test 1a roz 1 3 poziom podstawowy

Test 1a (rozdziały 1-3) Testy powtórzeniowe
poziom podstawowy


1 Przeczytaj wiadomości tekstowe. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią poszczególnych wiadomości.

1 Why is Tommy writing?

a To find out if he has got a place on the summer camp.

b To find out how his friend would like to be paid.

c To complain about the number of questions asked.

Hi Ed,

I filled in that form you sent for the summer camp. It was really long. Do they really need to know all these personal details about us? Anyway, thanks for sending it and thanks for sending the money for me. Now that I know I've got a place on the camp, I should think about giving it back. Would you like a little each week or shall I wait until I've saved up the whole £200 and give it to you then?

Let me know


2 What is Henry wearing in the photo?

a Glasses and a hat.

b Glasses but not a hat.

c A hat but not glasses.

Hi Sue,

Very exciting news. I got an email from my pen friend Henry and he sent a photo. He's got short dark hair and lovely, dark eyes. I think he usually wears glasses. He needs them for reading but he isn't wearing them in the photo. The only thing wrong is his hat. I think he'd definitely look better without it.



2 points


2 2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań (1-5) są zgodne
z treścią nagrania (T), a które nie (F).

1 The street is often not quite safe.

2 The people he is talking to are parents of children.

3 The speaker doesn't think it would be safe for children to play in the street.

4 The house has one floor only.

5 There is no kitchen furniture in the house yet.

5 points


3 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1-5, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości a, b lub c, tak aby otrzymać logiczny, spójny i poprawny językowo tekst.

I got my exam results last week. My parents 1 __________ very happy because they wanted me to get A's and B's but I got three C's and a D in French. I was quite pleased because my results were better than last term but they weren't 2 _________ for my parents. Now they've told me that I have to have extra French classes. There's a French woman in our street 3 _________ is going to give me lessons.
She's quite old and she 4 __________ be a teacher. Everyone says that her lessons were very difficult but very good. Who knows, maybe even I can learn 5 ___________ French!

1 a weren't b wasn't c haven't been

2 a too good b good enough c very well

3 a who b what c which

4 a would b was c used to

5 a speak b to speak c speaking

5 points


3 Przeczytaj poniższe minidialogi. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą wypowiedź jednej z osób.

1 X: I'm going out with Emily tonight. I asked her out and she said yes!

Y: _____________________________

a Take care.

b Have fun.

c Nice to meet you.

2 X: How's your mum?

Y: _____________________________

a Her name's Anna.

b Oh, she's fine now, thanks.

c She's a very calm person.

3 X: What do you think of Ken's new house?

Y: _____________________________

a I think you're right.

b I think you're joking.

c I think it's really nice.

3 points

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011


/15 points


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