Słabe i mocne strony osobowości po angielsku

I'm (imię ). I don't like to talk abort myself, but I hale to write than, because it's my homework.

I think that I'm creative. I very like to drow and write a fantasy story. People can tell that I have a big imagination. Maybe that true.

Unfortunately I'm shy. I fell uncertainty when somebody watching my drawings / arts. (tu nie wiedziałam jak nazwać swe rysunki, swoją twórczość)

I'm friendly. I have many friend.

I've always been a great team player. I've always been very good At planning and detailing all the steps. Excuting a plan Has always come easy for me as well. I believe it's due to proper planning. I'm good At kemping a team together and producing quality work in a team environment.

I'm rational and helpfull. I always help my friends as best I can. I listen and pay close attention to my friends Leeds and I make sure The are more than satisfied.

Unfortunately I tend to submissive. Blindy I do it what people told me even when it's no benefis for me.

I'm not assertive. I'm undecided. I ofeten change my mind.

It's all me.


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