Cechy charakterystyczne doskonałej prezentacji

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Cechy charakterystyczne

Cechy charakterystyczne

doskonałej prezentacji.

doskonałej prezentacji.


Mariola Gorczyca

Anna Piekut

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Jakie są cechy dobrej

Jakie są cechy dobrej



 przemyślany plan prezentacji
 prostota
 czytelność slajdów
 czytelność tekstu
 zrozumiałe tezy
 efektywność

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Przemyślany plan

Przemyślany plan



• przygotowanie scenariusza,

szczegółowego planu prezentacji

• wybór, selekcja i opracowanie


• dostosowana do odbiorców

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• przejrzystość
• czytelność
• logiczny i konsekwentny układ
• bez zbędnych ozdobników

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Czytelność slajdów

Czytelność slajdów:

• każdy slajd powinien mieć podobny


• tekst powinien być dobrze widoczny
• kolorystyka i tło mają wspomagać a

nie dominować

• umiar i estetyka
• elementy nie mogą na siebie


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Czytelność tekstu:

Czytelność tekstu:

• duża, czytelna czcionka,

najwyżej 2 rodzaje

• bez zbędnych ozdobników
• unikanie zbyt częstych zmian

wielkości czcionki

• wyrównanie do lewej

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Zrozumiałe tezy:

Zrozumiałe tezy:

• tekst powinien być łatwy do


• czytelne hasła
• krótkie zdania, wyrazy
• brak rozbudowanych akapitów
• unikanie szczegółowych opisów

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• podczas 15min wykładu

słuchacz może zapamiętać
40% informacji


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Efektywność c.d.

Efektywność c.d.

• podczas 45min wykładu

słuchacz może zapamiętać
20% informacji


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Jak przedstawiać

Jak przedstawiać



 należy mówić wyraźnie i


 używać niezbyt złożonych zdań,

dobrego słownictwa

 nie spieszyć się, ale i nie mówić

zbyt wolno

 zmieniać ton głosu

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Jak przedstawić

Jak przedstawić

prezentację? c.d.

prezentację? c.d.

 używać rąk do podkreślenia

swoich wypowiedzi

 być pewnym tego co się mówi
 wiedzieć po co się mówi

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Jak nie powinna

Jak nie powinna





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Pope Benedict

has invited leading Islamic authorities to discuss a

letter they sent to Christian leaders last month urging a search for common
moral ground.
The pontiff's formal reaction was made public yesterday as the Vatican
published his latest encyclical, in which he said atheism had "led to the
greatest forms of cruelty and violations of justice".
Replying to Prince Ghazi of Jordan, who arranged for the letter to be sent to
the Pope, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone said Benedict felt deep appreciation for
the initiative, "for the positive spirit which inspired the text and for the call for
a common commitment to promoting peace".
The original letter, signed by 138 Muslim religious authorities, had invited
Christian representatives "to come together with us on the common essentials
of our two religions", and warned that the survival of the world could be at
stake if they failed.
When the Vatican did not immediately respond, there were fears it might not
wish to take part. But Bertone assured the prince that "we can and therefore
should look to what unites us".
He said the Pope had been "particularly impressed by the attention given in
the letter to the twofold commandment to love God and one's neighbour". He
proposed a joint working group that would include officials from the Vatican
department for inter-religious dialogue.
The Pope's second encyclical dealt primarily with the Christian understanding
of hope. But some passages appeared to be directed at the readers of such
bestsellers as Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion and Christopher Hitchens'
God is Not Great. Benedict acknowledged that atheism had begun as a "type
of moralism", rooted in the idea that a good God could not have made such an
unjust world. But he said a "world which has to create its own justice is a
world without hope".


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Joey Barton has urged Newcastle's angry fans to get
behind the team. Photograph: John Clifton/Action Images
 Joey Barton has described Newcastle United fans as
"vicious" and admitted to being "shocked" by the scale of
abuse meted out to Sam Allardyce and his players during
last Saturday's 3-0 home defeat by Liverpool.

"I have not yet seen the famous crowd I was expecting to hear
get behind us," said the England international, who joined
Newcastle from Manchester City last summer. "Instead it has
been vicious; I don't think I have heard a crowd that vicious.
Last Saturday I was sitting on the bench and after 20 minutes I
had picked up on it. At half-time I was walking down the tunnel
with Peter Crouch and he turned and said, 'I've never heard a
crowd so vicious.' To be honest, it shocked me."
Barton has himself been booed by Newcastle fans since his
move to the club and believes players will start to turn down
transfers to St James' Park if the supporters do not adjust their
"The fans want success and they want it straightaway," he said,
"but unless they change that mentality and start supporting
the side through poor results, then things won't change. It's
the easiest thing in the world to shout a negative comment but
I would like them to just try to be positive. Unless there's a
massive change it's going to be the same for this manager, the
next manager and whoever comes in after that. And if it
continues, when the manager goes for players, they will go
somewhere else rather than jump in the frying pan."
Barton has been urged to tell the truth at all times in his
regular sessions with counsellors helping him with anger
management. As with Roy Keane, such candour does not
always make him popular but, like the Sunderland manager,
Barton often makes sense. Where Chris Mort, Newcastle's
chairman, has taken the view that "the paying customer is
king" and insisted that supporters are within their rights to
vent their spleen at poor performances, Barton disagrees.
"Without people behind you, you can't achieve anything," he
said. "People have talked about a fear factor up here and you
sense it the minute someone gives the ball away and it's
greeted by jeers. You look at the calibre of the players who've
been at Newcastle over the last 10 years and there are a lot of
top, top ones - Patrick Kluivert, Jermaine Jenas and Scott
Parker - who didn't do so well here.

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Nieprawidłowe zastosowanie

Nieczytelna czcionka

Źle dobrana wielkość czcionki, powoduje, że tekst jest niewidoczny z dalszej


Stosowanie w jednym tekście kilku rodzajów

czcionek sprawia, ze odbiorca nie może skupić się
na informacji i jest nieestetyczne.

CzĘsTe ZMianY




nKI wprowadzaJĄ



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Efekty złej prezentacji:

Efekty złej prezentacji:

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