test 4a roz 10 12 poziom podstawowy

Test 4a (rozdziały 10-12) Testy powtórzeniowe
poziom podstawowy


1 Przeczytaj poniższe teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią poszczególnych tekstów.

1 Why is Natalie writing to Lisa?

a To tell her friend how she's feeling.

b To ask for some books to read.

c To tell her she can't go to Sara's party.

Hi Lisa,
I hope all is well. I'm in bed. I feel terrible.
I think I've got the flu. I've got a high temperature and a sore throat. I hope you enjoy Sara's party tomorrow. I was upset when she didn't invite me. It doesn't matter now! Let me know how it went. Don't come to my house - you might catch the flu from me. I'll wait to borrow your books until
I get better. I've got plenty to read here. See you in a week or two.
Love Natalie.

2 What is the writer's opinion?

a Teenagers weigh too much.

b Teenagers don't do enough exercise.

c Teenagers worry too much.

What do teenagers worry about? A lot worry about their weight. The problem is that models and actresses are often very thin and teenagers want to look the same. In fact, it is the models who are unhealthy. Our bodies need food. Not junk food but healthy meals. We won't put on weight if we get a lot of exercise and that's one thing that most teenagers need to do more.

A lot of young people just don't have time to go walking or play sports. They should.

2 points


2 16 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Przyporządkuj opisy a-f do osób 1-5. Jeden opis nie pasuje do żadnej osoby.


1 Arthur

2 Olivia

3 Melanie

4 Sandra

5 Eric


a has bought some new sports clothes.

b has won a competition.

c has started doing a new sport.

d has played a sport in a different country.

e is the captain of a sports team.

f has recently lost in a sports competition.

5 points


3a Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Spośród podanych w ramce wyrazów wybierz właściwe uzupełnienie luk 1-3. Trzy wyrazy nie pasują do żadnej luki.

0x08 graphic

My brother is at university. He is studying science and he often has to do 1 ____________
and write about the results of his experiments. He loves doing an experiment and
2 _____________ what happens. The only problem is that he then has to write about it on the computer. Most of his work is about 40 pages long and he has to ³ ____________ it three times. We spend all our money on paper and ink.

3 points

3b Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1-3, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości a, b lub c, tak aby otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.

There aren't 1 __________ buttons on our television. It looks really nice but it's a big problem if you 2 __________ the remote control. You can't do anything. You can't even turn the television on. We keep all our remote controls in a little cupboard next to the television now with lots of batteries. Last year, dad wanted to watch the football but the remote control
3 __________ because the batteries were old. He was really upset.

1 a some b any c no

2 a lose b lost c will lose

3 a hasn't worked b didn't work c won't work

3 points


4 Przeczytaj poniższe mini dialogi. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b lub c wybierz właściwą wypowiedź jednej z osób.

1 X: Hi, Neil.

Y: Hi, Simon. How about playing tennis later?

X: _________________________________

a I'd love to but I'm busy.

b Let me play.

c Yes, please do.

2 X: My grandmother is in hospital.

Y: __________

a Get better soon.

b Don't mention it.

c I'm sorry to hear that.

2 points

Name:…………………………………………………………………………. Score:

0x01 graphic

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/15 points


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