Exercise 9 Renal System Physiology

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Exercise 9:
Renal System

Hina Rehmani

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Structure and Function of the

Wastes produced by metabolism need
to be removed by the body

Kidney is made up of about 1 million

Function of the Kidney

Blood Filtration

Fluid Processing

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Structure and Function of the

Nephrons are microscopic tubules composed of:


Renal Tubule

Glomerulus is a tangled capillary bed

Filters fluid from blood into the Renal Tubule

Glomerular Filtration: Fluid moves passively out of

Renal Tubule is a long tube

Processes the filtrate from the Glomerulus

Tubular Reabsorption: Reabsorbs useful substances

Tubular Secretion: Move wastes towards elimination

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Structure and Function of the

The Renal Tubule consists of:

Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)

Loop of Henle (Nephron Loop)

Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)

Collecting Duct

Last part of the collecting tubule in the nephron

Glomerular capsule surrounds the Glomerulus

Funnels filtrate into the Renal Tubule

Renal corpuscle

Name for the Glomerulus and Glomerular capsule

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Structure and Function of the

Blood Supply to the Glomerulus

Afferent Arteriole

Feed the Glomerular Capillary Bed

Efferent Arteriole

Drains the Glomerular Capillary Bed

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Stimulating Glomerular






r capsule


Loop of




g Duct

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Activity 1: Effect of Flow Tube
Radius on Glomerular Filtration

Procedure: Increase the Afferent Arteriole radius
by 0.05 mm increments

What happens to the Glomerular Filtration Rate as
the Afferent radius increases?

It increases!

What would happen to the Glomerular Filtration
Rate if the Efferent radius was increased or

If increased then Glomerular Filtration Rate would

If decreased then Glomerular Filtration Rate would

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Activity 2: Effect of Pressure on
Glomerular Filtration

Procedure: Increase the blood pressure
supplying the Glomerulus by 10 mmHg

What happens to the Glomerular Filtration
Rate as the blood pressure increases?

It increases!

Why does this occur?

More pressure allows the Glomerulus to push
out more filtrate

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Activity 3: Combined Effects on
Glomerular Filtration

Procedure: Record a baseline run and compare it

to a run with the Outflow Valve Closed

What was the difference between the two runs?

When the Valve was Closed, there was no Glomerular

Filtration Rate and no Urine Production

What would happen if the all the collecting ducts

in the kidney were blocked?

Pressure would build up

Ducts would burst/break

Would kidney function as a whole be affected if

one nephron was blocked?

No, because the kidney has about one million other


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Activity 3 continued

How could the body increase
Glomerular Filtration Rate in the kidney?

Dilate the Afferent Arteriole

Constrict the Efferent Arteriole

Increase Blood Pressure supplying the


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Review of the Relationships

within the Renal System

Blood Flow, Glomerular Pressure, Glomerular
Filtration Rate, and Urine Production are related

Constricting the Afferent Arteriole causes …

Decrease in Glomerular Pressure

Decrease in Glomerular Filtration Rate

Decrease in Urine Production

Constricting the Efferent Arteriole causes…

Increase in Glomerular Pressure

Increase in Glomerular Filtration Rate

Increase in Urine Production

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Stimulating Urine Formation






Glomerular capsule


Loop of




g Duct

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Activity 4: Role of the Solute
Gradient on Maximum Urine

In urine formation, solutes and water move
from the lumen to the interstitial spaces

Total solute gradient will effect the
movement of solute and water to these
interstitial spaces

Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)

Increases water permeability in DCT and Collecting Duct

Water flows from high solute conc. into the interstitial

Water is absorbed

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Activity 4 continued

Procedure: Increase the Max. Total Solute
Concentration of the Gradient by 300
milliosmole increments, adding ADH as

What happens to the Urine Concentration
as Total Solute Concentration Gradient
(Conc. Grad) increases?

It increases because ADH causes water to
move out of urine and the more solute there is
the more concentrated the urine

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Activity 5: Effect of Glucose
Carrier Proteins on Glucose

There is a limit to the amount of
glucose reabsorbed because carrier
proteins are needed to move them to
the interstitial fluid

If glucose carriers are being used,
excess glucose is eliminated in urine

Procedure: Increase the glucose carriers
by increments of 100

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Activity 5 continued

What happened to the glucose concentration in urine

as the number of glucose carriers increased?

Glucose concentration in the urine decreased because

the carriers were able to get the glucose across

If there was more glucose than could be transported

by the available number of glucose carrier proteins,

what would happen to the urine?

An increased glucose concentration in the urine

Why do we expect to find glucose in the urine of a

diabetic person?

The lack of insulin causes a high glucose concentration

The glucose can’t all be absorbed because there are

only so many glucose carriers

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Activity 6: Effect of Hormones on
Urine Formation

Excess water = dilute urine

Dehydration = concentrated urine

Hormones control urine concentration

ADH – Produced by Hypothalamus and

Stored in Posterior Pituitary Gland

Increases water permeability

Works at DCT and Collecting Duct

Aldosterone – Produced by Adrenal Gland

Reabsorbs sodium ions and water but loses

potassium ions

Works at the DCT

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Activity 6 Continued

Procedure: Compare a baseline run with one when

Aldosterone is added and one when ADH is added

How are the results different when Aldosterone is


Urine Volume decreases

Sodium and Water are retained

Potassium Conc. increases because it is kicked out

How are the results different when ADH is added?

Urine Concentration increases

Urine Volume decreases

Are the effects of Aldosterone and ADH similar or


Similar (Agonists) - both conserve Sodium and Water






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