2011 01

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Spring 2011



Speciality pumps for space optimi-

During a period of almost 20 years the German Shipyard Meyer Werft supplied a

number of ferries to the Indonesian State-owned ferry operator PT Pelayaran
Nesional Indonesia (PELNI).

These ferries were designed utilizing the latest technology as well as design in

order to make full use of the space available. Also the lay-out of the engine room
was designed to have this goal in mind.

Such considerations required revision of normal ways of thinking also amongst
the Yard’s suppliers.

One of the results of these thoughts were the introduction of the Iron Pump QV-

Such Aggregate actually consist of two independent pumps placed vertically on

top of each other and driven through a common shaft-line from only one el-motor.

The design saved a lot of space as well as minimized cables laying and piping.

The aggregate were designed for the main engine Low-& High freshwater cooling

system i.e. one pump used for high temperature FW cooling and the other for the
low temperature FWcooling. (see picture, here shown w/o motor)
All through the operation of the ferries these units have been providing the main
engines with the required fresh cooling water.

That the pumps are still in demand and highly appreciated is proved by the fact

that Messrs.PELNI lately, after pumps being operated for more than 15 years,
contracted for exact replacement pumps for those already installed.

Iron Pumps unique concept of being able to supply exact replacement pumps for

pumps delivered up to 40 years ago is yet another IRON Pump feature highly

appreciated by the busy and operational minded Ship-owner. By applying such

solution the correct and continuous operation of the system is ensured for long
time ahead.

Allan Kierkegaard

IRON News this issue :

Speciality Pump

Visiting Ellehammer’s

105 years birthday


New faces in the or-

Thank you and good-


Fire Fighting in huge format

Recently IRON has supplied pumps to our good business partner, Ellehammer, for 4
fire fighting units. It was quite a challenge to design and produce these giants and
keep the very urgent delivery time. But we succeeded, and Ellehammer wanted to
show their gratitude for a well done job by inviting the IRON staff to see the units in
operation and learn a little more about Ellehammer. For both parties it was a great

The beautiful red fire

fighting units have an
output of 2500 m3/h.

The units are used at
FPSOs and offshore.

IRON has upgraded a

pump series espe-

cially for these huge

Capacity of the pump
is max. 4000 m3/h.

The managing director of Ellehammer, Bruno Wigandt,
tells very lively about his company

background image

105 years birthday

The 1st March we could celebrate the
105 birthday of IRON. Even if she has
done her best during the year, the
birthday weather was not kind to our
old company.

But the flag waved in the wind, and
following the tradition she gave a
piece of birthday cake to her entire
IRON family

Goodbye and
Thank you

In the summer 2005 I cancelled
my summer holidays, because my
husband started on an experimen-
tal treatment for a fatal cancer. He
died ½ year later. In the summer
holidays IRON is very quite, and I
took the opportunity to do some-
thing meaningfully and realize
some plans, which the boss and I
have often spoken about, to create
a News letter. In September 2005
the first issue og IRON News was

With IRON News we intended to
strengthen the relations to our
customers, agents, suppliers, and
who ever is related to our com-
pany. Our intension was not to
make a traditional marketing and
commercial publication, but to give
a personal picture of our company,
put some faces on the names, and
to communicate the culture of

I hope that we have met this aim,
and am very grateful for all indica-
tions from the many recipients of
this newsletter, received through
these 6 years.

But now time has come for me to
retire. I have reached the age,
fully, and my last working day on
IRON is the 15th April. A kiss-
goodbye-session is held from 2
p.m. Everybody is welcome.

I am happy to handover my jobs in
the HR and communication area to

Dorte Boel-
Kjær, more
than 20
than me, but
very experi-
enced in just
HR and com-

Vibeke Lodberg


Generatorvej 10
2730 Herlev
Telephone: +45 4491 6788

+45 4491 1644




Denmark IRON Pump Shanghai Representive Office

Chief Representive/ Director Allan Kierkegaard
5 level TEC Centre
#159 madang Road
North Block Xintiandi
Shanghai 2000 21
P.R. China
Tel. +86 21 6135 7215

Visit our new Web site:


New Area Sales Manager

From 1st March we have appointed Mr. Klaus
Godthåb Olesen in our sales department.

Klaus is 35 years old, he is educated as marine
engineer, and has through his working life had a
close relationship to the marine area.

We are accordingly happy to welcome Klaus as a
member of our staff, and Klaus himself is look-
ing forward to meet our customers.

2*40 years

In February we could cele-
brate the 40th anniversa-
ries for two members of
our staff.

Børge Olsen, labourer who
punctually has operated
the internal truck through-
out all the years. As he is
now 70 years old, he also
found that time had come
to retire .

Knud Viksø, production
engineer, originally started
as machine operator, and
when the CNC era started,
educated in programming,
and now an essential pro-
duction engineer and fire

As Knud is quite unable to
relax, he has no plans of
retiring, however, has
pleased his wife by down-
grade to a 3 days’ week.

As a strange coincidence
both of the celebrating
guys are twins. At left they
are in stereo.

Børge and his brother
above and Knud And his
brother below.

Later this year we can
celebrate one more 40th
anniversary and one 50th!


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