MA dissertation

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Masters dissertation

Topic: The influence of transglutaminase on

texture and colour of meat products

Where: University of Agriculture in Cracow

Department of Meat Products Processing

Superviser : Krzysztof Krzysztoforski, Ph.D.

The aim of the research is to determine the effect of
microbiological-origin transglutaminase on rheological
properties and colour of meat products

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Masters dissertation

 In the research there was analysed the impact of

addition of transglutaminase (TG) preparation to

a meat-fat batter stuffing on texture and colour

of this product

 Amounts of the TGase preparations added are as

follows: 0.15%; 0.30% and 0,45%

 The product variant with no preparation added

constitutes a control sample

 TGase is an enzyme that catalyzes covalent

cross-link formation in different proteins and

provides an important tool for food processing

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Expected results:
•The TGase preparation added to meat
products affects texture characteristics
and consumer acceptability
•The application of transglutaminase
make it possible to use low value raw
materials for producing high quality
meat products

Masters dissertation

Document Outline


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