Krotki tekst uzytkowy

Krótki tekst użytkowy

1. Hi Guys,
I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you today. My neighbor asked me to go shopping with her. Can we meet tomorrow at 6 P.M. There's a nice restaurant called “Blue Café” near Long Street, very cosy place with delicious food. I hope you'll have fun,
2. Welcome at my house,
I had to go out and I have to give you some advices about my home, because there are certain rules, so remember:
- Put your clothes into the wardrobe - I don't like mess.
- Always do the washing up after eating
- Eat what you want - I left you my food in the fridge.
- Invite your friends if you want,
3. Hi X,
You weren't at school today so I inform you about the homework we have to do.
We have to make a presentation about a famous person, e.g.
John Paul II - first Polish Pope.
I chose him, because in my opinion he did a lot for the world, e.g. He introduced the reform of the church. What do you think about it?
4. Hi X,

I'm at shopping centre, because I forgot to buy a present for my parents - tomorrow is their wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, I don't have a time to do the shopping.
Can you buy me something to eat? The grocery is open from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. The money is on my bed,
5. Hi Z,
I have to go to my sister and I promised my friend Sara to borrow her some my CD's. Can you give it to her? She is tall and slim, she's got blue eyes and long, curly, brown hair. She'll come at 5. You can find those CD's at my desk. Thanks for help,

6. Hi X,
My friends Zoe is flying from Poland and her plane will land at 3 P.M.
Please, pick her up from the airport, because my lessons are longer than ever and I can't do it She's tall and slim. She has long, brown curly hair and she always wears big green hat. You'll not miss her. Thanks for your help,
7. Hi X,
I was an eyewitness of a robbery. I walked on the street near Blue Café bar and someone was stealing a bag for an old woman. I called to the police and now I have to go to the police station. I don't know when I'll be back. I'll tell you about it later,

8. Hi X,
Sorry but I can't pick you up from the railway station because I must go to work. My sister will wait for you near railway station, in red Volvo. One more thing - please send me your current picture,
9. Hi X,
I think I want to be your friend and I would like to invite you to the cinema this afternoon. We can watch “Dragonball: Evolution” - Japanese anime. Please, go with me. Only 1 hour and 30 minutes, very speed and funny action. I have already reserved two tickets,
10. Hi X,
I've got a flu and I can't visit you next week. My doctor asked me to stay in bed for two weeks and take the pills. I want to visit you in summer. What do you want to do on the holidays? Can we go to the mountains when I'll be healthy?

Milena Ruszczyk, IV TLB/TI


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