5. be energeting and enthuastic At all Times
6. be the last to leave work evey day
7 find an experienced person to give you help and advice
8. study for extra qualifications in your free time
Having ambitious
Working hard
Be open to new ideas
1.make - robić
2.get dostać otrzymać
skreslic: progress
3.earn zarabiac
skr: a part to five job
4.do robic
skr: research
5.take brac
Skr: a pension
6.work pracowac
Skr: flexitime
1c, 2e, 3b, 4a, 5e
1 szczeble kariery
2 kroki w karierze lub postępy
3 przerwa w karierze
4 plan kariery
5 szanse w karierze
1.sales and marketing:
sprzedaz I marketing
I like to have contact with other people
2.kierownictwo zarzadzanie:
I like to take control over other people
2 take, 3 make, 4 climb, 5 offer, 6 decide
Single advert - pojedyncze
Current job obecna praca