Literatura ćwiczenia

Literatura ćwiczenia

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Forms of Puritan Literature

Puritan Poetry

Taylor and Bradsteet - unorthodox Puritan poets

Taylor hid his poems, was afraid, it was published 200 years later

Upon A Spider Catching A Fly

by Edward Taylor

allegory - system of metaphors

Fly is weaker than a wasp, it cannot defend itself.

Spider - evil

Fly - damned

wasp - elect

doctrine of predestination

sting - irresistible grace

signs of election: wealth, prosperity,


by Edward Taylor

dominant verb: make

this human is not passive,verb creates space for action

Taylor gives an account of each working part of a spinning wheel,

Taylor creates imagery of election, he asks god to grant him salvation (not necessary by election), he suggests the ways it could be done (different parts of a spinning wheel)

e.g. by reading the bible, loving god; prayers,

Metaphor changes from spinning wheel to the loom

Thine Ordinances make my Fulling Mills. - 10 commandments

Then dy the same in Heavenly Colours Choice, - ready cloth should be dyed - achieve salvation

All pinkt with Varnish't Flowers of Paradise.

Then cloath therewith mine Understanding, Will,

Affections, Judgment, Conscience, Memory;

My Words and Actions, that their shine may fill

My wayes with glory and thee glorify.

Then mine apparell shall display before yee

That I am Cloathd in Holy robes for glory. - give all these things and i'm saved

Meditation Six

by Edward Taylor

Am I thy gold? Or purse, Lord, for thy wealth; - man is compared do gold, purse.

Whether in mine or mint refined for thee? - god is the minter (produces coins) or owner of the mine

I'm counted so, but count me o'er thyself,

Lest gold washt face, and brass in heart I be.

I fear my touchstone touches when I try

Me, and my counted gold too overly.

Am I new minted by thy stamp indeed?

Mine eyes are dim, I cannot clearly see.

Be thou my spectacles that I may read - tell me if I'll be elected

Thine image and inscription stampt on me.

If thy bright image do upon me stand,

I am a golden angel in thy hand [Angel - Eng coin]

Lord, make my soul thy plate: thine image bright - make - key verb, suggesting unorthodox

Within the circle of the same enfoil.

And on its brims in golden letters write

Thy superscription in an holy style.

Then I shall be thy money, thou my hoard:

Let me thy Angel be, be thou my Lord. - association to sth precious

To My Dear and Loving Husband

by Anne Bradstreet

If ever two were one, then surely we.

If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee;

If ever wife was happy in a man,

Compare with me ye women if you can.

I prize thy love more than whole Mines of gold,

Or all the riches that the East doth hold.

My love is such that Rivers cannot quench, - you can quench another person (sugg. erotic)

Nor ought but love from thee, give recompence.

Thy love is such I can no way repay,

The heavens reward thee manifold I pray.

Then while we live, in love let's so persever,

That when we live no more, we may live ever.

tone is v gentle, it displays affection (which is not typical of puritan woman). Glory of human love. It's very personal poem, it celebrates love b/w wife & husband.

Poem is unorthodox, not about puritanical wife, bus as wife as such

Upon the Burning of Our House

by Anne Bradstreet

ubi sunt - where are the snows of previous winter? gdzie są niegdysiejsze śniegi

Before the Birth of One of Her Children

By Anne Bradstreet

she fears for her baby

she's addressing her husband, she's asking her husband to take care of her baby, children

transcience of time

poem starts with a general note, which brings the atmosphere. she's writing this poem to be remembered by her husband.

she's not concerned about her own salvation

2 - 12.11.12

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

Tales of the Crotesque and Arabesque (1814)

an aesthete & a decadent romantic induging in strained emotion for its own sake

The Philosophy of composition - a new theory of the short story & the requirements of a good poem/short story

Poetry is not state of current emotional state, it's carefully designed, planned, it needs to be calculated with mathematical precision. In order to sustain the effect and keep the tension of the story it has to be short enough for the reader to be able to read it at one sitting. Originality is his priority either originality of form or theme (or both)


Poet is sitting alone in darkness, it's December night, tempest, faint light from the fireplace - this creates mystic atmosphere. Tension is being built up 1. it's midnight, 2. rustling of the curtains, 3 uncertainty, 4 knocking.... He's not sure who's behind the door, he's not sure from where knocking comes, he even thinks it's only wind.

When he notices the raven he's not scared, its appearance made him smile. It's kind of anti-climax. Refrain creates some kind of pleasure, it's routine, creates aura of monotony. But he decided to use it in a special way, text of refrain is the same, but in each stanza its application is different

Meanings of 'nevermore'

  1. Lenore will never again appear at his chamber

  2. Speaker will never forget his lover

  3. he's asking for relief - but there will be no relief

  4. Speaker asks for consolation but they are never going to meet again

  5. he will always suffer

  6. bird is going to stay there forever to remind him of his beloved

2 short stories next

the house of...

3 - 19.11.12

The Cask of Amontillado - Edgar Allan Poe

Crime story

key-word: effect, aesthetics

story is about how he did it, crime was to be perfect.

Montresor - french for 'my treasure'

The Fall of House of Usher - Edgar Allan Poe


The Fall of the House of Usher” (Edgar Alan Poe)

5 - 10.12.12

The Scarlet Letter

felix culpa - happy sin

through good deed you can earn your salvation

Z czego mamy egzaminy w tej sesji?






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