Bierna mechanicza doc

Bierna. Causes - powoduje, causing - powodując results in - kończy się, produces - produkuje, is the cause of - jest przyczyną, is the result of - jest rezultatem, is caused by - zpowodowane jest, leads to - prowadzi do. Poor lubrication causes friction. Instability is the result of bad loading. Overloading is cause of structural strain. Efficiency is the result of good management. Heat loss causes a reduction in power. Carelessness leads to accidents. Careful navigation leads to fuel economy. Lack of maintenance leads to breakdowns. The engines reduced speed, causing the ship to slow down. The engines reduced speed, making the ship slow down. The engines reduced speed, slowing the ship down. The engines reduced speed, consequently the ship slowed down. With the tap closed: the piston is driven downwards, causing the flywheel to rotate. The flywheel rotates, making the pin travel downwards. The pin travels downwards, pulling the string. The string is attached to the drum in such a way that it causes the drum to rotate. When the piston travels upwards, the tension on the string is reduced, allowing the drum to return to its original position by means of a spring. Therefore each time the flywheel rotates, it causes the drum to rotate backwards and forwards. The point of a pencil is held against the paper on the drum, making the pencil marks the length of the stroke on the paper each time the drum rotates. Słownik: poor lubrication - słabe smarowanie, reduction in power - redukcja mocy, instability - niestabilny, overloading - nadmierne obciążenie, accidents - wypadek, breakdowns - awaria, heat loss - strata ciepła, good management - dobre zarzadzanie, carelessness - nieostrożność, structural strain - napięcia strukturalne, bad loading - niewłaściwe załadowanie, lack of maintenance - brak konserwacji, raise- podnoscić, zwiększyc, drum - rolka, bęben, spring - sprężyna, control tap - zawór kontrolny, string - linka, pin - korba, flywheel - koło zamachowe, tension - napiecie, engine pressure indicator - wskaźnik ciśnienia w silniku.


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