Progress Test 1 5 tapescript

Track 5

Progress tests Units 1-5, A and B

The first time I went to Rome I loved it. One of my friends had been and he said he'd found it a bit touristy. It's true that the area near the Trevi Fountain was packed with tourists but I didn't mind too much. He also told me to be wary of pickpockets on the underground but luckily I didn't have any problems. I'd planned to see loads of different monuments and exhibitions but for the first few days I just strolled around the streets. Eventually, I worked up the energy to do some proper sight-seeing on my last two days there. Some of the monuments were a bit run-down but I suppose with so many monuments it can't be easy to keep them all in good condition. I haven't the faintest idea about history but I thought the Pantheon and Coliseum were amazing - don't miss them if you ever go to Rome.

Everyone had warned me about the traffic but I thought the congestion was no worse than in other European cities like Madrid or London. I have to admit I didn't think too much of the nightlife though. There didn't seem to be much going on although I did manage to find a nice little nightclub which played some good music.

In general, I didn't think Rome was overpriced, although the hotel was pretty expensive. I got some nice presents in a street market; a handbag for my girlfriend and a hat for my nephew. I tried to haggle for these but failed miserably. The irony was that I could have got the bag cheaper in a department store I went to later that day.

Anyway, I'm so glad I went and I'm planning to go back next year with my girlfriend.

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