081118 NR 626 Panjsher PRT receives new commander doc

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081118-NR-626-Panjsher PRT receives new commander

International Security Assistance Force - Afghanistan

Committed to the security, reconstruction and extension of governance in Afghanistan


Panjsher PRT receives new commander

KABUL, Afghanistan (November 18) — ISAF's Panjsher Provincial Reconstruction Team received a new commander during a ceremony held at a communication center near the governor's compound in Panjsher province Nov. 16.

Lieutenant Colonel Russell Kaskel, the outgoing commander, relinquished command to Lieutenant Colonel Mark Stratton, who will command his team for its nine-month deployment.

Brigadier General James Holmes, commander of the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing; Colonel Scott Spellmon, Task Force Warrior commander; Haji Bahlol, governor of Panjsher; and other Afghan officials attended the ceremony.

Bahlol, Spellmon and members of the outgoing PRT received accolades from Kaskel.

“It is inspiring to see the new team standing together with Afghan partners as a testament to our partnership for security and governance,” Kaskel said.

The incoming commander addressed the provincial leaders and local Afghans.

“My team and I are truly honoured to serve here in Panjsher, where provincial governance is strong and the security and stability is provided for by the local population itself,” Stratton said. “I believe Panjsher will continue to be a model province in Afghanistan, and I look forward to the opportunities ahead.”


PANJSHER PROVINCE, Afghanistan — Lieutenant Colonel Mark Stratton and First Sergeant Jason Fritz stand outside a communication center in Panjsher Valley during a transfer of authority ceremony Nov. 16. Stratton is the new commander of ISAF Panjsher Provincial Reconstruction Team. (ISAF photo)

Notes for Editors:

1. More information on the International Security Assistance Force can be found here <http://www.nato.int/isaf>

2. The latest broadcast quality video imagery of ISAF operations can be downloaded here <http://www.dvidshub.net/?script=general/general_search.php&table=video&query=isaf&type=>

3. The latest High Resolution stills can be downloaded for news purposes here <http://www.flickr.com/photos/29456680@N06/>

Issued by Headquarters ISAF Public Affairs Office ◦ E-mail: pressoffice@hq.isaf.nato.int

Telephone: 00 93 (0) 799 51 1155 ◦ Mobile: 00 93 (0) 799 55 8291


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