0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic
You must fill in the form.

Fill in this form, please.

What's your first name/name?

What's your surname/last name?

My name's ……….

It's Tom in English.

How do you spell your Name/Surname?

How old are you?

I'm twenty-two.

Where are you from?

I'm from Poland/Spain …..

What's your address / post code?

What's your phone number?

0x08 graphic
I'm married/single/divorced

What's your job?

Do you work or are you still at school?

I'm a student now at………...

Where are you staying here in Britain?

I'm staying with an English family.

See you tomorrow.

What nationality are you?

I'm Polish/Spanish …...

Where are you from?

I'm from Cracow/Madrid…..

It's 10 Gold Street, Cracow.

What's your mobile phone number?

What do you do?

0x08 graphic
I'm a shop assistant.

Where do you work?

I work in the centre.

I'm finishing secondary/high school.

I'm going to study medicine/English after school.

Where does your mother/father work?

She works as a teacher.

What's your bank account number?

What's your insurance number?

0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic

0x08 graphic
0x01 graphic

III. Match the questions with the answers.

1. What's your surname? a. 34 Brown Street

2. What's your first name? b. I'm a doctor.

3. Where are you from? c. Yes, I am.

4. What's your job? d. Smith

5. What's your address? e. 44

6. What is your phone number? f. Warsaw, Poland.

7. How old are you? g. 456987

8. Are you married? h. Leo

II. Read the dialogue and fill in the missing words.

SECRETARY - Hello, Mr Kot. Welcome to our Summer English School. Sit down, please. You must fill in this form.


SECRETARY - What's your …………… and your…………………, please?

PETER - Piotr Kot . It' Peter ………….English

SECRETARY - OK, ... Peter. And how do you …………..your surname?

PETER - It's K-o-t.

SECRETARY - Very well. How ………………are you, Mr Kot?

PETER - I'm twenty-two.

SECRETARY - And …………………are you from?

PETER - I'm ……………….Poland.

SECRETARY - Oh! It's a beautiful country. What's your……………………?

PETER - 25 Jasna Street, Warsaw, Poland.

SECRETARY - And your ………………………..number?

PETER - It's 0 48 22 4326532.

SECRETARY - What's your job? Do you work or are you still …………school?

PETER - I'm a student now at Economic University.

SECRETARY - Fine. And where are you staying here in Britain?

PETER - With an English family. Their ………………… 12 North Street, London. They're called the Smiths.

SECRETARY - 12 North………………….., London. Very well. Let me check now. You've chosen ... the Business English course starting tomorrow. Here's the schedule of your classes.

PETER - Thank you.

SECRETARY - See you tomorrow then.

PETER - Bye.

I. Match the halves.

1. post ….. a. phone

2. phone ….. b. code

3. insurance….. c. school

4. bank….. d. name

5. first….. e. account

6. high….. f. number

7. mobile….. g. number


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