test 3b roz 7 9 poziom rozszerzony

Test 3b (rozdziały 7-9) Testy powtórzeniowe
poziom rozszerzony


1 Przeczytaj informacje o trzech osobach oraz czterech książkach. Przyporządkuj każdej osobie książkę, którą byłaby najbardziej zainteresowana, wpisują litery a-d w kratki
1-3. Jedna książka nie pasuje do żadnej osoby.

1 Jenny

She loves French films although she can't speak French. She isn't interested in Hollywood blockbusters. Her favourite films are romances or dramas.

2 Jim

He loves action films and disaster movies. He isn't very interested in special effects, just a good, exciting storyline and famous actors in the leading roles.

3 Nigel

He is a sci-fi fan. He often goes to the cinema and has lots of DVDs. He doesn't care how good or bad they are as long as the special effects are good. He used to like cartoons but now he's `too old for them'.

a `They Came From Another Place' isn't very good but the special effects and loud soundtrack have helped it to become a big success. The aliens look good but the dialogues are awful and the romance between two main characters is dull.

b `In the Shade' is a film about love in the 1920's in a small film south of Paris. It's
a beautiful film without much action. The unknown actors are all excellent and you can see it dubbed or in the original French with subtitles.

c `The Planet Wars' is one of the most expensive cartoons ever made. Some of the most famous actors and actresses in Hollywood provide the voices and the story is amazing. Interestingly, it is the most popular film ever in France where there is a dubbed version with French actors providing the voices.

d `Follow' is an interesting film which could easily be French or Italian. However, although the style is European, it is an American film with several well-known stars in it. It tells the story of a gang of criminals running from the police and keeps you interested right up to the great ending.

3 points


2 15 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź. Zdecyduj, które z podanych zdań są zgodne
z treścią tekstu (T), a które nie (F).

1 The speaker knew where she was going to stay when she arrived in Berlin.

2 The hotel agency at the station was closed.

3 The speaker and her friend stayed at the fourth hotel they looked at.

4 The speaker met some cool people at the hotel.

5 The speaker didn't know when the left luggage office closed until she got there.

5 points


3 Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w nawiasach fragmenty, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

1 (Czy mogę zapłacić) ________________________credit card, please?

2 (Chciałbym/Chciałabym złożyć) __________________________ a complaint.

3 (Jest 20% obniżki) _________________________ on all clothes this week.

4 (Chciałbym/Chciałabym zarezerwować)
_____________ a room in your hotel.

4 points


4 Napisz e-mail do kolegi/koleżanki zawierający od 50 do 100 słów.

Czekasz na samolot. Napisz e-mail do kolegi/koleżanki, w którym:

opiszesz swoje samopoczucie,

poinformujesz o tym, co robiłeś/robiłaś od momentu przybycia na lotnisko,

zaproponujesz spotkanie po powrocie.












3 points

Name:…………………………………………………………………………. Score:

0x01 graphic

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011


/15 points


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