Conditional



II forma


WOULD + bezokolicznik

Third Conditional



had + III forma


would have + III forma

background image

Spójrzmy jeszcze na kilka przykładów tego typu:

What time does he usually start work? <--

pytanie bezpośrednie

Do you know what time he usually starts work? <--

pytanie pośrednie

Where are they going on holiday? <--

pytanie bezpośrednie

Have you any idea where they are going on holiday? <--

pytanie pośrednie

Who will you invite for the party? <--

pytanie bezpośrednie

I wonder if you could tell me who you will invite for the party? <--

pytanie pośrednie


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