Jak pisać opowiadania

Jak pisać opowiadania?


Opowiadanie o wypadku na drodze

Last Friday I was going to the seaside with my friends. It was already dark and some of my friends, Agnes and Ryan, had already felt asleep. I was talking with the one who was driving, Mark. I was drinking a can of Cola and he asked me to give him some. I gave him the can but unfortunately it suddenly dropped out of his hand and we skidded. Both of us shouted and others woke up with fear in their eyes. They didn't know what was happening and it was so dark that we were scared to stiff, the more so because we hit something. "Oh my God, we knocked someone over!" shouted Agnes "What will we do now?! What will we do?!" I told her to calm down and said that it might have been the piece of a tree or a stone but she was shocked and didn't want to believe it. We got out of the car and was trying to seek for a person or an animal we had hit. After a while Mark noticed a pushchair in a distance of a few metres and we were convinced that we had killed a baby. While we were running up to it, Agnes fainted and Ryan had to stay to revive her. Mark and I approached the pushchair and... to our relief it was only a pushchair with a doll. It turned out that some girl had left it on the rode and had forgotten to take it home. We knocked on the door of a nearby house and told what had happened. The girl's mother apologized to us for problems and suggested that we stayed overnight and set out on a journey in the morning. We agreed, rested, and continued our journey.

Szklana winda

I had a strange situation last week. I work in New York in the Cosmopolitan. I was just coming back from the office to interview Arkadius, one of the most popular designer in UK. I was in a hurry so I took a lift although I was at the second floor. There was a young woman. Unfortunately someone took a lift from the tenth floor and at first we had to get there. Two people came in, a man who looked like an Italian model, and an old lady. I only had an hour to our appointment so I thought that nevertheless I would get there on time.

Suddenly we stopped at about the seventh floor and the light turned off. The man said it was a power cut. It was the glass elevator so we saw there was no light in the city. The old lady started to panic and said it was the end of the world, she was screaming and repeating the same sentence all the time. The young woman was also scared because she was nine months pregnant and she had just felt the kick of her baby. We thought she was going to give birth. Only the man was calm and told us everything would be OK and that it was probably temporarily. I wanted to believe him because I could not stand moaning of that bigot and I did not know what to do to take birth. Besides, I had to interview Arkadius because he was coming back to Warsaw that night. Fortunately the light turned on, an elevator started working and I managed to meet him on time.

Wielki dzień Chris'a

It all began when Chris saw a TV show in which people were trying to make their dreams come true. Some girls, for example, were a bit plump and unattractive but they wanted to win a contest for the most attractive girl at school. It seemed unbelievable but thanks to their trainers they changed unrecognizably. One day Chris hit up on an idea to take part in it too. He was a kind of a clumsy and tubby boy no girl wanted to talk to. His dream was to win the 2-kilometre run. Quite a tough challenge but he wanted to show others that he also deserves attention. The organizers chose a trainer for him. It was an athletic woman whose job was to train Chris for two months. It was hard to put up with him as he was a real grumbler. He even wanted to give up, but she convinced him to carry on. Chris had a special diet and had to wake up very early. After two months of practising he was exhausted. Now Chris's big day had finally arrived.





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