We reserve the right to make changes in design or add improvements without incur-
ring the obligation to make such changes in equipment previously manufactured.
CF00020 R01
October 20, 1997
Subject: Gearbox Internal Inspection
Excessive noise Rom the gearbox may occur when the truck is traveling. The sound could be more pro-
nounced in one direction than the other.
This can be due to the pinion gear bolt loosening allowing the pinion gear to slide up and down when travel
direction is changed. Noise is produced by the pinion gear riding too close to the tooth toe of the spiral bevel
To correct this, follow the steps below on both drive units:
1. Disconnect the battery.
2. Remove the mast (refer to the Mast Repair SRM).
3. Remove the front cover. 3. Drain the oil from the gearbox.
4. Remove the drive unit (refer to the Drive Unit SRM) and place it on work surface.
Note: It is not necessary to remove the brake hose. Remove the disc brake unit from the motor
and hang it from the overhead guard crossbrace. Do not let the brake unit hang from the brake
3. Separate the gearbox from the drive motor by removing the 4 nuts. To ensure correct reassembly
alignment, mark the gearbox and motor before separating. Carefully separate to ensure gearbox
fluid level remains below the opening will allow you to retain original fluid.
4. Inspect the bolt holding the pinion gear to the motor shaft. If the bolt is loose, continue with this
procedure. If the bolt and pinion gear are tight, some other problem is causing the noise. Com-
plete this procedure, then follow the Drive Unit Rebuild Procedure in the Drive Unit SRM.
5. Check for gear tooth damage or wear on the pinion gear and the spiral bevel gear. Replace the
drive unit if necessary (Refer to the Drive Unit Removal and Installation Procedure in the Drive
Unit SRM).
6. Remove pinion gear bolt and interlocking fasteners and discard. Use spray cleaner/degreaser (such as
LocTite®7070) on the threads in the motor shaft. Wait at least one minute and use clean, dry compressed
air to dry the threads inside the motor shaft.
7. Remove the pinion gear and seal. Discard the seal. If there are shims under the pinion gear, this procedure
cannot be performed, the drive unit must be replaced. Contact Hyster Service for more information.
8. Grind a notch in the pinion gear as shown in Figure 1. This notch will allow the use of a tang lockwasher to
secure the pinion. Do not grind away the pinion serial number.
9. Secure the pinion gear to the motor shaft using a new 3/8-16 grade 8 bolt, Loc Tite® 262 (or equivalent),
and new tang lockwasher with the bent tang in the slot (P/N 2032977). Torque to 45 ft-lb. Bend all tangs
of the lockwasher around the head of the bolt. Install a new pinion seal (P/N 2032155 - E30FR and P/N
2032156 - E30-50FR).
10. Remove the 4-hole shims found between the gearbox and the motor. Thoroughly clean the machined
surfaces of the gearbox and motor with a soft cloth. Carefully determine the number and thickness of each
shim that was removed and replace with exactly the same number and thickness (this sets the pinion gear
11. Ensure that the gearbox is properly aligned before installing to the motor. Use your mark from Step 3 or
ensure the motor studs are forward. Torque the four lock nuts evenly to 45 ft-lb.
12. Install the drive unit and fill with the recommended lubricant (refer to Drive Unit SRM).
Figure 1
Do not grind away numbers.
CF00020 R01
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