Shopping in small shops or big ones - what do you prefer?

Add to this an adjacent car park where you can wheel your trolley to your car, load your stuff in to your car boot and leave the bascet or trolley nearby to be collected by the store attendant.

In this way shopping becomes a pleasure instead of a chore.

Supermarkets are convenient because they are self - service and apart from goods we can find there a restaurant, a cafe, and a special place for kids to play while their mother are shopping.

There i also a possiblity to pay by cheque or a credit card and vouchers avcalable.

If something goes wrong with your products, you simply show your recipt and you are given a new one or your money back.
Not to forget about sales and special offers such as "buy one get one free" or "two for the pirce of one" are always found there.

One the other hand shopping in supermarkets can be annoying beckause there is a big choice which can cause confusion.

Why do we lern foreign languages?

The answer to this question seems to be easy, wanting to give a reasonable answer we should think really hard to do so.

There is an unlimited number of answers but let`s concentrate on the most important ones:
First of all, people should learn a language to make friends with people from other countries and a good command of, let`s say, English will enable them to do so.

What`s more, English is the language of the future and the main international language, which is widely spoken. So, if we want to make friends or if we want to be a true European - English will help us.

Besides, nowadays almost everybody has satellite TV and wanting to understand foreign, original films or programmes, we should know at least foreign language.

Secondly, the knowledge of foreign languages is greatly connected with a desire to travel, because if we are able to use any foreign language, we can visit a chosen place alone without an interpreter and do what we want, avoiding being lost.

What`s more, fluency of, for example, English will help us in finding and developing a career, after completing full-time education.

Knowing a foreign language, we can find a good job, become a businessman or even work with computers, as many computer programmes and instruction manuals are written in English.

I think that knowledge of a foreign language is very important, indispensable and useful.

Do you think watching TV is a waste of time?

People spend a lot of time, watching tv programs. It has become a part of life for many people. It is hard to say is the television good or bad because there is many both advantages and disadvantages of it. I will try to mention some of them.

I think, the most important advantage of television is that it is a huge source of informations, knowledge and entertainment. There are plenty of channels with different topics. It provides every kind of information and entertainment: great films, shows, documentaries, science programs, cartoons and so on. You can watch the newest informations from all the world.

Watching television can be also great way to spend a free time.

It can by also good way to spend evening, watching curious films.

From the other hand, there are also many disadvantages on watching television. It become to be very popular and common. Almost everyone has his own tv-set. Their life is depend on tv-schedule.

The whole families watches television eating dinner, sapper, spending their free time in this way. Instead of going to the park, wood, to the lake or for a trip.

I have show only a few features of television. Watching television can give us many positives things like news, entertainment and knowledge but it can by also dangerous.

I watch very rarely television, generally only eating my breakfast or sapper.

I am not interested in informations from the world and I have much better ways to spend my free time... of course if I have it.

Things which money can't buy.

In our world money is very important thing. Without money life could be very difficult. But sometimes people forget that there are things more important. Happy family life, love friends money cannot be bought by us. We need to take care of this, because without it we could be very lonely. Sometimes rich people suffer from depression. They don't have time for pleasure or meeting friends. They don't know if their friends like them for money or not. I would like not to have financial problems in my life but there are lots of others things which are more important for me than money. People save money because nobody knows what will be in future. But when people have a lot of saved money they feel more secure.

Zwyczaje w Polsce.

In my country most people are catholics. Poland is a religious country.

Every sunday families go to churchces.

Poland is famous for it`s exellent cusine which is fat, but very taste.

Main dishes are : dumplings bortsch, saver kraut, noodles with cabbage and may others.

The Polish people love alcohol and very often we drink it too much.

On West we have rather bad reputation because foreigners said that we are thieves.

Young people often go to foreign countries steal in the shops and later sell it in Poland.

But not of all are thieves and alcoholists.

Podaj wady i zalety studiowania daleko od domu:


- First you become more independient, you must look after your flat or room, you have to plan how to spend your money, and how to earn some money for living.

- You must learn how to deal with everyday problems.

- You can meet a lot of people.

- You can go to disco, pubs whenever you want without your parents permission.


- You live far from your familly, from your home town, from your friends. You can miss them very much. You can`t see them everyday and it`s very hard from some people.

- Independents means that you must to deal with everyday problems alone without your parents help.

- Maybe you don`t like the place and people where you are.

Czy wszystkie rzeczy można kupić? Jeśli nie, to które rzeczy nie są na sprzedaż.

I think you can buy a lot things, if you have money, but money isn`t everything.

You can`t buy love or friendship for this you have to work hard yourself, because love and friendship come to you after some time.

You have to be open for a person and you must take care of this feeling.

You must be sensitive, honest and trustworthy and you will be happy.

In the world there are people who have the money, but they can`t find real feeling, true love and best friends.

So if you want to find a love or make friends with sb, you needn`t any money.

Co najbardziej nie podoba ci się w społeczeństwie.

In our polish society I dislike many things for example that people in Poland drink a lot alcohol, teenangers take drugs, a lot of people drive after drinking, the most horrible thing is our rude behaviour.

I school, on TV and sometimes in radio, in music we often meet situations when people used a very dirty words.

Using such words may spoil the beauty of Polish language. A lot of people aren`t friendly and tolerant.

Podaj kilka przykładów dlaczego tak wielu ludzi uważa się za nieszczęśliwych.

People think that they are unhappy, because:

Opowiedz jakie niebezpieczeństwa mogą Cię spotkać gdy wyjeżdżasz za granicę

Powiedz w jaki sposób komputery zmieniły naszą rzeczywistość.

In my opinion the computers replace everything:

All women are born to be mothers. Do you agree?

Most people want their wives to stay at home and take care of children.

This solution could be one of the ways to happiness in men's life.

However women in XXI century prefere education, studies, work and earning money than sitting at home.

Of course there are many advantages to stay women at home.

What do you prefer - books or television. Why?

Watching television has advantages and disadvantages.

Television is a very popular form of entertainment.

It's a good source of information, it brings us a lot of information about events in the world.

It broadens our knowledge and gives many possibilities for example: documentary or nature films.

Watching television is cheap and comfortable.

It can improve foreign languages.

Television is like a drug, everybody can become addicted to it.

It draws us away from active spending of our time, for example: going to the cinema, the theatre or reading good books.

The most popular are serials, TV shows, films and the news.

Advertisements which we can see, give us much information about products.

Often they are just rubbish.

I think, that watching TV has as many pluses as minuses.

I like spending my time in front of my television set.

Should animals be kept in zoos? Discuss

In my opinion wild animals should not be kept in zoos. There are many arguments forward for not keeping animals in captivity. It's not good for them.

As far as I can see there are many reasons against keeping wild animals in zoos.

The first argument is that people can't give, for example, giraffe everything that she have in freedom.

The second is that the animals (and people too) are very unhappy when they are in captivity.
I, personally, am against keeping animals in zoos.

When tiger, who needs run a lot, is in zoo and he doesn't have as big area as in freedom. They need to hunt and while they are in zoos everything for eat they have, they don't have to do anything for get food.

I think that keeping animals in captivity can be reason of not have as many children as in wild area.

Wild animals need very big ground to run, hunt their food.

Pets are only trouble. True or false?

Nowadays lots of people have got a pet. What decides about buying a pet or not?

In my opinion the thing is that the society feels lonely.

Chasing money takes a lot of time.

That is why we fewer arrange meetings, get to know new people, fall in love, etc.

Happily we have our pet, who is always at home, waiting for us, whom we can stroke or play with whenever we want.

Unfortunately, a pet usually means also disadvantages.

Take as an example a dog. Actually it is one of our best friends, but he needs care.

Everyday he needs to be fed and taken out.

Moreover having a dog enlarges our expenses. But for those three things we have something else, something much better - friendship that is between a human and a animal.

That gives lots of benefits, like having a friend who will never disappoint you, who will always take care about you and your home.

On the other hand, there are some people who buy extreme animals, as an example - a spider.

In that case we cannot talk about loneliness of the owner, but rather about his interests.

Surely one cannot stroke it or snuggle up to it.

What are the advantages of that animal?

In my opinion only the sight and courage.

The biggest disadvantage of having that kind of animal is that when it accidentally escapes, it may beat someone and sometimes even kill.
Summarizing, having a pet gives more benefits than inconveniences. We feel better, safer and what is the most important we are not as lonely as we used to be.

“Travel broadens the mind.” Do you agree?
At the beginning, I would like to say that travelling is becoming more and more popular nowdays. People travel during holidays more frequently then before, but also because of their jobs: many businessman, politicians, journalists have to go from one country to another.

In my opinion, travelling influences our knowledge about the world. Every journey makes us smarter and more experienced.

Moreover, we learn how to behave in many different situations. We have chance to discover new cultures, and after that, we can compare it with our customs and draw intelligent conclusions. When we go to some exotic places, we may admire the beauty which we have never seen before.

Travelling helps us to improve foreign languages.

What's more every journey or trip gives us the possibility to see different, original architecture, cuisine and even beauty of nature.

When you travel abroad you are able to find out how other people realise their plans and ambitions.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages of travelling.

For instance, sometimes you have to face some unpleasant, difficult situations, but I hope that it makes us stronger and eager to make ourselves better.

Considering all the above, when we will be abroad, or even in other parts of our country, we should admire how beautiful and wonderful the world is, and we ought to save in our memory as much as we can, because travelling really broadens our minds.

Public figures have no private life. Discuss.

Being a famous person-it must be a great experience.

This feeling inside when you know that most of people like you, that your fans want to touch you, kiss, hug-you are God for them-WOW.

Firstly the celebrities have a lot of money, which they earn in a simple way.

They can do whatever they want.

Also you don't have to worry about your money, your future, your outward appearance, coz you've got the best clothes, cosmetics, hairdressers.

Being a famous has also disadvantages.

Although you are living in stress, coz anytime somebody wand's to see you die, you can have also enemies.

More over you can't go alone for example to the shop, always with bodyguards.

You don't have privacy, paparazzi are looking at you for all the time, so you can't go on the street without make-up, coz in the next day your picture will be in the magazine with headline -“SHE IS UGLY”-what a shame!

It's my wish to be famous some day, coz in this “job' I see more advantages then disadvantages.

Discus some most common problems of young people.

Youth is a time when you can decide about your future life.

You can choose way for your life and it can be good or bad.

You can prepare your life to live with loving wife and family or you can become unhappy person or even a criminal.

Many people say that it is very good because you can decide yourself what way you want to choose, but I think that young people sometimes do not know what to choose and what is evil - that's why they often take drugs and abuse alcohol.
Many people think that being a teenager is some very good thing - you do not have to carry about most things and you can do with your life whatever you want, but it is not as nice as they think.

Young people have to learn a lot - if they want to have a good job in their's future.

They stay about 8 hours at the school and they must also learn a lot at home.

When you are young generally you live with parents so you do not have to carry about many things - you leave it them. You often get pocket money and you can buy something for yourself.

Why do people need friendship?
To start with, friendship is the greatest value in our life. People need friends because each of us want to have someone trusted, loyal, devoted, disinterested, sincere and faithful. Someone we can count on and who will always help us with problems.
What is more, we need someone who will hera us und understand.

Someone who is similar to us. People want to see themselves in their friends. Someone with similar problems and intersects.
We feel lonely, unnecessary and worthless without friends.

I consider that we need friends because we believe that fiend is someone who will stay with us when other people will leave.
Furthermore, the best way of starting a friendship are common interests. We can find our future friends where we stay; for example in the cinema or in the coffee-shops.

When we want someone to become our friend we should show him/her our sympathy.

What is more, we can also support him/her and prove that he/she can count on us in every situation. After that we can start to build a real friendship...
And then friendship must be cherished to become stronger and stronger, it must be "planted like a seed".
Moreover we should never let our friends down when they count on us or otherwise we may destroy our close relationship with them.
Taking everything into account, I would like to say that a friend in need is a friend indeed" - according to this old saying a good friend should always help us with difficulties and raise our spirits when we are down. That is what friends are for....

Cigarettes and alcohol should be banned.

Drinking alcohol is something like ritual.

People drink this for a good fun - it is safe drinking.

Dangerous Is when somebody drink alcohol because must - they became an alcoholic.

I think that it isn't good or bad, it's between.

Some people drink to have different view on world or life, it is twisted picture but sometimes very colourful.

In Poland we have many occasions to drink, when we haven't occasion it's mean that we have.

Alcohol is not a drug. It is medicine for bad world, it's escape from boring existence - in restraint.

I think that drinking alcohol is the way to change awareness, but in other side it is distractive for brain.

The first point I want to make is that smoking destroy human's health.

People who smoke are much endangered to have a cancer, the inflammation of larynx and heart's disease.

Cigarettes damage also lungs of the smoker, and make his teeth yellow.

Moreover it has a bad influence on skin and hair.

Although we know that smokers destroy their health it is impossible to forbid them to smoke. In fact, it is their own problem.

On the other hand, many people like smoking, during drinking beer or talking in pubs or restaurant.

Most of them have to smoke because of their addiction.

If smoking was forbidden, it would be restriction of smokers' freedom.

In addition people would give up visiting places where smoking is banned.

Thus the owners of these locals would be in financial trouble.

How can we make our city more environmentally friendly?

Imagine our city with no pollution, and with no smoke (like this from PKN Orlen...) instead of clouds. Visualize yourself walking down the street and breathing in with a cool fresh air... enjoying it... Isn't that dream worth to come true? Of course it is. We can make this idea a real thing. We only must make our cities less polluted...

The first thing we or actually the government should do, is to improve public transport. Then the citizens won't use their cars so often, and air would be cleaner. And if that happens we'll all be happier.

The authorities should also create more parks, plant more trees or make green areas, so people, and not only them, would have more oxygen. Than of course the pollution will be decreased.

Another big problem in our city is the litter laying on the streets. To stop this the authorities should organize more bins, because the number of them is pretty low. Also the recycling metods should be proposed.

All in all, there are many things we and the government shall do to make our city more cleaner, less polluted. There's still time to make the dream of such a environmentally friendly city come true.

If this happens, we shall be proud to live in a place which respects the nature and which government supports the idea to make world a better place to live. Not only for a mankind, but for life at all. For nature to remain as it was before.

Qualities of a good friend - discuss.

What kind of person would I be, if I didn't have my friends? Those people play very important role in my life, and I consider myself as lucky to have them, to spend time with
them. But not every person I can call my friend. Why? I have my expectations and I choose only those who seem to be worth my friendship.

But I hadn't always been like that. I have been learning, since I was a child whom I can trust.
There are several different characteristics:

First one is a person with sense of humor. In the beginning he or she may seem as a great companion - never being sad, always looking at the bright side of life. But on the other hand, when you are feeling blue, will that person understand you? Will he or she share your worries? More likely she'll say to not waste such a beautiful day on a bad mood, or to keep smiling, etc. Is that what you want to hear on a moment like that? I would rather spend time with someone who gives me a hug and is willing to listen to me.

Second type is an intelligent person. That is a very good companion if you like to talk a lot. Most likely he or she likes it as well. Furthermore it is probably a good way for you to learn something new. And there will be someone to explain you many complicated issues. But do you really need a friend who is close to get a Nobel Prize? Would that kind of person fully understand your needs?

The final type of personality is a reliable person. At the beginning is very often shy, but when the time goes bye, he or she opens herself and shows the great nature. That person has ability to listen and to give wise advises, and what is the most important is trustworthy. You can tell him or her everything, and then not thing if all community knows what is going on with you.

After introducing various types of people personality the answer is clear. Reliability is what we want to find in others. But even more important is to try finding it in us.

What is more important. Career of family life.

Everybody knows that family is one of the most important things in the world. Our family help us to solve many problems, it gives us love and safety. But sometimes we have to choose between a family life and career, which gives us money, satisfaction and an important position in the society. We don't know what to do: make career or sacrifice for our family.
When people are very young and have good qualifications, ambitions, they often want to be successful in their jobs, they want to earn much money and get promoted more frequently. A lot of them don't have enough time to meet someone special and to meet his/her family. They often don't remember about mothers and fathers, who wait for a letter or phone call from them. It may be the cause of quarrels in family and losing their private life.

Another problem is when a man in middle age has to decide if he wants to be promoted and suffer from lack of time connected with meeting family more rarely but also with earning much money, or if he wants to resign from the career and devote themselves to their families. And there are some different situations: if he has wife and children I think that he won't choose career, because it may be cause of many problems and destroy his family. But if he is single he has a chance to change his life: many people think that money gives us happiness and career gives us self-complacency and helps us to relieve stress. For many people work is real challenge. Women also have to choose between career and family life: in our society there is the stereotype of women who bring up children and work at home, so often women, who have children, stay at home and resign from work for some years.

We have to answer the question: what is the role of a family in our life? Most of us claim that family is very important in our life. It gives us a sense of safety, helps in difficult situations in our life, makes us not feel lonely. We can always rely on our family. Happy family and working for its support is the main aim-cell in everyone's life.

Summing up, I wouldn't like to be made to choose between career and family but if I had to choose I would try to combine these things if possible. I think we should remember that not only money gives happiness. Family gives me love and friendship - it's most important in my life and I wouldn't like to lose it.

to be made to choose - być zmuszonym do wybierania
self-complacency - zadowolenie z samego siebie
effect - powodować
rely - polegać
aim-cel - nadrzędny cel
position - pozycja
the role of sth - funkcja, rola czegoś

Good and bad effects of watching TV.
From my point of view, television exemplifies unlimited source of various news and knowledge showing aspects of our lives .

As many people know, we can divide watching TV to situations when it is useful and helpful for us and unfortunately harmful. I will start from good points.

I can only say, that I usually derive beficial information from this kind of mass media. Some programmes really deserve our attention.

The good point of TV is constant expansion ot possibilites of watching TV.

Within a space of year digital TV has appeared.

It brought more interactive functions, so we are capable of interefering in action, doesn't it sound good? Now you do not have to be a passive viewer - at last . Of course , only in a specific dimension , now .

It is clear that we have to pay for these extra options , but it should not be a hindrance.We ought not to forget that TV has an extraordinary level .

For example : If you dream of journey around the world to see many countries with a lot of attractions , I suggest taking your remote control and press an appropriate button . After this you move into exotic beauty .

You can watch animals and the greatest monuments , let's see ( National Geographic Channel ? ) . It will take you wherever you want to go . But if you have enough money , throw away your TV-SET , and take a plane tovisit these places .

I do not want to write it (As far as I am concerned TV is my ally) , but I have to enumerate bad points of TV . It is really necessary , even though a few people worry about it . So what do we have here ... ?

To begin with , we should mention problems caused by unsuitable programmes especially for children (also X-rated , huh , huh) . I think that parents have to supervise children's TV watching , because when they grow up , they are incredibly susceptible to everything wich surrounds them . As a result of that , they can get into addiction (by the way , do you remember Robert Palmer's song “ You are addicted to Love “ ? , I am sure it a good addiction) . Instead of having eyes glued to the TV screen , they should play in the open air .

In my summary I would like to add , that nowadays TV is indispensable . I foresee that by the year 2010 will have been one way nearby (Mobile Internet - WAP or some stuff form UMTS) to communicate with people , so it is awesome , isn't it !?

Why should we learn foreign languages?

Let`s ask yourself a question: should people learn foreign languages? Although the answer to this question seems to be easy, wanting to give a reasonable answer we should think really hard to do so. There is an unlimited number of answers but let`s concentrate on the most important ones:

First of all, people should learn a language to make friends with people from other countries and a good command of, let`s say, English will enable them to do so.

What`s more, English is the language of the future and the main international language, which is widely spoken. So, if we want to make friends or if we want to be a true European - English will help us.

Besides, nowadays almost everybody has satellite TV and wanting to understand foreign, original films or programmes, we should know at least foreign language.

Secondly, the knowledge of foreign languages is greatly connected with a desire to travel, because if we are able to use any foreign language, we can visit a chosen place alone without an interpreter and do what we want, avoiding being lost.

Even Francis Bacon believed that ``Travel, in the younger sort /of people/, is a part of education; in the elder /sort, it`s/, a part of experience`.

So, for instance, knowing a foreign language we can study abroad, visit any part of the world and what`s the most important, we will be independent.
What`s more, fluency of, for example, English will help us in finding and developing a career, after completing full-time education.

Knowing a foreign language, we can find a good job, become a businessman or even work with computers, as many computer programmes and instruction manuals are written in English.

Besides, highly skilled young people who are fluent in English will be in great demand in the future, as Poland increases its trade with Western countries /which it must do to gain economic prosperity/.
There`s no doubt that, there are a lot of foreign goods in Polish shops and if we don`t know at least English or German we won`t be able to read what we buy and how to use something we`ve just bought.
Additionally, everyone who runs his private business and want to be in touch with highly developed foreign firms, should know a foreign language.

Therefore, knowledge of a foreign language is very important, indispensable and useful. We should only remember that everything is up to us.

If we want to be close to the whole world, gain high position, eg. in our job, we should know a foreign language, which is undoubtedly, a job-finding and career-building factor.

Money - how important is it?
Money is the power, power is the money ..... We all know that people from our century are trying to get more and more money ..... Money became people's aim in life ......

We live in a materialistic society. People want to possess as much as possible and only have the best .If we buy a TV-set ,the neighbour immediately buys a better one.

If we buy a car, the neighbour decides to buy a more expensive one or even two cars : one for himself and another one for someone from the family.

If we buy a cottage over the lake, our friends look for the same. This is commonly known in England as „ Keeping up with the Jones's”.

And so the frantic race goes on. We want to choose better things than our friends ,send our children to better schools and give them everything better. Our children must have the same as our neighbours in order to obtain the best education and better jobs. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between the Jones's syndrome and snobbishness!

It is only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the chase for money .The money is spent on consumer goods ,namely clothes, cosmetics , cars ,tools, computers, food, houses etc.

People do not have time to enjoy these things when they are already thinking of their replacement with a later model. They completely lose their sense of values. They think that if they possess more their dignity is raised. Only in old age or when dying do they see how precarious a balance based only on possessions is. They regret they have to leave all these valuable things, and it is hard for them to die.

In poor societies people enjoy life. They smile sincerely at every stranger, invite him home, share their joys and sorrows in simple conversations. Their open houses are provided with the ordinary necessary things which they do not have to guard night and day. They know that the richer you are, the more greedy you are.
But the great problem of the contemporary world is how to share all those things. There are people in America who think of buying a private helicopter, and there are people in Nigeria who starve to death. The truth is the rich will never understand poor.

In my opinion money is necessary. We need to have some money for food, clothes and other things, but when we have to much money we do not know what to do with it. Most people spend their lifes on making money.
They want to possess money no to spend them. Only to have a lot of money. But what the money really are?
Their are only a piece of paper if we do not need them to survive.
The worst is that the one person can kill another for money.

But lets look into the past. Many years ago people did not have money. They could live without it. Their were exchanging good which they had to many for others which they did not have. It had its advantages and disadvantages.
Personally I think that I gave some evidence that money are people's aim in life.


This is the act of violence against private citizens, society and nations involving casualties or even death of innocent people. It is difficult to understand why do they do it? The answer is because they can't see other ways of solving their problems and because they don't want to know it won't help at all.

The world is not just. There are rich powerful countries which dominate the world and there are little, unimportant countries, usually very poor. Some people from these little poor countries don't agree with their destiny and they start to fight. This is an act of blind despair. They have nothing to lose but their lives but they don't mind. Some terrorists live in Western Europe or the United States but they come from these poor countries. The majority of them are Islam religion. The world has not heard about suicide terrorists since the Japanese kamikaze pilots in the World War II. The western civilisation cannot understand such acts of despair.

But even in such rich countries like the Unites States there are a lot of people who live on the verge of poverty. The world has never been just and will never be. We cannot usually have everything we want. The world is such and nobody will change it.

Terrorism has always been but not only did we realize the threat of terrorism when the World Trade Center twin towers were hit by two passenger planes on September 11,2001. The world could see that the most powerful country, with the most powerful army, spending huge amounts of money on weapons, country that has two organisations like CIA and FBI, is in fact venerable for act of terror.

Terrorists found a new way- suicide-bombing, plane crashing. They no longer shoot politicians.
The can be replaced with new ones. Much more impressive is killing innocent people who never saw them or heard about them.

The latest example of war against terror is Israel's war against Palestinians. Palestinians have shot and planted bombs m shopping centres, blown up cars and buses full of innocent people for many years. Sharon, the president of Israel, decided they've had enough of it. They invaded Palestinians and imprisoned Palestinian leader Arafat. Israel followed the same way like the United States that invaded Afghanistan where Osama-bin Laden, a leading terrorist who was responsible for WCT destruction, was supposed to have his terrorist network and training bases.

This doesn't help much. The war made thousands of people suffering and homeless. But we can still see acts of terror. Let's take for example the shoe bomber. The man who was flying to America had bombs in his shoe soles. The world is gradually sliding to the verge of destruction. What is the next step? Bio-terrorism or nuclear terrorism, terrorist may use the weapon of mass destruction any time. The number of victims will be tremendous. What can we do? We should be watchful and help fight possible acts of terror. We should follow the passengers of the plane who captured the shoe-bomber and prevented explosion. They saved their lives.



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